76. The Plan
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The wait was excruciating, an agonizing stillness that pervaded the surroundings. The only activity consisted of the guards in their separate groups, patrolling the property, occasionally pausing to engage in brief conversations with the two sentries stationed at the entrance.

Bruno managed to maintain his composure, but Javohir grew increasingly restless with each passing moment. He couldn't resist poking his head out periodically, his curiosity getting the better of him, and the frequency of these ventures gradually escalated.

"Stop," the young alchemist finally intervened, grabbing hold of Javohir's shirt. "Be patient and wait," he whispered.

Javohir acquiesced, nodding in agreement before returning to his designated spot. However, the encompassing darkness and silence didn't hold his attention for long. Seeking to occupy himself, he crouched down and began examining the ground.

Bruno rolled his eyes at the sight but couldn't help feeling a degree of sympathy. He too yearned to break the stagnant atmosphere, but in a more positive manner. He longed for good news straight from Mamadou's lips, not the sound of guards demanding surrender or the clashing of blades.

Just as his mind wandered, a towering figure suddenly materialized before him, appearing out of nowhere without making a sound. He nearly gasped, but Vere acted swiftly, grabbing his face to stifle any potential noise.

"Stay quiet," the tall man instructed, his grip firm.

Beside them, Mamadou did something similar to Javohir, ensuring the second boy would maintain silence.

"There is another way to reach the tower," the former assassin divulged. "Follow us."

The young alchemist nodded slowly, prompting Vere to release his hold. The tall man then led the group through the darkened alleyways, his familiarity evident. In no time, they arrived at a building that seemed to be someone's residence.

With a key in hand, Vere opened the door, granting entry to the rest of the group. The interior was even darker than the outside, but as the princess guard joined them and closed the door behind them, he ignited a small flame on a short string he produced, casting a dim glow on their surroundings.

They found themselves in a short corridor that led to a door, branching into a T-shaped intersection. Taking up a portion of the space, a small cabinet stood on the left, housing a row of candles. Vere selected one and set it alight, allowing the flames to dance and cast flickering shadows.

"Follow me," he instructed, assertively navigating the gathered company.

He turned right, leading them towards a staircase that descended into a dark room filled with ancient wooden racks. The space was enveloped in dust and draped with cobwebs that hung from every corner. A smell of rotten wine and mold penetrated the space.

On the shelves, a variety of items could be discerned, including old empty bottles and jars. Some contained mysterious substances, but the dim light prevented them from being identified with certainty. Deeper within the room, a cluster of weathered barrels caught Vere's attention. With a determined push, he moved them aside, revealing a concealed trapdoor, which he promptly opened.

"Get in," he instructed.

Mamadou urged Bruno to take the lead, and the boy approached the hole. As he peered inside, he noticed the faint outlines of a ladder, which he used to descend into the underground tunnel. The air grew colder and heavy with moisture. It smelled of the earth with a hint of something that he associated with the sea breeze.

There was little time for exploration as the others pushed their way in, crowding the confined space. Soon, all four were inside. Vere, being the last to descend, carefully closed the trapdoor behind him. He still had the candle, a much-needed source of light, illuminating the surroundings and revealing a mysterious lever embedded in the wall beside the ladder.

Once again, Vere maneuvered through the group, positioning himself at the forefront. From there, he guided the entire party through the twisting and turning tunnel. Eventually, they reached a point where the end was in sight, thanks to the faint orange glow ahead.

Emerging into the basement of the tower, they were greeted by the warm glow of numerous lit torches, bathing the room in light. Vere sealed off the underground pathway by shoving a heavy construction holding cluster of barrels, forming a blockade that barred the entrance to their escape route.

"Now tell me everything," the tall man demanded, turning to face Bruno.

As he spoke, Vere extinguished the flame on the candle, snuffing it out effortlessly between two fingers.

"Mamun has discovered a way to bestow regular people with the ability to use magic. I aided him in refining the process, but he kept it a secret for a long time, and I suspect he has a hidden army of mages," the young alchemist revealed.

"This bastard!" Vere exclaimed, his face contorting with fury.

In an outburst of rage, he unleashed a powerful punch, obliterating one of the barrels in a display of raw strength that left the room reverberating with the force of the impact.

Bruno was taken aback by the strong reaction from the man. Despite their apparent conflict, the young alchemist couldn't shake off the feeling that he was missing a crucial piece of information, something that would connect the dots.

"There was an attack on the royal family," Vere revealed, his voice tinged with a mix of urgency and gravity. "Prince Alem, Prince Halim, and Princess Zaria—all dead. Their carriage, en route from the capital to the western territories, was ambushed by unknown magic users. They dared to strike at a full caravan of royal guards, the king's best men. Those who survived gave testimony, but the king executed many, if not all of them, for their failure. His was furious."

