Introduction and Rewrite Transition Chapter.
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Hello all! I'm Osa! The Author of your favorite insane (allegedly), explosion-happy AI murderhobo! To all those who read the previous story, you know what to expect. To those new to this crazy ride, I thought I might as well say hello and tell you about the story and why I'm Rewriting it.

If none of that interests you, that's perfectly fine, too; just scroll down the page a bit, and you'll get to the good bits. I've included in this "First chapter" the Epilogue to the previous story, both to give you a taste of what to expect and to make it a nice Transition from one Ending to a New Beginning!


For those of you who are still here, here is a bit about the story. It started as a question "What would happen if a galaxy-spanning, technologically highly advanced Civilization suddenly found themselves Face to Face with a world of Cultivators where everything they thought about the universe suddenly doesn't make sense anymore. More important, though, how would an "Arrogant Young Master" deal with a 10kg Rail Slug going Mach 9 to the Face? It gives a whole new meaning to "Face slapping," that's how!

If that sentence didn't make any sentence to you, then Welcome Aboard!

That being said, I started this Novel and worked at a Hospital during the height of the Covid crisis. Yes, yes, I know, I'm insane and might as well eat glass.

Hey! I was young and stupid! That's beside the point!

I'd always enjoyed writing, but because of the chaotic hours at the hospital, I didn't really get a chance to put my full focus into it. There were entire MONTHS where I would work 12-14 hour shifts, come home, eat, crash for 4-5 hours, then wake up and return to work. I DO NOT recommend it. (Treat your nurses and Docs well, people! They put up with more than you'll ever understand! If you got to blame anyone, blame the bastards who actually run the place.)

At the end of 2022, I finally quit my Job. It was literally killing me, both from stress and hospital-acquired illnesses.

SO! now that I don't have a job anymore (QAQ), I decided to try my hand at Writing full time! (\o/). 

For money! ... to pay bills! .... Look, we've already established that I'm Insane, ok? Stop judging!

That being said, I wasn't comfortable with the quality of what I had out to ask people to pay for it. There were gaps and plot holes caused by several issues that I just couldn't figure out how to really smooth. Couple that with pacing that was all over the place, and I didn't think I could really DO much more with what I had. 

Thus! I decided to start from scratch! Total Rewrite!

This way, I could write the story I really WANTED, not just to fix the holes in a sinking ship. That would be a disservice to both the fans and the story.

And so we come full circle! With a brand new story for you all to enjoy. I've put a lot of effort into it these last few months, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it (though some chapters were Haaaaard orz).

As for what you need to know, here's what to expect from the story in the future.

1): The premise is a mix of Sci-Fi and Fantasy, with both Tolkien-style magic and eastern Xianxia/Wuxia mixed in.

2): The primary Genres would be Action and Comedy; expect a lot of bloody fights and REALLY bad Puns. There are aspects of Progression fantasy as well, as the MC explores the new world and Adapts to its rules.

3): Alpha is NOT an Anti-Hero! .... He's an Anti-VILLAIN. Don't be a mistake; Alpha is absolutely not the "Good Guy" of this story. His primary Mission is to Conquer the planet/ system through whatever means he deems necessary. He's going to butt-heads fairly regularly with traditional Villains and those who would be the "Heros" in any other story. But don't mistake him for some Emotionless MurderHobo Edgelord. Alpha, as a person, is generally considered a likable, friendly, and fun person. But at the end of the day, his Mission comes first. Alpha's personality and "Role" were heavily inspired by stories like [Only Villains do That] and Deadpool. That being said, I feel like I have to reiterate...

4): Alpha is NOT an Emotionless MurderHobo Edgelord. If you're looking for some brooding dark lord, twisting the world to his grasp, this is not the story for you. This is more about a Goof-ball Meme Lord... twisting the world to his grasp. Alpha is what you get when you throw Deadpool, Spiderman, and Beast Boy into a blender and give him a fondness for Ducks. I like to describe him as [Chaotic Good Personality with a Lawful Neutral morality.]. He's a funny, chill guy who just wants to burn down a Kingdom or a dozen every so often.

5): This story is a slow burn... but also fast-paced... What? What I mean by that is simple. For the most part, the story itself is slower than some other progression stories. Chapters are roughly 2,500-3,000ish words, but even the first section is 10 chapters long. That doesn't mean things aren't happening! No! But this is a story about not just Alpha but also the world and people around him. Perspectives will frequently change, sometimes seeing the same event from multiple viewpoints. Other people's stories will be explored and built on. You'll come to love some people and hate others! And that's totally fine! My point is, while Alpha is the "MC," its very not just "His" story.

At the same time, expect things to happen OUTSIDE of what we see, as readers too. Time will progress, time skips will happen, and things and events will occur with one character while we're watching someone else. Think of it as a living world; gears are always moving, and plans are always being made.

6): I'm ALWAYS open to more feedback and input about the story's direction or how things are progressing. I heavily encourage you to leave comments in the comment section and tell me what you think about how the story is going. The more feedback you give, the better I can shape and polish it into what it should be.

LASTLY, before I let you get to the Chapter, here is a bit about how this week (and month, apparently) is going to go.

The current plan is to release 1 chapter every 12 or so hours for the first week. For a total of 15 chapters.

This includes 7 "Advanced" Chapters through Patreon. If you want to help support the Novel and allow me to keep Writing like this full-time, I kindly ask you Check those out! Some nice bonuses are planned, like Polls and the ability to help design story content at the top tiers!

After that first week, I WAS planning on slowing down to a more stable Weekly release, possibly Mondays or Saturdays.

But with the Surprise Writathon that started this month of Royal Roads, I've decided to bump that up to 2-3 times a week (really, more like however fast I can get them out, honestly) and see how that feels. If that's too much for me to handle at the moment, It'll drop down to a week. IF, at the end of the month, I feel like I'd still be going strong, I might keep the 2 times a Week release. But that honestly depends on the support and overall exposure.


With that, I don't really have much more to say; expect to ENJOY THE STORY! and remember to comment and tell me what you think!

The next release will actually be a 3-in-1, as it will include all the Preview chapters I've shared with my previous readers! (though spread out through the day).

I Removed the Transition Chapter, since it was confusing people. It can still be found on the Old Novel!