Chapter 12 : A Weird Friendly Guy!?
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Thinking about it some more, when Reno and the others went into the training room, there was no funnily dressed person such as this.


Seeing the confusion on Reno, Grania and Cassia’s faces, the strange violet haired guy with sunglasses on smiled and went on to introduce himself.


“I might be dressed a bit crude for training but trust me when I say that was a great sparring match! Trust me on that as I’ve tutored some monstrous level students before”


“Name’s Buggi Farrell” While saying this Buggi did a spin and shot some make-believe finger guns at Reno and the rest, hoping for an interesting response.


When he got none, he just blew off his finger continuing his charade and continued to introduce himself. 

“I tutor students when I have free time and know how to spot good seeds, I would consider two out of the three of you great seeds to germinate!”


He then came up to Reno and the rest and put his arms over their shoulders as if the group was huddling and telling a secret.


However, with how loud Buggi was talking to the group he definitely wasn’t trying to keep any secrets.


“Let me start with you crazy green haired girl!”


“I’m not sure of what school year you’re in but if you’re under year 3 than the strength you showed in that last strike was phenomenal, your strength if grown well could make you a well known strength combatant in the future”


Although initially angry because of how little this guy seemed to know boundaries and the fact he called her crazy, Grania had to give it to him so that he knew what he was talking about. Hearing him talk about her so highly gave her an ego boost.


“The next one is the calm and calculating blue haired lady!”


“For someone who seems to be so strong, it’s weird that I’ve never heard of you before. Not only did you control the pace of the spar from beginning to end but the way that you switched from long range to short range when you realised that you would be at a disadvantage.”


“The cherry on top of it all was stopping the green haired girl’s blow with minimal damage, that weapon looked like just some rusty scraps to me, is it actually made of some sort of rare material?”


Cassia wasn’t used to so much praise at once so she just turned red and retreated behind Reno. 


Seeing this, Reno just had an awkward smile and didn’t even question the issue.


Reno wasn’t optimistic or anything but was still curious about if the weird man named Buggi had anything good to say to him. 


When Buggi finished taking in how talented Cassia was he put on an obviously fake smile and then lifted up his arms to stop the group huddle he had started.


He then pointed to Reno. “This guy however, was the bottleneck of the whole thing, are you trying to be cool or mysterious by not using any energy at all!?


“You struggled to dodge some of the rock projectiles and then had to get shielded by the green haired lady and the entire match was even called off due to you.”


“To make it worse, you literally only took one blow and that strike seemed to almost have killed you”


Reno knew it was true so he didn’t try to refute the guy. 


‘I’d talk back on that but it’s not like he knows I’m coreless now’ 


Forgetting that, Reno was kind of creeped out that the guy seemed to be watching the entire thing.


“Sorry that I’m too weak bro, I’m doing my best to become stronger but sadly this is all I can really show for it right now”


Grania knew it was true that Reno was a far cry from how he used to be due to his core being gone but still didn’t like the fact that some random guy came out of nowhere and was being judgmental about her best friend.


“Reno has his reasons, alright? Just know that due to a certain problem, he can’t do his best right now, when he’s back to his original you better be ready for a match! He’ll give you a swift sword strike and you’ll be out, trust me”


Buggi laughed a bit. “If you say so, green haired lady. I’ll make sure to take a note of that and come back for my own sparring match with each of you later to check on how you two are faring.”

“If he ends up surprising me then I’ll make sure to fulfil any one request of his, even if it means running around the school naked! I promise on my current students legacies that I’ll do anything”


Hearing this, Grania smiled. “Make sure you’re ready then, you won’t know what hit you!” 


Reno wasn’t sure what to feel, anger that Grania was making a bet concerning him without any consent from him or touched that she believed in him that much.


Cassia had an idea of how strong Reno really was and believed what Grania said about him having a problem limiting his strength and all. 


She didn’t know what to really say in this situation, so she just tugged on Reno’s back and gave him some encouraging words. “Beat his ass black and blue Reno!”


When Grania heard this, she burst out laughing. “Deep words! Deep words indeed!”


Reno slapped the back of Grania’s head because he was just annoyed at her at this point.


“Your mosquito bite slap doesn’t make this any less funny you know” 


She then continued laughing for a while.


Seeing the trio of Reno, Grania and Cassia made it kinda feel like Buggi had a responsibility to protect the three of them even though he just met them.


‘These three are pretty entertaining together. Sadly it won’t be this way for long, from what I’ve seen from the spar and what I’m seeing right now, Reno won’t survive long in this hell landmine filled academy.’


‘Even if he does, if he doesn’t get a lot stronger then a rift will kill him.”

Buggi  was onto something as Reno had almost become paralyzed before due to some entitled students but he had survived somehow.


