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When he saw that blue thing the whole world started to fade away he went through the ground like a rat 

(System Activate)


He heard a voice and the a blue thing started to open his mouth from it a large system screen came up 

(Hello host I am what you human calls system) ““ok ok I understand you are a system from those ugly story and basically do the same things as those system" Adam said in excitement                             “...."                                          (Yes I am a system but because I am not from those ugly stories but a good story I am a bit different)

““Ok so what can you do that is a bit different"Adam asked in excitement   

(This system has many purposes but all are locked currently besides seeing the status you cannot do anything for now)

“why locked"Adam asked

“..." (Host let me fu*king finish my fu*king sentence ,hohk sorry host I lost my cool there so I was saying they are locked but you can open them when you feel a emotion which a no boundaries

*Ding ! Because your anger was boundless this system awakend *

*Ding! because your sadness and helplessness was boundless you have unlocked money making system*)

“oh that's how it is but why have you given me the money making system "Adam asked

(Random chances host)

“How does this money making system works my main system"Adam asked

Listening this system (blue thing) looked a little displeased

( I don't have time in short listen

A quest gives you points,points gives you reward which is something money related)

“give me a quest then " Adam said 

(Don't be an idiot host quest will be given according to the situation ) 

Ignoring the system's comment host thought “finally I can average you my sister and put priya into a better hospital " 

Adam was in his apartment which is now empty there were no giggles,tomorrow a news came in that his landlord has been found dead in an alleyway but he did not give it a mind and looked at his sister and priya picture with a blank look 

(Host system can bring your sister back from dead but)

“but what"Adam asked

(You need to unlock a special type of system)

“What type" Adam asked

(I cannot tell you host right now and it's a rule you are not qualified to know)

““Then I will became qualified and system how do I become qualified "

Adam asked

(You are not qualified to know that how to become qualified but I can assure you that if you unlock that type of system you can revive her)


(Host a new task)

(Task level : high 

Description : get in a plane to India and save Mr.peterson

Rewards: 9% shares of this city's top company + 50 million dollars )

““Huh isn't that Duke's company revenge is not far it seems " Adam said as he laughed 


( host I would recommend you to earn a little money so you can afford a plane ticket)

““Oh fuck! I don't have enough money even for that time to earn some money I guess" Adam said while smiling

Name: Adam rex



Stamina :21


System in possession: money making