Chapter 47 : Koa’s Warning, Melia’s Android
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While Flora was thinking about ripping out Egon’s guts.
Egon himself was baffled by the performance of most of the students.
‘With the strength of students on Earth Hub, I thought that in the 2nd best thing.’
‘A 1st rank rift, the students would be at the same level. How wrong I was.’
‘Even so, there have been some interesting students so far.’
‘Reno’s basic strength and skill level seem high as he didn’t use any energy in the match.’
‘Grania as well, her brute strength is astounding. From what I saw, it should be on the level of E+ at the least.’
Egon made sure to make mental notes of anyone that he thought was noteworthy.
To report them to Tessa when the time came.
‘The less talents, the better. We don’t need anyone else like Damon Arwen appearing.’
When mentioning Damon Arwen, Egon’s face became grim.
‘That’s why Cassia Arwen needs to go.’
Seeing that the match was finished.
Egon’s face relaxed and then he picked two more students to take the arena stage.
After a few more matches, Reno and Grania returned.
Flora was annoyed to see that her two targets were back.
‘Most of the students have already gone now, my plan is failing.’
Egon then said that they were going to carry over the sparring matches into the next day due to the lack of class time.
This caused Flora to smile on the inside.
‘Haha, I can just get some people to sabotage Reno while I find a way to deal with Grania tomorrow.’
‘Reno already has that bounty on his head, so it’ll be harder to trace it back to me.’
When the students were leaving the class, Flora went to get some for her plan.
Although most students refused in the context of already having done her a favor, some agreed to Flora’s proposal.
To make sure, Flora also dialed up some upperclassmen that she knew.
She then exhaled a breath of air.
‘Everything is within my control. As it should be.’
Reno went to the changing room and got changed.
He then got his things ready.
Waved goodbye to Grania and met with Koa who was waiting for him outside of the training arena.
After greeting Koa, the two of them began walking to his rift exploration classroom.
Flora saw all this and was baffled.
‘I always thought Reno was some outcast antisocial rich kid but now I’m wondering if that’s wrong.’
Flora’s influence did not only stop at the 2nd year students, while she did not personally know most of the 3rd year students.
She had information on most of them.
‘Koa Orchid. Twin sister of Kori Orchid. Both are illegitimate children who ended up getting disowned.’
‘They paved their path to Aligning Academy by themselves with no help from others.’
‘From what I remember, they prefer to only hang by themselves and don’t take kindly to outsiders.’
‘What I’m seeing is entirely different from what I’ve heard though.’
Flora then shook her head, dismissing her thoughts.
‘My head is starting to hurt. I feel like I know too little concerning Reno.’
‘I need to gage him and his connections before I rashly send anyone to try and deal with him.’
Flora then tried running after Reno but bumped into Koa’s back before falling onto the floor.
After rubbing her eyes, she looked ahead of her, only to see that Reno was far along the hallway corridor already.
Looking up, she saw Koa who reached out her hand to help with a smile on her face.
Flora took Koa’s hand.
Before Flora could say anything else, Koa started talking.
“Save it. I wouldn’t be considered a 3rd-year mage if I didn’t know who you were or see what you’re trying to do.”
“I’d advise you not to probe, or even have the thought of trying to probe Reno.”
Flora was about to say something again before Koa once again interjected.
“I don’t want to hear any stupid excuses."
"I’ve been waiting for Reno for a while and could feel your gaze not leaving him.”
“Now, I don’t want to get involved with some 2nd year who thinks that the world revolves around her.”
“Let me tell you this.”
“If any attacks happen and I happen to trace them back to you."
"Then let’s say that a few of your 3rd year friends might not be as friendly as before.”
Koa then began running after Reno.
Flora stayed on the ground for a bit before getting up and telling her contacts to cancel what she had said before.
She then made sure to call Chasin and inform him that the deal was off.
Hearing this, Chasin was furious. “What!? Why are you so unreliable, you can’t take out one weak student!?”
Flora got angry and then screamed at him.
“Even if he’s some weak student, he’s not someone I’m going to get tangled with anymore. Deal with your problems on your own!”
Flora then hung up the call.
‘Weak… Yeah right.’
‘From the strength he displayed in class to a third year protecting him.'
'Reno is not some antisocial rich kid.’
‘I’ll make sure to look into him some more. This time, much more discreetly.’
Reno along with Koa then continued walking to his rift exploration class.
He was worried that he was distracting Koa from her classes.
When he mentioned this, she told him that her classes were deeper in the night as a mage, while it was the opposite for Kori.
“I’ll be the one that guards you in the daytime while if you’re out and about in the night, Kori will make sure to protect you.”
Hearing this, Reno smiled.
“Looks like I can rest easy then.”
Koa smiled back and then nodded.
On his way across the rift exploration classroom, Reno noticed something different from usual.
There was an android at the front of the classroom, that looked awfully like his teacher, Melia Opal.
Upon seeing that most of the students were in the class, the android clapped its hands.
“Looks like that’s everyone.”
“Sorry for the delay all my darling students."
"There was an important matter that caused me to be unable to teach for some time.”
“As you can all see."
"I still am not able to teach in person, due to not being here so this is the best we can do currently.”
“I do hope my darlings don’t take this as your teacher not loving you all!"
"This is just the way it has to be for now."