While Buggi was in his thoughts, Reno, Cassia and Grania heard a voice shout at them from across the room.


“Tutor Buggi, come on! You said you were only gonna be 5 minutes but it seems like you’re taking an hour”


“My fellow students are going to get angry at you if you take any longer” 


The person that was shouting at them was a short and petite girl, a bit taller than Reno’s swordplay teacher, Egon. 


She was tanned and had orange hair with blue eyes. 


Buggi scratched the back of his head before responding back. “Sorry about that, the battle and my rambling took longer than I thought”


Buggi then looked at Reno and the rest. “Let’s all leave together, that way you three can avoid the people around us”


The four of them then began walking to the training room’s door. While they were on their way to the door, Reno could hear some people being salty about the fact that they couldn’t get to know Cassia.


“I can’t believe it, such a skilled psychic”

“If I could just find out which year she was in, I could look for her when that annoying guy Buggi isn’t around”


“A wasted opportunity to know a soon to be famous person”


Reno was used to hearing comments like these as the memories of the past Reno were filled with people trying to get to know other well off kids but doing their best to ignore him.


Reno and the rest of the group reached the exit quickly where they changed into their school uniform and then waved Buggi and his student away before heading in the direction leading to the library where they had originally come from. 


As Buggi was walking away, he kept his hands behind his head and gleefully whistled to himself.


The girl who had called Buggi was named Marlene Aélis. She was not a student of his and was rather someone who assisted him in tutoring others.


Although Buggi was usually upbeat it was weird for him to be this happy about something and if he was then it would be something troublesome that she would get involved in somehow.


Thinking about the possibility of having to do clean up work, she decided to find out what had occurred while Buggi was on his so-called 5 minute adventure.


“Sir Buggi, might I ask, what is it that makes you so gleeful and happy?”


Buggi smiled and then turned to Marlene as if he was waiting for her to ask.


“I’ve met a new monstrous student, I’m glad that more strong students are coming here, I like training students but I like fighting strong students just as much” 


Marlene suddenly got worried. ‘Buggi himself is considered a student powerhouse but anyone he classifies as monstrous is someone worth watching out for’


Buggi continued what he was saying. “The pseudo shy and serious girl would be a throw off to almost anyone, she’s shy and low key when she’s not fighting but when she is, it’s as if she’s playing a game”


Marlene closely listened to what Buggi was saying. 


“Continuing on, not just how the personality changed but her energy flow was somewhat condensed for just being a student.”


Marlene was very surprised at what Buggi said this time.


“Condensing energy flow, as a student, truly monstrous.”


[Energy flow is the flow of energy from the vital core to the blood vessels and then around the body. All students lack the ability to control this flow and keep it in their body, masking how strong someone really is.


[Not only that, with better control over the energy flow in their body came a variety of benefits such as more precise energy manipulation, harder to be fatigue and also easier to heal certain injuries]


[The only thing is that energy flow wasn’t something a teacher could teach someone as the leading theory is that energy flow for each and every person is different.]


[Due to this, it was more dependent on one’s combat experience, latent ability and also comprehension skill of their own body to find, configure and model their energy flow to suit their needs]


[Most people that were said to be talented would most likely find out their energy flow at around 30 - 40 years of age, if one was able to get it before that then they could be said to be a true monster, in the eyes of most people at the very least]


Even Buggi hadn’t found his own energy flow yet but others considered him talented.


Buggi ended up laughing a bit. “These sunglasses are truly just the best, I wouldn't have been able to find as many talented students as I have without them”


He then took them off for a bit, kissed them and then put them back on.


The sunglasses that he wore were able to visualize energy that was in the air and in the bodies of others.


When he looked at most other people, he would see a mass of energy right next to their heart and the residual energy that came from other people’s bodies.


It was due to them that he was able to find out that Cassia was able to condense some of her energy and was actually much stronger than she let on.


He then continued his praises for Cassia’s strength before suddenly having a mood shift and letting out a sigh.


Marlene was wondering what was wrong with him. “Something on your mind? Why the sudden mood shift?”


Buggi thought back to the sight he saw when he looked at Reno. 


“Nothing much, just a stray bad thought”


Marlene didn’t think much of it and just continued walking.


When Buggi saw Reno, he realized he had no energy so he was purposefully a bit mean to him so that he could see how he’d react and the chances of him being persuaded to just live a normal life.


Considering that Reno just ignored his taunts and even bit back a little, Buggi realized he had no chance of convincing him. The most he could do was add some incentive for him to do his best and get stronger.


‘I’ve put down some treasure, let’s see if you have the strength to pick it up Reno. Hopefully you grab this opportunity and make sure to not be a guy that would let his friends have to grieve over him’


Buggi and Marlene then continued walking until they came upon a room in the luxurious section of the academy and then went inside.