Her Name Was Eri
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7 years later

"Hey, Fana-chan your not even listening to me!" I heard a voice shout next to me.

Looking over it was a brown-haired girl with her hair in a ponytail, with her eyes black and her brown skin. I recognized the girl as Hina, she was the first friend I made at this school.

"Oh, what were you saying Hina-Senpai?" I asked frantically smiling.

"Did you stay up all night again practicing magic?"


"You can't keep doing that to your body, Fana-chan"

"She's close, Hina-Senpai."

"The girl you keep dreaming about?"

"Yeah. I think I'm close to finally meeting her"

I heard a low murmur "Geez, even though..."

"Hina-Sempai did you say something?"

"N-N-N-N-No! Nothing at all!" I still sat in my seat and opened up our textbook again. We will be visited by the only other Witch school in our country, Kaline.

Other countries refuse to implement the disgusting technology to create Witches' of their own, but because of that, it is why Ars doesn't lose. They don't treat Witches like humans, instead, they are tools to be used for war and because of how the government controls the media... the public believes it.

In two weeks the Witch Trials will commence and It will rank the top Witches from Estaine and Kaline. The rankings will decide where you will be sent In the militia. Witches are not part of the actual Military of Ars but are sent on much more dangerous missions.

The Witches are separated into groups decided by skill level S-Rank being the highest and F-Rank being the lowest. The Witches will then be put into groups of 4. The Witch trials are what I've been preparing for during my 7 years at Estaine.

Now that I've reached the age of 14 I plan to enter this year's Witch trials. The Witch Trials of Estaine and Kaline are held every year and you can put it off until you turn 16, but 14 is the first year you can enter them.

Since I awakened as a Witch I dreamt of a girl with a black horn, but I can never see her face so I don't know what she looks like. After telling Nina about this she said that she doesn't know much about Kaline, but just like she took me in Kaline does the same so there is a chance that I might meet her.

In Estaine, I rank Number One in Etheara Capacity, Ethera Control, and Ethera Manipulation. Everyone looks at me like I'm special, but I'm only putting in the work needed so I won't die on the battlefield.

I somehow became the pride of the school even though I'm not who they think I am. Just like everyone else, I'm just a glorified tool that will be used for the destruction of Ars's enemies. 

As the bell rang a group of girls including Hina flocked over to my desk.

"Fana~ would you like to eat lunch with us?"

"Yeah you always turn us down"

"Sorry, but I have something I have to do right now" I apologized then turned to begin walking out of the classroom.

I always eat on the rooftop by myself because my horn always glows while I eat. It's not a huge deal, but it embarrasses me for anyone to see me like that.

As I slowly walked up the flights of stairs I felt a strong presence nearby and I started walking faster. After I had reached the last flight I saw a vision of the rooftop and a girl standing on the edge.

"Is she going to"

"Enhancement Magic: Sonic Boom"

I felt my body pick up much more speed and it seemed like I reached the rooftop in one step. I was greeted by the sight of a beautiful girl with Black hair and Violet eyes. She had a very petite frame and she was even shorter than me. She had brown skin and...

"A Black Horn"

I rushed my body even more reaching a speed I had never once reached before as I watched her lean forwards off the ledge of the rooftop.

As her body dangled in the air for a moment I grabbed her leg since she had fallen headfirst. I then used Ethera to keep a continuous upward propulsion.

"I saved her..." I thought

"Hey, are you ok?"

"Is this girl stupid or something?" I heard a voice but when I looked down I didn't see the girl's mouth move at all.

"Is that her thoughts?"

"I can hear yours too idiot!"

The girl would then kick herself free of my grasp and continue to float beside me.

"Wait, are we communicating through telepathy?"

"It seems that way"

When I had a chance to look at her I could see how beautiful she was. Her violet-shaded eyes almost glistened. "She must be the cutest girl in the entire school, but I don't remember ever seeing her before. If she is the girl I've seen in my dreams, this is a weird way for us to meet for the first time."

"I can hear you y'know. Thank you for the flattery, but I was not trying to commit suicide I was trying to test a new Etheric formula." She said sighing before she slightly blushed.

"I have also seen you in my dreams before"

"Really?!" Even though we were floating inches away from each other I could not help, reaching over to grab her hand.

"What are you doing moron"

"I have to introduce myself!"

"Ok then do it then weirdo"

"My name is Fana! I'm 14 years old and my program is frontline mage!"

"Eri. I'm 14 and my program is Frontline Mage. I'm from the Witch school Kaline"

"Eri... why were you trying to kill yourself..." I said meekly avoiding eye contact with her. 

"Huh?! What are you talking about-"

"Even though it gets rough living as a Witch please don't give up on your life like that!"

"Listen you've got the wrong idea-"

"I awakened as a Witch 7 years ago in the middle of the classroom and felt scorn from all the girls I once considered friends! Even if this is the fate that we have been cursed with by our own Country we cannot let it make us give up!" 

"Listen to me, you idiot! I was trying out a new flight formula that I created a few days ago!" 

"Don't give me that more to-life crap! You don't know a single thing about me so don't pretend that you do!" 

As she screamed at me saw flashes of screaming and painful beatings of a girl who looked to be about 8 years old. 

"Are these her memories?"

"Sorry! I'm so sorry for the misunderstanding!" I bowed my head and apologized. I didn't dare to look back up at her until she said something to me. 

"I wouldn't blame her if she hated me now after everything I said" 

"Raise your head, moron" 


"I said raise your head idiot. I'm not even mad about it anymore anyway." 

As I finally did raise my head her expression was covered in amusement and looked to be holding in laughter. 

"It's very cute how sincere you are when you apologize" 

"What?!" I could hardly cover my blush when she thought that while smirking. 

"A lot of people apologize to me, but it's always half-assed or out of fear. That apology you gave me was real so I appreciate it Y-know" 

"So you have forgiven me?" 

"I didn't say I forgave you yet, idiot. Just know that you owe me a favor." She blushed and turned away from me avoiding eye contact so I could only guess whatever she meant by that. 

"What's that favor?"

"Hmph. You will find out in due time." 

"Fine, but why are you here when students from your school are supposed to show up next week."

 "The grandmaster of Estaine told me to come early."


"What could Aunt Nina want with her?" My thoughts wandered off with me forgetting that she could hear my thoughts.

"Do you know the Grandmaster personally?" Her eyebrows shifted and she leaned in closer to me.


"Say. It." Eri's lips were centimeters away from colliding with mine until I pulled away.

"She brought me to the academy!"


"She said I was special..."

"Why is that?"

"Because of my horn and magic power." 

"I see"

"Alright, I decided."

"Decided what?"

Eri grabbed my hand and started flying back to the school rooftop. 

"You will be my partner in the Witch Trials!"

Excuse me!?" 



In the darkness, 2 figures sat across from each other at a rectangular shaped table. 

"Have they made contact yet?"

"I just got a report from Hina-chan that they have."

"You're a bad girl Nina. Are you going to sacrifice them in your ploy to turn the tables on King Eras?" 

"I wish for their happiness, but it's about time that Witches start a revolt against this nation who have made us their military pawns. These two will be my greatest assets. The two strongest Witches that have ever been born" 

"Fufufu. I hope they can hang in there long enough."

"I'm very confident they won't let us down, they are Witches Of Ars after all."