Chapter 1.1: Begin
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My opening scene may come across as cringe-worthy as I attempted to establish a light tone. However, as the story progresses, the narrative will gradually become darker. Thank you for choosing to read my novel. Also, I'm learning, so if I make any mistakes, feel free to provide feedback.

One morning in a Japanese dojo, three girls stood watching, dressed in matching white gi(1). They were members of Kaito's fan club, and they were there to cheer on Kaito, our protagonist.

Sakura, with her vibrant pink hair and infectious smile, chattered excitedly to the other trainees. Emi, with her thoughtful expression and wavy black hair, stood quietly, her mind focused on the upcoming battle. Aya, with her short blonde hair and adventurous spirit, twirled a camera around her neck, eager to capture every moment of the day.

 As Kaito entered the dojo through the doorway, the girls cheered him as they spotted him, their voices ringing out with enthusiasm.

"Kaito, our star! Shine bright and never give up!" Sakura shouted, her voice carrying across the dojo.

"Kaito, our favorite fighter! We'll always cheer you on!" Emi added, her quiet voice more subdued but no less passionate.

"Kaito, our champion! We'll always be by your side!" Aya chimed in, a smile on her face as she shouted out.

The three of them came together for the final two parts, their voices ringing out loud and clear.

"Kaito, our hero! You made our hearts race!" they shouted together, the energy in the room almost tangible.

"Kaito, you inspired us to be strong! Keep fighting!" they finished, their voices rising to a crescendo.

Kaito looked slightly embarrassed at all the attention, but there was a hint of a smile on his face as he acknowledged the cheers of his fans. The girls continued to cheer him on as he prepared for his battle, the bright energy of their support filling the dojo.


As the cheering from the girls died down, the scene shifted to the interior of a traditional Japanese dojo. The morning sunlight shone through the open shoji screens, illuminating the spacious training hall. In the center of the room, two figures stood facing each other, their eyes locked in a steely gaze.

The first figure was Nakamura Hiro, the owner of the dojo and Kaito's father. He was dressed in a black hakama and a white kimono, which accentuated his toned physique. His spiky salt-and-pepper hair and thick mustache gave him a stern appearance, which was amplified by his piercing eyes.

The second figure was Nakamura Kaito, his son, dressed in a white gi and black belt. Kaito was tall and muscular, with short black hair and intense brown eyes. He stood with a confident and focused demeanor, ready to engage in the monthly battle with his father.

As the two men faced each other, a tense atmosphere hung in the air. The onlookers, including the girls who had been cheering for Kaito earlier, watched with bated breath as the two martial artists prepared for their battle.

Hiro broke the silence with a short laugh, his piercing eyes twinkling with amusement. "So, Kaito," he said, "are you ready to take me down this time?"

Kaito grinned, a fierce determination in his eyes. "You bet, old man," he retorted, cracking his knuckles. "I've been training hard for this."


From the corner, a lean young man observed the battle. He was Yamamoto Shou, 18 years old, a friend of Kaito and also the junior instructor of the dojo. His arms were crossed firmly over his chest as he watched his friend with a feeling of unease. Beside Shou, several trainees excitedly placed their bets on the outcome of the battle between father and son.

"Man, this is going to be intense," Trainee A said, eyeing the two opponents. "I can't believe it's already the 100th battle between Kaito and Hiro."

Trainee B nodded in agreement. "And Kaito still hasn't won a single one. Do you think he'll finally pull it off this time?"

Trainee C snickered. "Not a chance. His father is just too good."

And the sad thing is, Shou also agreed. As a senior instructor of the dojo, Kaito was an exceptionally skilled fighter, but Shou knew it wasn’t enough.


"Looks like you've been working hard, Kaito," Hiro said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "But let's not kid ourselves, you still don't stand a chance."

Kaito bristled at the remark. "I've been training harder than ever, and I'm not going to give up," he declared.

Hiro chuckled. "I like your spirit, son. But don't get too cocky."

