I Am Demoted To… Demigod?
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I was talking with Demeter when Hermes came and said my father had summoned me. 

"Gamo," I hissed under my breath. Please do not try to figure out what gamo means. Especially if you are under the age of thirteen. Or was it one thousand three hundred? Mortals most likely do not live that long, so I shall 'fly', as modern mortals put it, with the former.

To Hermes, I gave a curt nod. "Thank you," I said tightly, trying to hide my displeasure. Had Lord Zeus discovered I was blackmailing Eros into disposing of Artemis's lieutenants? 

I swept through the halls of Olympus, dreading the moment when I would enter the council room but knowing I would be punished for delay.

Oh, right. I suppose I should introduce myself.

I am Cougarakorikai, goddess of animals. You may call me Cougara, as they all do.

Yes, yes, I know what you're thinking. "You cannot be the goddess of animals! That's Pan and Artemis! Besides, I've never even heard of you!" Well, spare me the horror of hearing the name of that horrible Huntress. Artemis and I are natural enemies, given that she kills animals and I protect them. She is a second generation goddess, whereas I was there to fight in the Titan Battle with Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, and Lord Zeus. And if you haven't heard of me, good. That means the council is working. (Yes, you have questions about this 'council'. No, I will not be answering them currently. Ask me later.)

I finally arrived at the main court room, where my father was waiting. The good news: Thank Tyche, I found I was not to be punished for my blackmail.

The bad news: I learned that I was going to Camp HalfBlood (the Camp/Training Facility for all the children of our Greek forms)- disguised as a demigod.