Chapter 50 : Succubus Genetic Enhancer, Vice President is Chosen
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Walking down the corridor, Melia had a slight smile on her face.
Sugarplum nodded as he knew why Melia was more cheerful than usual.
‘To not only launch me into the wall but also daring to attack a student in front of her who’s a teacher.’
‘That takes not only strength but also guts.’
Seeing that the white-haired girl still wasn’t moving, Melia’s smile disappeared.
She then slapped the back of the girl’s head.
“You can stop pretending and wake up now Vera.”
The white-haired girl then got up and sat on Sugarplum’s shoulder as Melia did.
As she got up, her white hair turned gold while her blue eyes turned green with hearts as her pupils.
She also grew out a black tail with a heart at the end.
She then began scratching her head where Reno had hit her.
“Even if the damage was minuscule, lady Melia.”
“A random student in a rank 1 rift should not be able to hurt me.”
“Someone who got genetically enhanced with succubus genes.”
“Thus, he’s an anomaly.”
Hearing this, Melia nodded.
“An anomaly indeed. Things that are different can be good or bad, it all depends on how you raise them.”
“All I have to do is make sure that Reno sees me and eventually you all as reliable people.
Vera licked her lips.
“Sounds good to me. When that happens, I’d love to get a taste of him.”
Hearing this, Melia grabbed one of Vera’s ears.
“I don’t wanna hear shit about sex when your performance has been dropping lately.”
I wonder if sex might even be the reason why.”
Vera quickly denied this by crossing her arms.
“Are you dumb? I’m a succubus so of course sex only makes me stronger.”
Melia smacked Vera on her head.
Firstly, don’t ever call me dumb again.”
Secondly, even though succubus are strong.”
“The main reason they don’t reach their full potential is due to being horny so you’re wrong.”
Vera couldn’t refute so she just kept rubbing her head.
Melia crossed her arms and put on a forced smile.
“Enough talking, hurry up Sugarplum.”
Sugarplum nodded and then started walking faster.
Due to Melia leaving the classroom, the class was essentially over.
The five students who had passed stage one had surrounded him.
They then started listing out reasons why he should choose them to be vice president.
Reno just zoned out and sighed on the inside.
‘Teacher Melia knows how to annoy others even when she’s not here.’
‘I wish I could choose willy-nilly but the one who becomes vice president will be around me most of the time in class.’
‘Sometimes out of class as well.’
‘If I had to deal with some narcissist guy or lady from a wealthy family I’d peel over and die in less than a week.’
Reno put up his hand, signaling the five to stop talking, and then cleared his throat.
“Before you guys continue, I want to let you all know that I’m vital coreless.”
This news was not only a shock to the five but also to the rest of the students in class who were still conscious.
“He has no vital core? Is he joking around? Who would believe that after what occurred a while ago.”
I think it’s true. Isn’t he the one who has a bounty on his head? The bounty states that he has no vital core anymore.”
This news pissed most of those who passed the first stage.
“Teacher Melia must be blind! To allow someone with no core to be class president is plain stupid.”
“He must have some hidden equipment on him or something."
"It’s impossible for someone without any energy to be this strong.”
“Class president or not. I’m not going to listen to someone who doesn’t have a core and can’t even use energy.”
Four out of the Five people who passed the first stage had left the classroom.
Most likely to look for Melia and to try arguing about how Reno shouldn’t be class president.
Reno shook his head.
‘I’ll never understand what people have against those without cores. Wealthy people fetishes I guess.’
Reno scanned the last person who had stayed back.
He was a guy of average height, who had peach hair with some white highlights in it.
There was what seemed to be a spear on his back wrapped in a white cloth.
He also wore black gloves on his hands, making him seem a bit like a thug.
“Interesting. Why did you stay back?”
“Do you want to serve a class president like me who can’t use energy and is core-less?”
“One who people are assuming, must have cheated or something?”
The guy nodded.
“They’re running their mouths. Seeing you up close, you didn’t cheat.”
Just a look at the calluses on your hands is enough for me to tell that.”
“Moreover, your demeanor when you were attacking Sugarplum and that girl screamed expert.”
“It reminded me of my grandpa who was a war veteran.”
“There’s no way you can fake those things.”
Reno nodded on the inside.
‘He didn’t jump to conclusions and thought over the situation for some time.’
‘Not only that he seems good at observing the situation.’
Reno put his hand on the guy’s shoulder.
“You’re fine by me. What’s your name?”
The guy nodded and smiled.
“I’m Arvin, Arvin Tilden.”
Reno nodded his head.
“Any goals Arvin? Also what weapon you got back there?”
Arvin thought for a bit before responding.
“No grand goals at the moment."
"I’m trying to be like my gramps and make a name for myself as a combatant.”
“On my weapon, I use a spear.”
“I thought about swords or heavy weapons that most people revere but I lack any skill in them.”
“After thinking it over, I went with the spear.”
Reno nodded again.
“That’s good.”
“Not making rash decisions is a good skill to have.”
Reno then called the infirmary to come pick up the students using his smartwatch.
He also asked Arvin if he’d like to grab some food together.
Arvin said he didn’t mind and the two began walking to the cafeteria.
Reno also made sure to text Koa and tell him that his class finished early and that he would be in the cafeteria.
On their way to the cafeteria, Arvin asked something that he was curious about.
He made sure not to dig too deep though.
He asked about what Reno had done to cause an original family to issue a bounty and him.
Also about how they knew he was core-less on the bounty.
Reno didn’t mind answering these questions.
Before they both knew it, Koa had arrived to get Reno for his next class.