They are on fire!!
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______________________________________________ A/N - Yahoo~ I have a lot of things to discuss with you guys so PLEASE LISTEN Patiently and CAREFULLY, Thank you.

•First of all I have made a Patreon account but I am not removing this fan-fiction from webnovel. It's purely up to you if you'd like to help me financially or not. If you do I will be super grateful to you as It would somewhat help me for my collage expenses but If you can't it's alright, because I will still be very grateful for your Power stones, views , Collection, reviews, comments and likes.

I know most of us don't have money to spend on novels and stuff, believe me I've been through worse that's why I won't forget the support you are giving me and will upload chapters here like usual. 

•As for perks for now I am only releasing one advance chapter of both this FF and my original novel(I plan to release two advance chapters in near future) and the price is $ 2. I don't know if it's an appropriate amount, so if it's too much please tell me in comments. There are many things I want to discuss with you guys but let's do that at the end of the chapter. Now please enjoy the chapter.


"Agh, where am I?" As soon as Mathew woke up a searing headache made him vince in pain.

"At least I am in my own room, But what the fuck happened to me my hurts so much as If I was hammered like a lump of metal" He was glad when he found himself in his own room instead of a hospital bed.

"Hm? What's this, so soft? Did they change the pillows?" 

'Wait! I feel like it has happened before, if it's the same as before then..'

"Huh??" When I moved my head to my right side, Mathew was left completely bewildered, There was beautiful woman sleeping next to him, But he wasn't surprised by that as it has happened, few times before, when he found Kalwarna sleeping next to him, but what surprised him was that, it was Nyx instead of Kalwarna! The same Nyx, who has been avoiding him like a plague for the last few months. And now she's sleeping next to him while his right hand is buried in her 'huge' marshmallows.. 

'Is this a dream? Did I achieve Nirvana?' He thought.


'I am completely alive for sure, I wouldn't be able to feel these divine squashy marshmallows if was dead.'

Mathew lightly shook his head at that thought he knew he was alive after all he had experienced death before.

"But still I can't remember what happened to me after I fell unconscious. Did You save me?" Mathew question the sleeping Nyx as he gave her a faint loving smile and started caressing her cheeks gently. However, just as he was caressing her cheeks Nyx suddenly opened her eyes. Their eyes met and they were now starring at each others's face directly, but neither Mathew nor Nyx said a single word which made the atmosphere around them very awkward.

"Wha! Ah! this well, this" He tried to explain himself however, Nyx suddenly and tightly embraced him, and he was left flustered by her sudden action. however before he could regain his composure, she lightly tapped his forehead with the back of her hand. Although she hit him gently, for the already injured Mathew it hurt enough to make him complain.

"Ow-ow-ow What was that for?" However it only seemed to have made Nyx more angry. After poking his forehead a few more times she finally said or to be more precise asked something.

"Why didn't you call for help? If I didn't feel your life was in danger because of our contract you could have seriously died you know!!"

'Ah! So she really was the one who helped me I should properly thank her later.'

"Um well, it's very embarrassing to say that. But the pain was so intense that I have the leeway to think about anything. I had to give it my all just to maintain that mana shield. Still, thank you very much for helping me."

'Argh, so embarassing she's gonna think I am useless now, I guess she will avoid me even more, Hah~'

"No. Well, I just carried you here and healed you from time to time, You defeated those humans by yourself or rather annihilated them completely." Nyx looked very proud when she said the last part.


'What is she talking about? I did what, and how?'

"Why are you making a stupid face like that?" While Nyx was wondering if he hit his head badly in his fight with those (humans)."

Mathew was staring at her as if she was speaking a different language, he couldn't understand what was she talking about.

"What do you mean by that? All I can remember is that I fainted when my mana hit the bottom line. I don't remember anything after that."

'How can I annihilate them when I don't even have the strength to stay conscious.'

"That's what I would like to know, What was that energy you released? And I thought you only had an aptitude for spirit magic, how were you able to use those Sacred flames! Not to mention I felt another source of power from you. What was that?" Nyx asked while looking at him with narrowed eyes.

"I did what?!" 

'What sacred flames? did I have something like that?'

Just as Mathew was getting another headache. The door of his room opened and Kalawarna entered the room with a tray in her hands. And their eyes met as she approached me put the tray on the bedside table and suddenly started crying?

"Wait, why are you crying so suddenly?"

'Why did she suddenly started crying after seeing my face? Wait! don't tell me my face got burnt or something! No that can be fixed later, for now how do I stop her crying?

{A/N :- I know some people are gonna complain about this too, but I don't care anymore.}

"*hiek* Master I am glad *Sob* you are alive!" Phew~ so that's why she was crying.. Wait 

"Hey calm down we can probably fix it later." While Mathew was consoling Kalwarna with head pats, he failed to notice a indescribable emotion surfacing on Nyx's face.


After Kalawarna had calmed down she called Azazel, Nyx had already left since she has already spent a lot of time here and she had some things to do.

So now I was currently facing my father who looked somewhat angry and somewhat sad? Is he blaming himself for what happened to me?

