80. The Sea Of Possibilities – End of book I
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"This is really unexpected," said Billy 'The Razor' Fisher, lounging in a chair in his quarters with his legs up on the desk, casually flipping a coin in his right hand.

Seated on the other side of the desk were Vere, Mamadou, and Bruno, the two men flanking the young alchemist.

The room had a familiar feel to Bruno. The windows at the far end were open, revealing a view of the expansive sea and a foreboding grey sky, signaling the imminent arrival of a dark night. Bookshelves lined the left and right walls, adorned with trinkets, small statues, gold coins, and little chests, but conspicuously lacking any actual books. The desk itself was cluttered with papers, writing utensils, a handful of gold coins, a map held open by two ship-shaped paperweights, a small silver statue of a naked woman, and a bottle of rum.

In the corner of the room stood Marco, the silent gentleman with a noticeable scar on his cheek. His eyes remained focused on the three guests.

"Not only was the message I received true, and you really are alive, but you've also brought me a princess," Billy laughed heartily, concluding his statement.

"I've been told I'm full of surprises," the boy shrugged, earning a stern look from Vere. "I know you want to revel in your captaincy and all, but we have bigger plans than you."

Bruno's blunt and arrogant words prompted Billy to sit up, leaning forward towards the young alchemist.

"Yeah, use your intimidation tactics all you want, but it won't work. I've faced far greater challenges and survived," the young alchemist nonchalantly stated, his bored expression unmoved. He then rose from his seat, circled around the desk, and made his way to the windows. "Don't get me wrong, I respect you and all, but we're pressed for time. We need to speak with your boss, and his boss, all the way up to Hugo Wagner. It's a matter that he should decide, not you or me. But I have a plan, a good plan. I believe he should hear it."

Leaning against the windowsill, Bruno gazed out at the water and the rolling waves. The soft melody, hummed by the sea brought a slight smile to his face.

"You're playing a dangerous game, boy," Billy said, a feigned smirk tugging at his lips, though he didn't turn to look at the young alchemist.

"I've been playing a dangerous game since we met. Considering everything, we might say that I'm quite good at winning those," Bruno said, the smile only widening on his face as he spoke with his back turned to the others. "There were some setbacks, yes, but in the end, my winning streak is quite obvious. Or am I wrong?"

Billy chuckled in response. "They sure loosened your tongue out there in Mashek. I wonder what you've been up to... You speak big words now," the sailor remarked.

"We can bicker all night long, or we can get on with the work, and there is a lot to do," Bruno replied finally abandoning the window to slowly make his way toward the door. "You may try to downplay what I've achieved, but frankly speaking, I don't care, and it doesn't matter. What matters is the princess. Hugo Wagner will want to know about her, and we both know you're not in a position to refuse him. No one on this ship is."

With those words, the young alchemist left the room.

Billy's mouth twitched momentarily, as if he were chewing on something sour, but he remained silent. He glanced briefly at Marco, who wore a smug smile, further irking the captain. Letting out a sigh, Billy finally directed his attention to Vere.

Meanwhile, Bruno made his way across the deck, heading toward the bow of the ship.

"It's true! You really are alive!" Viki shouted from behind.

The young alchemist turned around slowly, a smile spreading across his face. Viki appeared slightly different from what he remembered, a touch more mature. Her attire had also changed, opting for a simpler white shirt instead of the fancy one she used to wear. Her curly hair cascaded down to the base of her neck, while her familiar green eyes remained unchanged.

By her side stood a well-built young man with tanned skin and curly black hair, slightly shorter in stature. He wore the typical attire of a sailor, a weathered shirt and simple brown pants, with a knife strapped to his belt. His hazelnut eyes looked strikingly familiar.

"I'm disappointed. How could you ever think that I died, V?" Bruno's smile transformed into a sly smirk. "It's good to see you too, Raul."

"I didn't! I always knew you were alive," Viki protested, her voice quivering with emotion. "But nobody believed me."

Tears welled up in her eyes, streaming down her cheeks. The young alchemist wasted no time, stepping forward and enveloping her in a comforting embrace. After a moment of surprise, she hugged him back, finding solace in their reunion.

"You knew well. You knew well," he whispered, savoring the moment before releasing her and turning his attention to Raul. "Thank you for keeping her safe. I will repay you."

"You shouldn't thank me. She was the one who kept everybody safe," the tall boy replied.

Bruno shifted his focus back to Viki, responding in an unexpected manner. He placed his hand on her head, playfully messing up her hairstyle as he laughed.

"You did well. I'm proud," he concluded.

She pouted and pushed his hand away. "Stop that! I'm not a kid!" she growled.

"Oh yes, I know that," he agreed with a grin. "We may have been separated, but now we're together once again, and that means we can pick up where we left off. There's a lot to do, guys. A lot to do…"

He turned around and led the way to the bow of the ship, Viki and Raul following closely behind. They stood in silence, gazing out at the vast sea ahead, a sea of endless possibilities.

As he stared at the waves, a plan began to form in Bruno's mind.