Chapter 22
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When she returned home hours later, Jasmin's thoughts were still revolving around the refugees. What had they experienced when they had fled their homeland?

The family didn't tell much.

Jasmine had heard that the Witch Queen had subjugated the werewolves after a great war. But what the werewolves told her was horrifying. Slavery. She couldn't call it anything else. A crime.

When she entered the basement and saw the family, she just wanted to help them out of trouble quickly. Otherwise, all she felt was numbness. The concern about her uncle hardly made her feel anything else. She had tried to distract herself. With a silly competition. The happiness was short-lived. Then, she remembered her uncle. Refugees barely surprised her at that moment. But now, she was shaken. Refugees. Here! In her hometown!

They told frightening stories about terrible spells that could bind someone to another person. For Jasmin, this sounded like a nightmare. She put the bottles of pig's blood, which she had bought after work at her grandmother's request, in the kitchen. The old vampire cooked soup. The whole room smelled of carrots.

"Ah! Jasmin. You brought the blood. Very nice." Nima nodded happily. "Would you like to chop the herbs?" She pointed to two bunches of chives lying on the table.

"Of course." Jasmin started helping her grandmother cook. "Carrot soup?"

"That's what Alfie wanted. He was supposed to help me, but he went to his room."

"Typical Alfie", Jasmin agreed, amused. "He doesn't like to help around the house."

Nima wrinkled her nose. "Just like his father. All work is up to us. Only your father helps once in a while. When he's not hiding in your parents' room or going for a walk. Maybe we can persuade him to cook tomorrow? I would like his leek soup."

"We can ask him later."

"That's what we're doing. At dinner", her grandmother agreed.

But that didn't happen.

Right after the family gathered at the table Alfie puffed himself up and grinned triumphantly. "Jasmin? My dearest cousin?"

"Yes?", she asked, confused. "Do you need anything?"

"No, no." He shook his head. "I'm just a little disappointed." He puffed loudly and shook his head.  "You keep secrets from your family!"

"What?", she asked, startled. "What secrets?" What did Alfie know?

"She has secrets?", her uncle asked immediately. "Oh? Alfie? Would you like to tell us what Jasmin is hiding?"

She looked anxiously at her parents. Her mother looked back at her questioningly.

Alfie shook his head. "Jasmin? You talked about the bookstore, but you didn't say that you work for humans. Don't you think this is not appropriate? We don't work for our meal! No. They should work for us, and never the other way around. That is not appropriate. And it does not correspond to the prestige of our family. Especially since Poppy is now at court!"

"What?" Shaken, she stared at her cousin's smiling face. "Did you follow me?"

"Followed? Just out of concern! Of course. After all, we are family. It's not an appropriate place for my dear cousin", Alfie continued with relish. "Wasn't there anything more appropriate? Or were you too stupid for all other possible employers? Useless?"

She felt sick. What was she supposed to do? Everything was spinning.

"Jasmin? Is that true?", her mother asked, frightened. "Does the bookstore belong to humans?"

"And?" Jasmin shook her head. She wanted to run away. But her feet felt like they were made of stone. With a mixture of fear and defiance, she pulled at her hair. She couldn't run. "It's work. Isn't it?"

Her mother just shook her head. "Oh, child! No, tomorrow you'll find something appropriate!"

Suddenly, there was a bang, and something shattered. Jasmin flinched. Archie had thrown his plate off the table. "Jasmin!" He stood up with a red head. Jasmin stared at him wide-eyed. "You stupid brat! You're going to quit! Tomorrow, you will accompany me and your father to the factory!"

"Archie!", cried Lara, frightened, holding on to her husband's sweater. Jasmin's father shook his head in shock.

Willow, on the other hand, praised her son for his attentiveness. The two did not pay attention to what was happening. Jasmin's grandmother stood up with a pale face and fetched a broom to dispose of the shards. She stayed silent.

"I will not quit!", Jasmin announced in a trembling voice. "I don't want to work in the factory. I like my work. Please."

"Do you?" Archie snorted. He walked around the table, pulled Jasmin up by the arm, slapped her in the face, and dragged her behind him. Jasmin's parents hurried after him. He paid no attention to them.

"Archie! Don't!", cried Lara, as he pushed Jasmin into her room and closed the door. "That's where you stay! And tomorrow, you'll accompany me and your father to work!", she heard him scream.