Mamadou hissed in anger, his patriotism burning fiercely. Even Javohir seemed shaken by the unexpected revelation. Bruno, however, remained indifferent to the fate of these unfamiliar figures.

"That old rat!" the former assassin spat with disdain.

Vere interjected, adding a crucial detail. "In a few days, an entire army will arrive here to escort Princess Hallel to the capital."

"We cannot allow that to happen," Bruno declared without hesitation. "This is Mamun's plan."

"We could provide evidence to the king that Mamun is behind this," Javohir proposed.

Bruno raised a skeptical eyebrow. "How? With our word against his? Or do you possess some undisclosed proof?"

"In his mansion, there must be something," Javohir persisted.

"The estate that burned to the ground?" The young alchemist retorted. "Even if it hadn't, Mamun is cunning. I wager the four of us wouldn't even make it to the capital. I know his plan. We cannot play his game, for we would surely lose."

"You know his plan?" Vere interjected, blocking Javohir's response.

"Yes," Bruno confirmed, letting out a heavy sigh. He proceeded to explain everything in detail, allowing the others to grasp the gravity of the situation.

The whole story took a moment, then another to sink properly in.

"Are you certain about this?" Vere questioned, his tone filled with both skepticism and hope. "Are you sure that Queen Arabel is trapped within Princess Hallel's mind?"

"She is not trapped. She willingly entered because there was little left of Princess Hallel anyway. Her mind was shattered, and I believe it still is. It's a chaotic mix of their two consciousnesses. I've seen it firsthand—the mess she has become under Mamun's influence. We must get the princess as far away from him as possible and then contact your king. We need to initiate an investigation into Mamun's actions without his knowledge, and that won't be an easy task," Bruno explained, emphasizing the urgency of their mission.

"And how do you plan on making that happen?" Mamadou questioned, his skepticism evident in his voice.

"It's quite simple, but I'll need your trust, and we'll need a ship," Bruno replied, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips.

"Pirates? Haven't you learned your lesson?" the former assassin shook his head, disapprovingly.

"No pirates," Vere interjected, his voice carrying a subtle warning.

Bruno let out a heavy sigh, bracing himself for what he was about to propose.

"Let's do it this way then... Listen to my plan without interruption, and then you can criticize or give your consent. But first, let me explain everything... No interruptions!" Bruno declared firmly, glancing briefly at everyone's faces. Since they remained silent, he continued.

"Let's theorize for a moment. Let's say you all trust me, and we manage to secure a ship. We gather everyone, including the princess, and sail away. Along the way, we encounter pirates—there are plenty out there. I will negotiate with them, specifically with Billy 'The Razor' Fisher, and convince them to cooperate. Through Billy, I will reach out to Hugo Wagner and seek asylum. He will accept for several reasons. First, it provides him with a means to exert influence over King Smenkhkare. Second, the pirates gain an alternative marketplace for their stolen goods, diverting resources away from Blackrock. Now, before you interject," Bruno raised both hands, silencing Vere and Mamadou before they could speak. "Let me finish."

He continued, outlining the rest of his plan with determination. "In simple terms, the pirates agree because they stand to gain a lot. Smenkhkare agrees because he has no other choice. It's either this or going to war with the pirates. But we can prevent the war by asking him to send a trusted messenger to us using a letter, so I can share all the information. Once he receives the intel, he can launch a secret investigation into Mamun. After confirming the details, he can eliminate the archmages. We will then return the princess, forging an alliance between Smenkhkare and Hugo Wagner. The pirates can't afford to remain as they are, continually targeted by Hanza. Wagner will have no other choice but to agree."

"What if any part of your plan fails? What then?" Vere inquired, expressing his concerns.

"There is no 'what then.' We must make it happen. The only place we can hide the princess is at sea. Everywhere else, Mamun will find her. You can say what you want, but this is his territory, where he holds the advantage. It's only a matter of time. By taking to the sea, we enter the pirates' domain, beyond his reach. However, we'll have to either fight them or strike a deal. These are our only two options. Think it over as much as you want, but you won't come up with a better plan. Is it risky? Yes. But there is no alternative. This plan is stupid, it's reckless and it's not something Mamun is prepared for. Furthermore, I am confident I can make it work. I promise," Bruno concluded, his conviction unwavering.

Both men fell into a deep silence, weighing the young alchemist's words carefully. During this moment, Javohir kept his gaze fixed on Bruno, silently anticipating his response. His comrade, though, remained silent, maintaining an air of confidence.

"I hate this plan," Vere finally spoke up. "But you're right. It seems to be our only option… Mamun will find us eventually if we try to hide on land. I agree, but on one condition: I stay with the princess, no matter what."

"Great. Then let's proceed before the bloody army arrives in Meshek and makes us powerless," Bruno asserted, taking the lead without waiting for anyone else to respond. With determination in his step, he made his way towards the exit of the basement – the ladder. Mamadou still appeared skeptical, but he chose to withhold his objections for now.