1. A New Life
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Seth's life had been an endless cycle of pain and misery from the very beginning. His mother was a young adult who never really wanted a child, and as a result, Seth was born out of wedlock. He never knew his father, and his mother was a prostitute who had no time or inclination to care for her kid.

Growing up, Seth's life was filled with pain and neglect. His mother would often leave him alone for days at a time, without food or water. When she was around, she would sometimes lash out at him, hitting him with whatever was at hand or screaming at him for no reason.

Seth quickly learned to hide from his mother, to be quiet and stay out of her way as much as possible. He spent most of his time alone in their small apartment, with no one to talk to or play with. He had no friends, no toys, no books - nothing to distract him from the constant ache of hunger and the fear that gripped him when his mother was in a rage.

As Seth grew older, he longed for a way out of his miserable life. He would often escape into his imagination, dreaming of a world where he was loved and cherished. But those dreams always faded away, leaving him alone and more desperate than ever.

Things reached a breaking point when Seth was thirteen years old. He had been left alone in his tiny apartment for days without any food or water. His mother had gone on a bender and hadn't returned for days and it seemed like nobody cared about his existence. Seth was left to die in that cold, empty room, with nothing but his thoughts and pain to accompany him in his last moments.

But that was not the end for Seth. In a way, it was only the beginning.

Seth woke up to find himself in a strange place, surrounded by unfamiliar faces. Everything was blurry, and he couldn't make sense of what was happening. He tried to move his arms and legs, but they felt weak and unresponsive.

As Seth's senses slowly came back to him, he saw a relatively young couple looking down at him with what seemed like love and adoration in their eyes. They were both smiling, and he could feel the warmth of their embrace. He didn't understand his situation or how he had gotten there. But their eyes held a warmth and kindness that Seth had never known before.

One day, after a pretty long period of time has passed since he found himself in this new mysterious environment, the woman's face appeared in front of him. It was a kind and gentle face, and she smiled at him.

"Hello there, little Mun," she said softly. "How are you doing today?"

Seth, or as they were calling him now, Mun, looked up at her with round widened eyes and then at the man standing beside the woman. This was his 'father'. Mun couldn't believe it. He never had such a figure in his life before. Mangetsu had a warm smile on his face, and Mun felt an instant connection to him.

As he spent more time with his 'new family', Mun began to learn more about them. Tsuki was a skilled weaver, and she spent most of her time creating beautiful fabrics that she sold at the local markets. Mangetsu was a farmer, and he grew crops on their small piece of land. Mun was fascinated by the way they worked together to make a living.

Years have passed, and Mun is now 5 years old. As He grew older, Mun began to realize that his life was different from the other children in his village. He had memories and experiences that no one else seemed to share. Mun couldn't explain it, but he had a sense of being older than he appeared.

He became more and more fascinated by the world around him. He would often wander through the fields and forests surrounding his village, marveling at the beauty and diversity of the landscape. He would spend hours exploring, learning, and discovering new things.

Mun's parents were always there for him, offering him guidance and support. One day, while Mun was playing with Mangetsu in the fields, he asked his father about their village. "What's the name of this place?" he asked.

Mangetsu smiled at his son. "This is Rokuro, Mun. It's a small village on the outskirts of the Land of Earth. We're surrounded by rocky fields and forests, and we live a simple life here."

Mun was fascinated by his father's words. He had never heard of the Land of Earth before, and he didn't know that there were other villages and towns beyond Rokuro. But he could tell that Mangetsu was proud of their village, and Mun felt a sense of belonging in this new world.

As time passed, Mun grew to love his new family more and more. He learned that Mangetsu was the son of the village chief, his grandfather, and that Tsuki had married into the family. Mun was happy to be a part of this loving and supportive community, and he felt like he had finally found a place where he belonged.

He loved his parents and was grateful for the life they had given him. Mun was a happy child, full of curiosity and wonder, eager to explore the world around him.

He would often accompany his parents on their daily tasks, watching as they tended to their farm and animals. Mun would help with whatever he could, even if it meant getting his hands dirty. He loved being outside, surrounded by nature, and felt a sense of freedom and joy that he couldn't describe.

Mun's parents were the center of his world, and he looked up to them with admiration and respect. They taught him the value of hard work, kindness, and compassion, instilling in him a strong sense of morality and ethics. Mun was grateful for their love and guidance, and he couldn't imagine his life without them.

He was content to enjoy his life in Rokuro. He had a loving family, a beautiful village, and a world full of wonder waiting to be explored. Mun knew that he was lucky to be alive and to have this chance at a new life, and he was determined to make the most of it.

One day as the sun began to set, the villagers of Rokuro were going about their daily business. Suddenly, the peaceful silence was shattered. While Mun was out playing in the fields, he heard a commotion coming from his village.

Mun rushed back to his home as he felt a sudden surge of fear in his heart. As he entered, he went into his room and looked out of his window, he saw masked figures jumping from rooftop to rooftop, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. He had never been in a situation like this before. The village was under attack, but Mun had no idea what was happening.

Mun's parents rushed into his room, grabbing him and trying to get him to safety. Tsuki shoved him into a nearby shed and locked the door, telling him to stay hidden and quiet. He could hear her and his father shouting, the sound of their screams causing a lump to form in his throat. Mun's eyes filled with tears as he clutched onto the door handle, his tiny hands shaking with fear.

Suddenly, there was a loud explosion that shook the ground beneath his feet. Mun's heart pounded in his chest as he heard the sound of the fighting stop. He could hear footsteps approaching the shed, causing him to freeze in terror.

The door burst open, revealing a tall man with a scarred face and a bandana covering his mouth. Mun let out a scream as the man grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, lifting him into the air.

"Well, well, well," the man sneered. "What do we have here? A little brat hiding in a shed? Looks like we hit the jackpot, boys!"

Mun struggled to get free, but the man's grip was too tight. He was lifted out of the shed and thrown onto the ground. He landed hard, the impact knocking the breath out of him.

He looked up, his vision blurred with tears, and saw a group of men staring down at him with cruel grins on their faces. Mun's heart pounded in his chest as he realized he was completely helpless.

After what felt like eternity, the young boy was frozen in fear and couldn't move, he couldn't do anything as he lay there, bleeding and dying. Mun's family and all the villagers were killed in the attack, he was left alone, his body broken and battered.

As he was struggling for his last breaths, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of regret and sorrow. He wished he could have done something to save his parents and his fellow villagers, but he was just a helpless child caught in the crossfire of a war he didn't even understand. Mun couldn't help but wonder what his purpose in life was if it was just to die so young and so tragically.

In his dying moments, he heard a strange voice whisper in his ears "The Experiment has failed. Unable to awaken Shibai Ōtsutsuki. The Vessel has died prematurely. A resurrection process is now being initiated. A severe temporary limitation of the vessel's maximum potential output is necessary to facilitate the process."

Suddenly, a bright light shone down on him, and he felt a surge of energy coursing through his body. He felt a strange sensation in his eyes, as if they were burning. He closed them, trying to shut out the sensation, but it only grew stronger. His once brown eyes were now a piercing blue color and a strange pattern started swirling on his skin before it faded.

Mun didn't understand what's going on nor what the voice was saying, but before he could think more, he lost consciousness, everything went black.

That is the first chapter right there :)) I really, really really! look forward to your feedback!! Really hope you liked it!! ;))