"So my son, there are many things to talk about. But first, let me ask you do you have any idea how badly you were hurt?" Dad finally broke the silence, but how should I reply to it?

"Umm well pretty badly?" My body hurts a lot but I don't really see any cuts or burn marks, so maybe I sustained some internal injuries?

"Hah~ You were out for almost a week, and in intencive care for two days to treat your body"

Two days of intensive care even with all the advance healing magic technology? Yeah, I now understand why every one's reacting like that.

"It's partly my fault for miscalculating some things like Suzaku's fire, but do you know why you are in your current situation?" I could only weakly nod as I answered.

"I miscalculated that part too, but the biggest reason for my loss was my arrogance, I was overly confident that I won't loose and let my guard down. If only I dealt with them instantly in the begining, I wouldn't have lost that badly" I kept my head down while speaking. I was afraid to look into his eyes while admitting my shortcomings, he is probably very disappointed with me, after all I could even complete a simple task and even almost died while spectacularly failing on it.

"I am glad that you finally understand your weakness now, the reson I gave you that mission was so that you would be able to pinpoint your weakness and fix your pride a little, though now I think it was a rash decision it would have been better if I used a safer method." 

"I- I am sorry for worrying you and for failing the mission" Mathew could only muster a weak voice as he asked for his father's forgiveness.

"Hm, what are you talking about? Baraquiel's family are completely safe and you even annihilated the assailants, though you did get hurt badly so it a minus point for you." 

Hm, yeah the mission was to protect Miss Shuri and Akeno, not to kill the enemies, but he's saying the same things as Nyx again, How can I fight back when I am unconscious?

"I defeated them? Nyx also said that earlier but, I don't remember anything like that. Can you tell me more about it father?"

"Hm? Oh! Maybe you don't remember because of your injuries? You will eventually remember, I also wanted to ask some question from you, but let me tell what exactly you did. You used the Suzaku's fire to burn those guys, I believe it was possible because of (liber de ingluvies) but how the hell do you have holy power?!" 

"Huh?" wait-wait-wait. What now, Holy power?!

"Don't 'huh' me I don't know about others But I clearly felt very potent holy power and another much more destructive power from you. Tell me what more crazy things you are hiding ?"

"Hey, that's rude! And what are you talking about? I don't have any holy power!" I don't remember having anything like that, Is this something like those hidden abilities Rob gave me?

"Is that so? Then try summoning your wings you'll know what I mean." 

'I did as he asked me to and looked at my reflection in a big mirror, he summoned from somewhere.'

"Hm? They are still beautiful raven black with golden- red flames, there's nothing wrong with my.....Wait WHAT! What the hell are these golden-red flames! Wait, is this some kind of aura?"

'Is this Suzaku's flame? No this thing is on whole another level, but it looks as if it's in it's unawakened state?' Mathew mused in his mind.

"That's exactly what I want to know, you sure you don't know anything about it?" Azazel asked him with narrowed eyes.

"Stop looking at me like that, I seriously don't know anything about it!" 

"Hm, is that so? Alright you should rest now. We will talk later." Azazel left, after saying that.

'Phew, I believe it's related to another one of those weird abilities, It's beautifull but my wings, they look as if they are literally on fire! I am worried about these flames, won't they hurt me?'

"Hmm, hey Kalawarna are you taking any sort of damage from these flames or whatever this is." 

'Although it doesn't look like she's hurt, it would be better to ask her just in case .'

"Well, It doesn't really hurt but it's uncomfortable to look at them, But they are certainly very beautiful master."Kalawarna didn't forget to make the last comment to make her Master happy.

"Haha thank you, I also think they are beautiful, but still kinda scary though. Anyways, I want to try something, can you get me some books about magic - technology, Oh! and some of my father's thesis too." 

"But master your condition right now—"

"Don't worry, I am not going to do something dangerous, I value my life too."

"Then, please give me a moment" Kalawarna disappeared in a magic circle.

"I didn't want to waste my karma before, but I should have a lot of karma to spare some for (it) now!" Mathew exclaimed happily as he waited for Kalawarna's return.


{As usual- A very big thank you for: Views, power stones, Collections, Reviews(Yeah I am being sarcastic here XD), Comments AND Likes.

Now the other things I would like to talk about :- 

•Another pole between Levinia and Serafall is up from now to 2 days. 

• I was thinking of using cursive font for thoughts though I remember some readers had some issues with that font so check if - 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑚 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠. 

• Please do give me a review, as it would be helpfull for me. 

•One more thing, can someone check for me how much power stones thic Fan-Fiction have.

P/S- Sinaplex(4 power stones), HDvt(Three power stones), Bookcultivator(2 power stones), Sergio_Navarette(1 power stones), Demiurge_Kami(1 power stones), Nammaro (1 power stones), Mv_Op (1 power stones), Macfog (1 power stones), MisterPanda (1 power stones), Fenix_Game (1 power stones) once again thank you for the POWER STONES.}


Choose one( It's the last pole for levinia
  • Levinia Votes: 6 46.2%
  • Serafall Votes: 7 53.8%
Total voters: 13 · This poll was closed on May 26, 2023 05:32 PM.