Chapter 7
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It's night, several red lights are floating in the air and the smell of blood and burned flesh is omnipresent.

At the moment, Tom was still lying within his pit, as an extraordinary smell was captured by his nose.
Hmm, what is this?
It kind of reminds me of meat, or more a futile try to cook meat.
As long as he would get his share he would be happy.
So he stood up out of his pit and walked into the direction of the door, the human entered some time ago.

Just when he was about to reach the door, it swung open, and several, white coloured humanoids entered the room.
They were a little bit bigger and lankier than the humans he saw till now in this world, their eyes were red and they had resemblance with an anime character,
their arms looked a little bit too long for their current body , and the most disturbing thing, were their faces, they had barely teeth,
but the teeth they still had, were very long and directed in all directions.

And who might you be, Tom asked himself as he saw the humanoids.

He was quite sure he had never read about a species like this in his lifetime of fantasy novel experiences.

Just when he thought, that it would be a better idea to back off, since they might not have seen him yet,
the humanoids turned in his direction and threw him a crooked smile while showing their teeth.

Ok, I think I have figured out what they are, obviously, meth addicts.

While Tom was still sitting on the same spot, deepened in thoughts, the addicts grew inpatient and started closing the gap,
once Tom realised this, he tried to back off in a faster manner.

Don't you dare to come closer or you will receive divine punishment, Tom yelled out within his thoughts.

Seeing the pig all anxious, made the addicts, just more excited.
And their crooked smiles started getting wider and wider, till they stood barely fifty cm infront of him.

Being in panic, Tom thought the best decision would be to take a charge through the open door, and going for his freedom,
however one of the addicts closed the door and Tom slammed his head against the door.

How dare you...doooo this to me....



Ah, my head hurts, damn addicts, what are they planning to do with me?

I didn't think I would lose that long my consciousness, and so much happened in this time.
The situation did really change, I was outside and being carried by one of my kidnappers.
But there were more now,
how many might be there now?10? 20?
I knew there might have been more, but I wouldn't have thought that it would be that many.

Some time passed and Tom got a better overview of his current situation.

Overall there were a little more than thirty monsters, some were slightly bigger than humans, others maybe a third of the size.
Sometimes they would stop walking and I would get a better look on my situation, they were so many and they were all carrying some kind of thing,
either usefull or useless.
They seem to have robbed a village or something, that would explain, why they carried a lot of things around, kitchen knifes, pigs, chairs, god's sake even straw, did they disassemble the whole village or what?

Seriously, why did this happen to me, is this suppose to be a trial?
Right, this must be it, it's a test, I have to find my own way out.
Afterall I am the prophet, there is always a way.

Maybe I should take a look on the surroundings first, and then decide what I do next.
Tom shoke his head, but all he could see was some trees and snow.
It wouldn't take long for Tom to assume, what might happen if he would run away in such situation.
Death would be sure!
Suddendly the thought of having fur came into his mind, having this, would make so many things easier now,
but from the looks of it he is buttnaked.
He was a true beauty, of course, hahaha.
While Tom was still deepened in his thoughts a certain situation started to play up infront of him,
two monsters were quarrelling, the monster which was carrying Tom,was wearing an armour, the other one a sword.
Once in a while , the one with the sword would come over, and start pointing it's sword towards us.
The one with the armour would just ignore it, what a thug.
But one question kept lying in his mind.
What was this situation about?
It took Tom quite some time, but by some time he had figured out, what this situation was about,
he concluded, that the one with the sword was jealous of the one with the armour.
But Tom wasn't sure what made him jealous, just then it started happening.


This fuckers, started screaming for no fucking reason.


Oh, god my ears.


Stop it already!

This whole situation kept on quite a while, and I had lost already all hope, that they would ever stop.
But then we finally reached a point, when they would shut up.
You may ask how?
And I may answer you, we just stood infront of a giant pit, I think we might have reached their lair.
Either it's good that they finally shut up or it's bad that they might decide to cook me now.
Nevermind they wouldn't do that right? They look so cute with all their spiky teeth.
They might be vegetarians, hahaha.
No, Tom this isn't the time to laugh.
Calm down, you need to find a solution for this.

Just when I thought this, that I might have to find a way to escape soon, did we reach their camp.

Ok, Tom, it's time to be cooked...
But instead of becoming dinner this night, the monster which carried me, headed of into another direction than the group.
We walked through the cave for a longer time befor we reached a cliff.
Not to high, but defenitely high enough to break all your bone, if you would fell from there.
Why would the monster want to go here, just when I thought the situation wouldn't get any weirder he stripped himself of his cloth, laid me down in a bush,
and peed from the cliff in a shrieking noise.


Seems like their kind has a warcry for everything, huh?
As much Tom wanted to know about the culture of monsters, he couldn't stop thinking about this situation overall,
wouldn't this be the perfect time to escape, that monster is busy with it's ritual, he is out of cold, and the monster is alone.
I just have to move slowly without noiseeeeeeeeee.......

Suddendly another one of the monsters was towering over him.

yeah, it seems like I fucked up again, the other dude is back....
And I think he wants to finish the quarrel with the other dude.

It might be better if I run away now, it might still be possible...

Just when he thought he would ignore him, the situation changed, he was grabbed, lifted and 
and you can guess, right?


Status: Falling
Race: Lesser Domestic Pig
Title: Lifestock

Name: Tom
HP: 20 SP: 10

Level: 1/5

Age: 1 Week

Permanent Weight: 10kg
Temporary Weight: 20kg

STR: 2
END: 2
INT: 10
WIS: 10
DEX: 2