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In a far, far away land, there was a very bored princess. Her boredom was too much for her to bear, so she went to her parents to see if they could somehow ease her predicament.

But it's always the same with her parents. They never have time for her, and they are always either in a locked room with loud rumbling or talking to their advisors. Never time for the bored, lonely princess.

"I AM BORED" shouted the princess in the middle of the royal hallway. But the shout didn't help. Even after calling, the boredom was still there.

She grabbed the very first maid she met on the way back to her room and pushed her against a wall while looking greedily, at the maid's face.

"You maid, everyone else has an advisor. You just got promoted to mine. I order thee to follow mee"
The princess continued to drag the maid behind her with her delicate hands because she feared the maid would leave her alone like her parents if she would let go.

Finally arriving at the princess room, the maid quivered nervously " P p pp pp-rincess, I am just a humble mmm-aid that started here a few weeks ago… how could I possibly become your a aadvisor" the princess looked annoyed over to the maid. "I, the princess, am bored. Make me not bored anymore!"

The maid, being extremely fearful of the princess, came up with an idea. "princess, why don't you order a royal jester? I heard he's a great magician and is good at entertaining people."

The princess got into a deep thought. "the royal jester is only for my parents and the next heir to the throne, and he's not good at magic, so he'd be boring for me. MAID didn't you say he's good at magic?"

The maid who got scared lost all her strength in her legs and fell to her knees.
"A a aaam sorry princesss ii meant the traveling jester going from town to town, ttthe children love him."
The princess had a foul smile on her face as she ordered the maid to get him and bring him before her.

After a few more boresome hours, they finally arrived in the princess room, with the princess sitting on her very fancy comfortable chair.
The princess looked at him in deep thought.
This jester… even with a background check, he suddenly popped into existence. Nobody knows where he's from or what hell do… this is so exciting!

Jesters Pov

Heh, I already got invited to the princess bedchamber. With some light suggestions and magic, I could maybe even become the next king!
There she sits on her wannabe throne… with that smug face. Oh, I  will wipe her clean once I'm done with her…

After a few hours of light suggestions, while juggling balls or telling her heroic tales, she seems slightly sleepy. Now is my time! I'll use my charm and pheromone magic to get her to like me and if the charm is successful, my plan will be finished.

Aand done! I did it! She's just sitting there smiling, looking at me warmly.
I always had a talent for magic after being transported to this weird world.

Now that the princess is finally under my control, I can do anything I want! So I went and made her play with me, licked her, sniffed her, and made her pet me ahahahaha.

Meanwhile, in princess pov

That's soo funny pfuuu hahahhahahha this fool actually thought he's good at magic, the moment he casted charm on me I trippled the efficiency and just pushed it back. What does this backwater jester think he is? The best magician in the royal family? No that's me silly. So I just went and did a few small changes. I made him my pet dog for the day, played with him, petted him and I even let him lick my shoes.

After I had my fun I released him from my bind and WOW he got scared fast. "I had much more fun than I ever thought I would with you. So you have two options die because you tried to charm me, a royal or become miiine~"

The chester absolutely scared answered
"I'll be yours princess, this jester will do your bidding, so please don't bind me anymore"

The princess smiled "u hu hu hu hu, you are no jester.. you are a fool and my name is April. From here on out you will be known as april's fool.

Heh, gottem

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