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Elphius's pov

Reality folded beneath me, upon all things in creation,( or at least this particular creation) I exerted my will, upon which every atom every molecule the laws of nature and the fundamental principles governing the concepts of space and time felt my presence and adhered to my will. The specifics regarding what I willed would be too much to go over and explain over the course of a million years but one could make sense of it through the outcome, with a single step I was several thousand miles away from site I was previously battling in. 

I bent all of creation in order to achieve a simple feat, condense the massive distance between me and my destination to a single step, a grand feat that could have been accomplished with a simple teleportation spell, anyone else would have called this madness, I called it the easiest way to avoid my location being traced through my mana signature. 


Standing at the top of a mountain range I exhaled a single breath but it seemed I had failed to recognise just how much force I had used, the sound of massive cracks had begun to spread as the icy dust beneath me fell of. Shortly followed my several million tonnes of rock and ore as the mountains beneath me began to fall apart, I raised my hand to correct the situation before I sensed a presence 

"let me, after all my powers are better suited for stuff like this"

he said already standing beside me. With a wave of his hand the mountains were put back in place and with another they were blanketed with the same fallen snow 

"Folding world step, you really had to use something like that huh"

he said, although his tone sounded harsh for those who knew him he was speaking quite mildly.

'it was instinctual'

indeed it was, Folding world step was a move that if performed incorrectly could put the entirety of the central universe in jeopardy, it was something only an extremely small number of people could do. Yet none would try as the calculations and power nessecary could daunt anyone, then why had I used it. When I was young I and my closest friends found out we could do it and I a young reckless man enjoyed the sensation so much I used it to the point it became second nature to me, only after learning just how dangerous it potential effects were did I stop, even then it use came out every now and then.

I looked forward facing what was once the destruction caused by a single breath of mine, this and that accidental use of devastating power on a cosmic scale were testament to the heights I had reached, the world called me a godslayer for my achievement of killing just one god, what would they do if they found out just how much godsblood was truly on my hands and how it compared to the amount on my blade. Ludicrous power, wealth and connections, the ability to cajole the laws of nature for trivial things like this and yet... I still felt so weak.

I turned to the man beside me, another godslayer although not one the world knew about, my equal and friend and said 

'walk with me please'

he didn't say anything, nor did he move but in his eyes I saw affirmation.

we didn't really walk, once more using the right of my Arcanum I cajouled the laws of nature picking out the ones I wished to obey and the ones I could do without, and like that I suddenly felt freer, with another step I was off shooting at an impossible speed or rather 'the impossible speed' infinity, moving so fast the neither time nor space could hold me, exerting my force upon creation I instantly strenghted it to allow reality to withstand the results of such madness. The world that should have torn up due to how fast I was moving remained intact and within a literal instant I was at my destination right next to me was my friend who had just done the same thing 

"we could have just teleported you know"

'sorry, I've been away for a while now and you know how it is up there, if you don't do stuff like this you won't even be able to move'

he lightly shrugged and said 

"fair enough"

before looking forward, before us was a massive hole in the land extending so far down all a layman could seewas darkness, if I wanted I could peer into the bottom as easily as seeing event taking place 2 feet in front of me, but I didn't want to see the results of his failures. 

I steped again and in another instant I was somewhere else, an empty plain a little ways away from Trident, the city I formerly held dominion over, I looked to a spot in the grass and instant recoiled, falling on my behind with tears in my eyes,... it was there. This was where I lost my son, my beautiful baby boy whose hair and eyes were just like mine, his corpse was gone, washed and buried most likely but I could see it, even with my divine sense turned off, with just my eyes I could spot the faint traces of his body turning could, of all the injuries he suffered as he lay down on the grass..... never to wake up again 


I said choking up





I screamed as hard as my lungs would allow me, it didn't take long before I was striking the ground as if looking for who to blame, the earth cracked and crumbled around me as I sunk into a pit of earth and darkness, but I didn't care. I fell screaming and crying like a mad man as clumps of dirt clung to me attempting to drag me down to the bottom of the earth, light faded from my sight and I relished it, let me sleep dream and wake up to find that this was all a lie and if not, let me die, so that I can see my boy again, so that I can tell him how sorry I was.

A large rumbling filled my ears but I dismissed it, if it wasn't going to let me sleep then let it kill me all so that I could see my son again, I felt a force grab my hair and pulled, I didn't have time to confirm what it was before I was sent flying, I opened my eyes to see vast empty skies as the realisation hit me, I was flung, like a sack of rice I was sent spinning into the air, the thought hit right after the fist of the person who flung me, sending careening with even more force than before, I righted my self before a particular taste filled my mouth, I raised my hand to my lip and saw what I expected. 

Blood, my blood, I was punched and by someone pretty dammed strong 

"sane yet"

his crisp and clear voice resounded in front of me dragging me back to the situation, I looked to him in an expensive suit covered in dust dirt tears grass one or two worms and a few drops of blood, looking every bit like a mental patient before saying 


I looked to the earth several thousand feet beneath us before fear creeped into my heart, noticing he spoke

"don't worry the others have already moved to solve it"

'is that why you're the only one here'

"we expected lighting bolts powerful enough to evaporate the whole world, who'd have thought you'd spawn country spanning earthquakes instead"

he said mirthfully 

"it's almost like it's my fault"

'you'd be more useful down there'

"the others can handle it, I am best needed here"

he said gently, I looked to who was considered the cruelest man on earth as he wore such a gentle expression 

"we always knew, .....no feared that we'd outlive our children you especially, but that did not make us anymore prepared for it to happen, you do not have to put on a brave face, mourn as much as you need to"

and with that the damm broke, I let loose all the tears and swears my body could make, knowing I'd feel safe, knowing that thus was the one man I could do this in front of, as he understood, as he had lost his own child too.