"Archie! You're going too far!", her father shouted. Again, there was a bang. Her mother cried out, something shattered. Her grandmother shouted something, her mother cried, and loud footsteps were heard. Then calm returned.

Sobbing, Jasmin crawled under her covers.

Crying, she fell asleep and dreamed. She dreamed of the Toad King, and of playing with a boy. A boy with dark red hair and dark blue eyes.




"You’re incredibly talented!" Franka stared enthusiastically at the dress Poppy was sewing for her. "That's beautiful!"

The seamstress smiled embarrassedly. "Thank you very much. Over there is the fabric for Princess Coletta's dress." She pointed to a chest of drawers on which were rolls of shimmering fabric. Immediately, Coletta hurried off to look at everything. She was in a strangely bad mood, but Franka didn't know why. Coletta did not want to answer her question.

The queen, on the other hand, looked at every detail of Franka's dress. "A very good job", she agreed. "Wonderful! It actually resembles my old dress. But it's more modern. Adolescent. I love the fabric!"

They stood in a small room, which had been made available to the seamstress as a working place. Here, she had everything she needed.

"Say..." Franka stroked the soft fabric delightedly. "Would you be interested in personal employment?"

The seamstress looked at her in surprise. "An employment?"

Franka nodded. "Well. I'd have to ask my parents, but I'm sure they agree. I would like to hire you as my seamstress. I and Coletta are often invited to balls, tea parties, and other events. And to appear in the same dress is considered outrageous."

"Oh! I like the idea! Franka? I'm happy to pay the salary. Now? Mrs. Freirot?" Neda looked expectantly at Poppy. The girl blushed and nodded.

"I'd love to. It's a great honor!", she said. "But... Where should I live? I don't have an apartment or a house nearby..."

Franka looked at her grandmother. "Well, we have a guest room on our property..."

"Nonsense!!" The queen shook her head. "Everything is already set up here!" She pointed to all the furniture in the small study.

"Can I stay here?", the seamstress asked.

The queen nodded.

"Your Majesty!" Taken by surprise, Poppy sat down on a small armchair in front of her desk. "It's an honor!"

Coletta wrinkled her nose. "How nice", she grumbled softly. "I'm going to read a book!" Then she hurried away. Neda looked after her, frowning.

"Does she not like the fabric?", the seamstress asked worriedly.

Franka shook her head. "No. I'm sure she loves the fabric. She isn’t in a good mood today. That's all."

There was a knock on the door. Shortly thereafter, a servant announced Prince Heinrich.

"Ladies? Your Majesty?", he greeted them all. "May I kidnap Franka for a moment?"

The queen looked at Franka with raised eyebrows.

 Embarrassed, she pulled on one of her curls. "I'll let you keep working. Prince Heinrich invited me to tea."

"Wonderful! Heinrich?" The queen smiled delightedly. "You'll be polite, right?"

He nodded with a slight bow.

"Good." The queen gestured to Poppy. "We have just hired Miss Freirot as our personal seamstress. For Franka. What do you say to that?"

Prince Heinrich entered the room and held out his hand to Poppy. Frightened, she jumped up.

"Your Highness!", she said with a curtsey and shook his hand.

"Congratulations!" He winked at her. "I'm sure Franka will be thrilled with your services."

"Thank you!" The seamstress bowed.

"We'll leave then. Before the tea gets cold!" Heinrich held out his arm to Franka. She gratefully accepted the invitation.

"Of course!" The seamstress bowed again. As the two left the room, Franka saw her grandmother sit down with the seamstress smiling. Franka hadn't forgotten where she had caught the seamstress. But that was none of her business. Poppy Freirot was talented and very nice. That's what mattered to her.

Heinrich joked while leading her to his room. "Welcome to paradise!", he said, opening the door for her.

"Don't exaggerate!" Franka rolled her eyes. "And? Is there anything new we can bet on?" She sat down on the small sofa in the guest room and admired what Heinrich had let brought. On the small table was not only tea but also sweet pastries and confectionery.

"Oh! I'm sure we'll come up with something!", he agreed, laughing, and sat down next to her. "In a pinch, there's always the weather!"

"That's true!" Franka took a cookie.


There is a lot going on in this chapter.

Who wants to kick Archie? And Alfie?

And why is Coletta grumpy?