Chapter 55 : Flora’s Suffering, Student Council Arrives
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From when Cassia had issued the bet, only around 30 seconds had passed.
With how Patrina looked, however, it had been as if she had been fighting for hours.
All over her body was filled with deep red cuts with blood dripping out of all of them.
Her long luscious hair had now become a few scraps.
The clothes she had on were also reduced to pieces.
Due to how mangled her body was.
No one paid any attention to the fact that she was naked.
The upperclassmen wanted to rush over and help Patrina but with what Cassia had shown them.
That was the same as running to their deaths.
Funnily enough, even though the group of upperclassmen should have been the most sorrowful.
It was Cassia who looked down in the dumps.
‘Boring… She knew Etta’s technique but she was so bad at utilizing it that I went a bit harder than I was planning to.”
‘Oh well… Life disappoints when it disappoints. No point in crying over spoiled milk.’
Cassia appeared beside Reno in what seemed to be the blink of an eye.
She then gave him Koa to hold.
“I don’t have any health potions on me.”
“Do you?”
Reno shook his head.
Cassia then shrugged.
“Let’s get going to the infirmary then.”
Cassia then started walking past the group of upperclassmen with Reno being right behind her.
While walking by, his eyes met with Flora for a brief moment before he continued after Cassia.
When they were walking, Reno looked a bit puzzled.
“Did you…? Uhm…? Kill her…?”
Even though it would have been something really easy for the original Reno to say.
The Reno of right now had grown up with killing being something that others would be either locked up for life or killed for doing.
So the thought of Cassia committing such a thing with little to no hesitation made him a bit wary.
Cassia looked back at Reno.
“Worried if I killed her huh? I didn’t know that you were such a bitch, Reno?”
“No offense though.”
“Don’t worry. Due to an agreement, I promised that I wouldn’t kill any students.”
“Well… Even if I did decide to kill her. A teacher was watching us who would have intervened.”
“Better to end the scuffle there.”
“They should have a healing potion or two on them.”
Reno was weirded out by Cassia who he deemed as a shy person calling him a bitch but he dared not to refute.
When Cassia was in battle mode as Reno liked to call it. He felt like only a move would be enough to end him.
This feeling was mostly due to the first-ever fight they had along with how Cassia acted when she was fighting.
As soon as Reno, Cassia, and Koa were out of sight.
The group of upperclassmen and Flora ran over to help Patrina.
After squabbling about who should use their health potion, they finally administered one to Patrina.
The potion caused all of the cuts on Patrina’s body to disappear and caused her to wake up from being passed out.
Healing potions were convenient as they could be perceived as a miracle elixir that could heal all wounds with ease.
The catch was that these potions were expensive.
For a normal person in the middle class, it would take around 5 years' worth of their salary to buy one of them.
So it made sense that Patrina’s entourage was much more cautious about using them compared to Patrina herself.
Another weakness of healing potions was that they didn’t help against ailments or sicknesses.
As soon as Patrina got up, she started breathing heavily.
‘I… was… this… close… to dying…’
She didn’t know that Cassia wasn’t planning to kill her in the first place and thought that she was seriously going to die.
Although killing in this era was much more common than in the past, it was still frowned upon.
Especially to those in the limelight such as Damon Arwen.
Patrina then spent some time recollecting herself before she turned to glare down at Flora.
Knowing that she was in big trouble, Flora tried to make a run for it but the group of upperclassmen stopped her.
Two of them held her by the arms and then carried her to Patrina kicking and screaming.
“This is not fair!”
“You guys said that you would help me! This isn’t all my fault you know!”
“If anything, we should be blamed as a group!”
Patrina knew there was one person to blame and it was Flora.
She then charged up her right fist and hit Flora square in the stomach with it.
Her strength as a psychic was not great but it was still impactful as Flora spat out a mouthful of saliva.
The group of girls then took turns getting their anger out on Flora.
“I almost died due to you, you fucking bitch!”
“What fucking boyfriend! He didn’t even look in your damn direction! Were you playing us for fools you cunt!”
“If you ever try contacting us after this, we’ll kill you before you can get us killed!”
Flora scorned her situation and also her damn greed.
‘I should have just left it alone! Of course, Cassia Arwen wasn’t going to be a fucking pushover.’
Flora had bruises all over her. She wished that the group of upperclassmen would stop hitting her soon.
She knew they weren’t hitting her seriously or else she most likely would have fallen after the first three or so punches.
Another girl in the group was going in for another Flora gut punch before a clap resounded in the hallway.
“Don’t you skip a lot of strays have a class to go to. What are you doing wasting time in the hallway for.”
“Do you need me to escort you to class?”
As soon as Patrina and the rest of her group heard this voice.
Cold sweat coated all their backs.
‘This voice!?’
‘It can’t be!?’
The group turned around to see a lady with white hair and amber eyes.
She also had a scar across her face and was also wearing a black military uniform.
Behind her was a girl with short blue hair and red eyes.
Seeing who it was, Mae got scared shitless.
“T-Teacher Mae. We found this second-year student on our way to class so we were going to see to it that she’s patched up.”
Mae sighed and then face-palmed herself.
“Do I look like a dumbass?”
“Oh, and I guess that beating the life out of her was so that she would heal faster as well?”
‘She must have been watching for a while. Fuck! We’re screwed.’
Mae then turned to Rosa.
“Rosa. What’s the punishment for students who have been caught bullying or beating other students?”
Rosa quickly got out her handbook and then with little time reached the part that detailed what Rosa wanted to know.
“Those students are liable for credit deductions, expulsion from courses"
"Or even expulsion under certain conditions.”
Hearing this, Mae’s face contorted a bit.
“Rules are lenient these days. Back in the day, expulsion without question was the only punishment.”
“No matter, you all will be coming with me for an interrogation at the student council.”
“We’ll decide your punishment there.”
The group of girls along with Flora didn’t want to get caught as they knew that Mae was the judge.
The punishment would never be light.
All of them then scattered like mice, not caring which direction they took off in as long as they had a chance of getting away from Mae.
Rosa was about to take action but Mae stopped her.
“Let me deal with this.”
Mae dug into one of her pockets and took out some metallic cubes that were the size of ice cubes.
She then coated her fingers along with the cube with energy
Compared to others who were able to do the same thing such as Chett.
Mae’s energy seemed to flow less and stuck much more closely to her fingers and the cube.
The comparison, Chett’s application was as if he was pouring water all over his hands while Mae was pouring honey on her fingers.
Mae then threw the cube with tremendous force at one student before switching to another in no time.
Not even 5 seconds had passed and she had thrown 11 cubes at all the students that had tried escaping.
She then put back the remaining cubes into her pocket.
“Please come help me pick them up, Rosa.”
Rosa nodded and the two began to gather up all of the students.
The trend that was the same for all of them was that every student was unconscious with a metallic cube right beside them.
Every time Mae and Rosa went to get an unconscious student, Rosa could not help but marvel at what she had witnessed.
‘Incredible. It is cool the fact that she was able to knock all of them out without fail but it’s truly astounding that as an A+ rank.’
‘Teacher Mae was able to only knock them unconscious and nothing else!”
Before long, the two had gathered all the students with Mae carrying them on her back.