75. Master Of Shadows And His Match
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The only window of opportunity to escape the ancient tunnels under Meshek was at night. During the day, the risks were too great for the three men trapped underground. After searching for the best opportunity for a few days, they couldn't afford to wait any longer.

With their dwindling food supply, a decision was made without complaint. Guided by Mamadou, they navigated the dark alleys, gradually moving away from the harbor and closer to the towering structure that was the tower. It stood tall and prominent, easily visible amidst the cityscape.

The night was favorable for their mission, with faint moonlight peeking through the clouds. Most of the illumination came from torches carried by the guards, especially in the docks area. However, the shadows cast by buildings and other obstructions provided ample dark corners for the three men to hide in as they stealthily approached their destination.

Finally, they reached an alley where they could conceal themselves without fear of being spotted.

"I'm gonna scout ahead," Mamadou informed them. "There's an open space around the wall encircling the tower, so there won't be any cover. We need to make sure nobody is nearby before we proceed."

Neither of the boys questioned his decision, and the former assassin swiftly disappeared into the night. They waited patiently and silently, their senses heightened, until Mamadou returned sooner than expected.

"There are guards stationed near the gate," he explained. "We can't enter through there. I also spotted two more guards patrolling along the wall."

"Do you think we can climb over? Is there a good spot anywhere?" Bruno asked.

"If we're fast enough, then yes. But the two of you aren't particularly swift. So either I go in alone, or we create a distraction. Otherwise, at least one of you will be caught, and that will jeopardize us all," Mamadou laid out the options.

"What if only the two of you go? I can stay here. I'm the slowest right now anyway," Javohir proposed.

"No," Bruno interjected firmly. "Mamadou should go alone. There are guards both outside and potentially inside the wall. We can't assess the situation, and we might only hinder him. If anyone can pull this off, it's Mamadou and Mamadou alone. We would only be a burden."

"Then what?" The teacher inquired. "Do I simply tell Vere everything?"

"No. Bring him out to us, right here. I need to speak with him face to face. I witnessed everything with my own eyes and heard it from the archmage's own mouth. I'm confident I can convince him," Bruno explained his plan.

Mamadou nodded, his gaze shifting to Javohir, seeking his agreement. The wounded boy nodded in return, signaling their collective decision. With that, the former assassin once again melted into the shadows, disappearing from view.

Javohir asked, averting his gaze, "What now? Do we just wait?" Eventually, his eyes met Bruno's, awaiting an answer.

"Yes, and we remain silent. If something goes wrong, at least we will be able to hear it," the young alchemist replied.

And so, the two fell into silence, their senses heightened as they listened intently for any signs of disturbance, while Mamadou moved swiftly and silently from one shadow to another.

His movements were quick, composed, and soundless. He exuded confidence in each step, each calculated advance he made.

In no time, he found himself in an optimal position to breach the wall. Now, all he needed was the perfect moment to strike. The timing was crucial, especially if there were additional guards on the other side as Bruno had warned. Mamadou had to secure some time for an eventual reaction.

Finally, the opportune moment presented itself, and the former assassin seized it by charging at the wall. Despite his impressive speed, his footfalls produced minimal noise. Leaping forward, he grabbed hold of the wall's edge. Instead of immediately hoisting himself up, he peered over cautiously, assessing the situation below.

More guards were present, but fortunately, they seemed engrossed in their conversation, paying little attention to their surroundings as they sat on a few crates belonging to a larger stock gathered near the entrance to the tower. It was a glimmer of hope amidst their increasingly dire circumstances.

With a final burst of strength, Mamadou pulled himself up and swiftly moved across the top of the wall, hunched over to minimize his silhouette. His only concern now was the second group of guards patrolling the premises. Charging straight at them meant he had to be lightning fast.

His eyes darted through the darkness, searching for any signs of their approach, while keeping a vigilant eye on the guards engrossed in their discussion. Suddenly, his left eye caught sight of the approaching duo. Without a moment's hesitation, he leaped to his right, rolling on the ground to reduce his speed and minimize any noise.

He tumbled once, halting on one knee, and without missing a beat, he continued forward, crouching low as his eyes remained fixed on the seated guards.

"I'm telling you, something is going on," one of them voiced.

"Why? Just because we're not chasing some brat around the city?" another retorted.

"I'm telling you. They think this kid is going to burn the princess tower next," the third guard chimed in.

"It's probably just an accident. The kid dropped a candle or something, and then the flames spread. He panicked and ran. Now we're left to clean up the mess because a bunch of idiots overreacted," argued the second guard.

"They wouldn't overreact like that. I'm telling you, something is going on. They fear for the princess," the first guard persisted.

Mamadou moved stealthily, exploiting the thickest shadows next to the wall, sneaking past the guards and gradually closing in on a point where their line of sight would be obscured by the tower. Upon reaching this vantage point, he retrieved two knives from his belt and began scaling the wall, skillfully finding footholds even where there appeared to be none, and where he couldn’t find anything, he used the knives.

Carefully distributing his weight to avoid snapping the blades, Mamadou ascended the wall with ease, utilizing his experience to his advantage. However, his real challenge lay in finding a suitable window to enter. The only one visible was located at the very top, in the room where the princess resided. It was a risky path, but it was the only viable option available to him.

Circling around the tower, keeping a watchful eye on the guards patrolling higher up on the wall, Mamadou sought a different entry point. Eventually, he spotted a window situated much lower—a kitchen window. Without hesitation, he chose it as his target.

In a matter of moments, he slipped through and tiptoed silently, inching his way toward the staircase. With utmost caution, he arrived at the entrance to the kitchen, only to encounter a looming figure in the darkness.

Vere, the princess's guard, seized Mamadou, swiftly brandishing a knife and lunging at him with the intent to strike his face. Reacting swiftly, the former assassin drew one of his own knives, just managing to fend off the attack as he struggled against the imposing force of the guard. They toppled to the ground, the clash of their blades echoing faintly in the air as they rolled, eventually breaking off and quickly getting back to their feet.

"I'm here with important information," Mamadou spoke through gritted teeth, his voice laced with urgency.

His words failed to sway Vere, who remained unyielding, his blade still poised for action. In response, Mamadou decided to drop his own weapon.

"The princess is in danger. The entire royal family is," the former assassin revealed. "Bruno has uncovered Mamun's plan."

The mention of the archmage's name changed the game. Vere stepped back, straightening himself while still keeping his blade trained on the intruder.

"Speak," he commanded tersely.

Mamadou remained motionless, only his lips were moving.

"The boy is waiting outside. He wants to tell you everything himself. He knows what happened to the princess, to her head. He knows Mamun's plan," he explained.

"Does he have any proof?" Vere inquired.

"He is the proof. He escaped from the archmage's estate," Mamadou responded. „He saw it all, and his story will freeze the blood in your veins. You know me, I wouldn’t lie about this.”

"I'm not leaving you here, in the tower," the tall man declared, approaching the former assassin. He then bragged his shoulder and effortlessly turned him around.

Mamadou offered no resistance.