68. Realization
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In the dead of night, Bruno slipped out of his bed and tiptoed towards the door. With utmost care, he pressed the handle and gingerly pushed, creating a narrow crack to peer through. His eyes immediately fell upon the familiar maid who had attended to him earlier, during the times of his weakness caused by the ruthless work regime he pushed himself to undergo. Even from that angle, he caught a glimpse of her two dark braids, but what truly confirmed her identity was the sight of her sitting in a chair, diligently knitting.

Emboldened by the recognition, Bruno pushed the door with greater confidence and stepped into the corridor. He turned his gaze towards the girl, making sure to display surprise. She also noticed him, responding with a warm smile.

"I can't sleep," the boy explained.

"Me too," the girl obviously lied.

He wasn't sure why she chose to fib, considering it was quite evident that he was being observed, but she uttered the words nonetheless.

"Would you like some tea, maybe?" she asked almost immediately. "It always works for me."

Bruno hesitated for a second, perhaps two, then nodded.

"A tea would be nice," he agreed.

The maid placed her knitting on the floor and departed, clearly making her way toward the stairs. The boy watched her for a considerable moment until she vanished, listening attentively until her footsteps faded away—ensuring he was truly alone.

That moment signaled him to approach the laboratory door. Double-checking for any signs of intrusion, he drew nearer. He closed his eyes, his hands gliding over the intricate silver symbols, observing the patterns of magic once more.

This was the final hurdle, the key to everything, the puzzle he needed to solve. He held the image in his mind, yet he continued to search for anything that might have eluded him, knowing there was no other way around it.

His hopes were soon crushed. He discovered nothing new, and in that instant, the truth struck him like a thunderbolt. The shock was so overwhelming that he took a few steps back, finding himself unintentionally seated in the very chair the maid had vacated.

There was never a chance for him to open that damn door. He didn’t have the knowledge he needed to accomplish it, which combined with the old man as his sole repository of information about magic, made it impossible. By denying Bruno the right pieces, the tools required to overcome this obstacle, it remained out of reach.

Even the accursed maid, stationed outside his room, served as proof. She wasn't there to prevent the boy from approaching the stone slab adorned with silver symbols; her presence ensured he wouldn't attempt an escape and inadvertently meet his demise due to the collar.

It was crystal clear, glaringly evident, though he had stubbornly refused to acknowledge it for so long.

"Fuck," he growled, slamming his fist onto the chair's armrest. ‘That's why he never forbade me from attempting to reach that damn laboratory,’ he pondered silently. ‘It was a distraction, a lure meant to ensnare me, knowing full well I would take the bait. I would become obsessed, wasting my time on an unattainable goal, and keep away from causing him real trouble.’

He sank deep into his thoughts, analyzing the past, recalling his lessons with Mamun, and every other encounter with the old man.

‘He needs me. He doesn't want me dead. He nurtures me because he desires my body for himself, just as he seeks Hallel's body for Arabel. That's why he postponed his plans of fixing the kingdom or whatever scheme he's concocting. He's desperate to prevent my demise because he wants to use me as a vessel.’

"Here," a voice suddenly reached him from the side, interrupting his stream of thoughts.

It was the maid, holding a cup of tea in her hands.

It was an exquisite piece of pottery, white with delicate blue decorations, simple yet captivating. It was the kind of cup Bruno wouldn't mind using if he was wealthy. The liquid inside, a pale caramel hue, indicated the tea had been diluted, perhaps to induce relaxation rather than further awaken him.

She caught him off guard, and for a brief moment, he didn't know how to react. There was even a fleeting instance when she became the target of his anger, but Bruno swiftly regained composure and offered a smile.

"Forgive me, I was lost in my thoughts, to the point of forgetting about the tea. I didn't even notice you approaching," he chuckled, accepting the cup from the girl.

"It's alright," she responded. "I'm here to serve, after all."

‘She knows,’ a thought struck him. ‘Perhaps they all know, and I'm the only fool here.’ The realization almost provoked laughter, but as despair took hold, anger overcame him. ‘I won't give up. I'll win, or I'll make him lose. Those are the only two options.’

"Since I can't sleep anyway, I think I'll get to work. At least then I won't be wasting my time," he declared to the maid, a smile adorning his face. With the cup still in hand, he headed towards the laboratory, leaving the chair vacant for her to reclaim.

Inside the room, he placed the tea on the table and initially stared at the equipment, still immersed in his thoughts. It was an automatic action, as his focus remained fixed on finding a way out of the predicament.

‘How do I solve this unsolvable puzzle? How do I overcome something I can’t overcome?’

Then, like a lightning strike, it hit him. The answer was deceptively simple, right before his eyes all along. He had merely chosen to ignore it. A smile spread across his face, and it was a struggle to suppress the laughter that rose from his throat. He had to steady himself, gripping the table for support as his legs weakened under the weight of the sudden realization.

"Get a hold of yourself," he muttered, the words escaping in a low growl. "There is much to be done and little time to work with."

With those words, he cast a quick glance at the ingredients present in the room. Mentally composing a list, he even ventured outside into the corridor, surprising the maid, as he surveyed the stored supplies. Returning to the room and closing the door behind him, he nodded slowly, his mind shifting gears, accelerating to its full potential. The pieces fell into place, and the path ahead became clear.

Bruno began his work.