Eh? It that Really okay ?
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{ I am gonna use / when conversations are interrupted by other characters. that's it Now enjoy the Chapter.}


" Sorry but, could you repeat it again?" I asked with a stupid look on my face.

" Sure , This is Kalawarna she'll stay with you when I am not around since aya has work to do. And she'll be your bodyguard, or if she's strong enough in the future , then your team member. And she even gave her consent to be your hug/ Stop !

" Stop, That's enough" I said while massaging my temples and turn my attention to Kalawarna .

Noticing my stare She starts blushing. ( oi don't start blushing) I retort in my mind , Anyways I better ask her why does she want to serve me, as my Bodyguard!

" So can you tell me why do you want to serve me ? " I ask her with a questioning look on my face.

" Do you not remember master Mathew you have helped me before and I always wanted to repay you , So when Azazel sama asked me if I would like to work for I decided to take this opportunity so that I can use this body and soul of mine to serve you." She said with a serious face without any hint of hesitation.

" help you wh, oh! are you talking about that time ?"( Is she talking about that time when I scolded people who were saying some crap about her and making fun of her ? It wasn't a big deal though , And I only took action because they were saying some vulger stuff and even questioning her loyalty to Dad which is totally unacceptable , Since even in OG series she was loyal to azazel. Hmm but her personality was it because she was desperate for opportunity or because she had to behave like that in order be become a part of raynare's group )I ponder with a confused look on my face. 

"Of course it's not Only about that , Its true that after that day those people don't bother me which is good but what's even more important is that , I am getting more decent missions after you Praised me about how loyal I am and my commanding and barrier skill in front of Azazel Sama" She said while looking at me Admiration and gratefulness.

(Eh? just because of this she's going this for to show her gratitude, is that really okay?)

"I understand I can see your determination but  how can you be my bodyguard if you are weaker then me?" I ask the obvious question.

"Eh.....well, I am good at commanding and barrier skills as you said and even if not being physically that strong my magical is already at High class low level." Said kalwarna a bit surprised but quickly composing herself.

" What do you mean by that " I ask not understanding what she means.

" Oh, I just told you about the most basic way to know about power ranking , that's why you can't understand what She's saying let me tell you in detail." Dad said and started

explaining .

For Angels and fallen angels no. Of wings will be to show their position more then their power. Their power ranking will be based on their number of wings , their physical strength and magical Power and abilities. As if a individual is lacking in any of these three respective fields he won't grow another pair of wings as a fixed ( for example 5:5:10 or somthing like this) . Perfect ratio of equall proportions of all this is needed to advance to next tier. and a individual with any of these values at a high enough rate can defeat someone a rank or to above them." Dad said as a mator of factly.

"Why didn't you tell me this before, Don't tell me you forgot about it " I stare at him suspiciously.

" A..Anyway She's loyal, She capable and she's potential to grow worthy enough to be a part of your future team that's why I brough her here, But I won't force you. You have the right to decide who you want to work for you." Dad said avoiding my glare.

" Hmm...( She looks sincere , her abilities are quite useful , Her personality is quite different then Kalawarna form OG series , She's gorgeous, And her style and look are perfect for a secretory I would need for my future plans . Alright the answer is obvious)"

"....... "Meanwhile this whole time Kalawarna was anxiously looking at Mathew , worried about what will she do if he refused .

"Alright I've decided. Please take care of me" Mathew said while elegantly bowing.

Kalwarna was a little suprised as she thought she was gonna get rejected but soon followed Mathew's gesture and bowed while saying "With pleasure my master. While smiling brightly.

Mathew was left speechless after seeing her beautiful smile which looked as beautiful as a garden roses in full bloom. But after a while he regained his composure when he saw Azazel smirking .

"Anyway all those guys in grigori were making a fuss about your birthday celebration so get ready to leave for the party" Dad said trying to hide his smirk after he saw me glaring at him .

"Hmm...alright give me 10 minutes." I said while getting up 

"rustle - rustle ...... " while Kalawarna said nothing and quietly started following him.

"Hm? why are you following me?" I asked Kalawarna who was quietly following me.

"you are only 5 years old master , I am following you help you change clothes" She said as if it's a natural thing to do, (Maybe it is in some cases but not here! I retort in my mind)

"Sign.....I don't know what Dad told you but forget about those things and only follow the orders i give you if want to serve me" I said with a sigh.

"I understand " although Kalawarna said that she looked a little disappointed.

"Sigh.." ( I would have liked it I was older but as a 5 year kid with a adults brain I feel annoyed instead). After sighing again I started walking .


"Yawn last night was wild" (though it would have been more Fun if I had gotten some normal gifts , like seriously who gives a 5year old kid a real a*s lazer gun which can melt rocks..... but well I like it , I mean who wouldn't like such a a real lazer gun which melt rock like a hot knife melts butter? , and A whip, seriously? that masochist fallen gorilla baraquiel. Issei was right he's a super M fallen leader, and let's not talk about my dad ' Blazer shining or darkness blade' seriously what kind of name is that. But well it's one of his first inventions So maybe I should be grateful? , and yeah I am Finally  allowed to use those new special training grounds with safety feature like eating games which I am grateful for without a doubt). I ponder about the gifts I got, while grabbing my pillow.

"Hmm Was it always this soft??.....Squeeze - Squeeze.."/

 *AHN* I stopped when I heard a strange sound . And I look toward the source of sound while sweating. Already having a rough idea about the source of voice .

" good morning master" said Kalawarna while lying next to me in her dark purple coloured lingerie .

" Good morn/ No, what are you doing here ! " I screamed quickly retracting my hand .

" But didn't you allowed me  to serve you since yesterday?, Ah! Don't worry master I really don't mind " said Kalawarna with a shy smile on her face .

" I allowed you to serve me but not as my hug pillow , And I do mind it" I retort .

" For the time being Wear your clothes and make breakfast or something " I said with a tired tone.

"Yes right away master" said Kalawarna before quickly putting her clothes and leaving towards kitchen.

"Haa..... I need to have a talk with that perverted old man" I said with a vein popping on my head .

{ Well that's it guys Sorry for the late update as an apology there could be another Chapter release today or two chapters tomorrow , Thank you for reading and stay safe.}
