Three Days Before the Apocalypse: Chapter 4
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"Are you sure this is the place?" A voice coming from outside spoke.

I stood and walked out the front door to see several unknown faces standing in front of the cabin.

A man wearing an internet technician uniform notices me, "Good evening, Miss. Did you call us?" The man asked.

I shook my head, and that's when Man appeared behind me, "that was me. Is that alright with you, boss?" He asked.

Wasn't it too late for him to ask me this? 

I will have to reprimand him later for doing whatever he wanted, for now, I'll let it slide since the internet is something we need.

When he awakens, he can hack the grid for us to use the internet after the apocalypse begins. 

We should do our best to set it up so he can build his supercomputer.

I should think about building a computer lab for him to use as well, so he isn't restricted to the bedroom.

While he worked with the technicians, I surveyed the area alone, pretty soon these woods will be crawling with zombies and other monsters. 

Before that, I need to have a wall thick and tall enough to keep them out. Not just that but defenses that will kill zombies upon approaching. 

I made a note of the surrounding area. First I found a river connecting to a lake that would need cleansing, it will be perfect for fishing later.

Since I have the infinite well, that is all this river and lake can be used for.

Next, I made a plan for the surrounding trees that will need cutting down, hopefully, the system has something for that to make the process faster. 

After surveying the area for three hours, I went back to the cabin and made plans for my next action.

Today I need to find a blacksmith for building defenses until I can build a wall. The wall will have to be bought from the system's shop, I think it will be set up automatically.

I left the cabin and went on a little trip to the west side of Thailand. I didn't go alone, Leaf wanted to travel with me so I brought her along.

We drove around until we came upon a small store among other stores. 

The store was called, "Odds and Ends." 

Leaf and I entered the store. This was the place where the blacksmith who becomes well-known in my past life was staying.

"Give me a second." A voice says somewhere inside the store.

I'm sure they were alerted by the bell that chimed when we entered.

All these items were probably made by this person.

A short old lady suddenly came into view, I was shocked by her appearance.

"Hello, may I help you with anything?" She asked.

Was this the blacksmith? Wasn't the description of someone with amazing muscles?

"Did you young ladies need something?" The old lady asked.

She looked as though she'd break the minute someone touch her.

"Gram?" A person came from the back.

I stiffened at the sight of them, as they were more than just muscled, they were huge!

No, forget that detail, this person, he was a she!

"Um, we didn't come to buy anything, actually we are here to hire someone with crafting skills," I say.

The old lady gave us a scrutinizing stare, "are ya some scam agent?" she asked with suspicion.

I shook my head and smiled, "Not at all. I apologize for not introducing myself."

I point to my chest, "I'm Saya, this is Leaf. We want to hire someone who can become a blacksmith, I promise to pay you generously if you choose to work for me."

"Leave." The woman with muscles says.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"You've come to the wrong place, leave I say!" She snaps.

"Oh, dear. Excuse my grandchild, I'm sorry, but you'll have to go." The old lady says with concern.

I pull out my card and hand it over to the old lady, "In case you change your mind." I told them

I pause at the entrance, "If I were you guys I'd accept my offer, in three days, you'll regret it." I told them before leaving.

Leaf looks at me as we climbed into the car, "boss?" She asked.

I sigh and lean back, "Let's not waste time, we have to go somewhere else." I told her.

I drove around to several material shops to set orders. The more materials I have the better.

After being out for another three hours I finally drove us back to the base.

The technicians were gone and the others were already at the canteen eating lunch. 

As for me, I sat on my couch and contemplated what I would do now.

Without the blacksmith that I needed, I can't move forward with defense, especially with only three days until the world ends.

Meanwhile, those whom I hired were having a meeting without me.

"So far, we haven't been given any type of jobs to do, I'm bored to death," Kipp complains.

When the boss hired him he was a nurse with a small dept, "if you ask me there is no reason for the boss to hire a doctor." Fiat mutters.

"Nurse," Kipp corrects.

"Whatever. I'm just being realistic here. What are we even doing here?" Fiat asked with a heavy sigh.

"If I may say, I think the boss is preparing for something big," Leaf says.

They all were silent for a few minutes, "actually, now that you mention it, I think Leaf is right. Just think about it. We're located in a small cabin deep in the woods with nothing else in the area. Don't you think that odd?" Man asked.

Fiat suddenly panicked, "Oh lord, did we walk into a horror scene? Are we going to be axe-murdered!" He yells.

Kipp smacked him up against the head, Fiat yelps while rubbing the painful spot, "calm down, that's absurd." he snaps.

"Right, if the boss wanted us dead, I'm sure we would have died the moment we stepped foot onto her land. Let's face it, no one would even know about it." Leaf points out.

"Well then, why are we here?" Fiat asked.

Leaf suddenly remembered something, "actually, while I was out with the boss she was trying to hire someone from a crafting shop. But she got rejected."

"Okay, so what," Kipp says with a shrug.

Leaf rolls her eyes, "Well it's what she said before we left the store that shook me." 

"What did she say that was so odd?" Man asked.

"Well, she told the owners that they would regret their rejection after three days," Leaf told them.

They all sat silent before someone spoke again.

"In three days? What's going to happen in three days?" Kipp wondered out loud.

Leaf told them that she wasn't sure, but the boss seemed a bit on edge when she said that.

At that moment, Prew came into the meeting room, "So this is where everyone is gathered. Is there something the matter?" She asked.

They all glanced at each other but the one to answer was Fiat, "No, we're good. We were just bored so we used the meeting room." He answered.

The rest of the day went by slowly for everyone, the boss left a few times, and she seemed to be very stressed and was always on a mission.