"I'm not cocky," Kaito retorted. "I'm just confident."

Hiro noded. "Confidence is good, but skill is better. Show me what you've learned."

As Sakura, Emi, and Aya cheered from the sidelines, Kaito and Hiro rushed towards each other with intense focus and determination. The sound of their bodies colliding echoed through the room, as they engaged in a fierce and grueling battle. The air was thick with the smell of sweat and the sound of heavy breathing, as both father and son pushed themselves to the limit. This was no ordinary sparring match – this was a battle of wills, a test of strength and skill, a fight to the finish.



Kaito walked down the hallway of his high school. He slammed his locker shut and leaned against it, rubbing his sore arm. Feeling the weight of his defeat in his chest, he had just lost another battle with his father, the ritual that had been going on since he was ten years old.

" Don't be so hard on yourself. You're improving every time. You just need more practice and patience." Shou said soothingly.

Shou and Kaito had been friends since they were children. He had witnessed every battle between Kaito and his father, and he knew how much it had meant to Kaito. He also knew how much Kaito loved his father, despite their conflicts. Shou was a calm and level-headed young man who often served as a mediator between Kaito and his father when they argued or fought. He admired Kaito's drive and determination, but he also worried about him pushing himself too hard.

"Practice and patience? How long do I have to wait until I can beat him? He's always one step ahead of me. He doesn't even acknowledge me as a worthy opponent." Kaito said, clenching his fists.

"He does acknowledge you. He's proud of you."

"That's not how he shows it. He always taunts me and calls me weak. He never gives me any praise or encouragement. He treats me like a punching bag." Kaito said bitterly.

"Maybe he thinks that's the best way to motivate you. You know how he is. He doesn't express his emotions well." Shou said.

"That's no excuse. He's my father, not my enemy." Kaito said.


As they talked, they were unaware of the three girls who were watching them from a distance. They were Sakuya, Emi, and Aya, the members of Kaito fan club.

The three girls exchanged glances and nodded at each other before approaching Kaito and Shou with bright smiles.

"Kaito-kun(2) is so cool!" Sakuya gushed. "He almost won today! Did you see how he dodged that punch from his dad?"

"Yeah, he was awesome!" Aya agreed. "He's so brave and strong!"

"And handsome, too!" Emi added.

"I'm sure he'll win next time!" Sakura yelled enthusiastically.

Kaito felt a surge of gratitude and embarrassment as he listened to the girls' compliments. He knew they were trying to cheer him up after his defeat, but he couldn't help feeling awkward.


"Kaito." As saw his friend remained silence, Shou nudged him.

"...Thanks." Kaito said with a forced smile. "You're very kind."

"So, Kaito-kun," Sakuya said eagerly. "Do you have any plans for tomorrow? Maybe we can hang out together!"

"Or we can go watch a movie!" Aya suggested. "There's a new action film that looks amazing!"

"Or we can go to the park!" Emi said softly. "It's very relaxing there."

The girls were enthusiastic in their efforts to help him, but he wished they would leave him alone for a while. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other and looked down at the ground, trying to think of a way to end the conversation and move away.


Just then suddenly a loud voice echoed through the hallway, startling everyone.

"Shou, we need to talk. Now!"

As they turned around, they saw a girl with black hair styled in a ponytail approaching them with an angry expression on her face. She was Shou’s girlfriend. At least for now.

Shou braced himself as he saw his girlfriend approach them. He knew that look all too well, and it wasn't good.

"Uh, sorry guys," he said awkwardly. "I need to go handle something with my girlfriend. We'll catch up with you later."

Kaito nodded understandingly as Shou hurried off with his girlfriend, leaving him alone with the three girls.

A few moments later, voices rose from a nearby stairwell.

"You stood me up last night." She hissed, her eyes flashing with anger "We had agreed to go to the movies, remember? I was waiting for you for an hour and you never came. You didn't even bother to call or text me. How do you think that made me feel?"

Shou paused for a moment before responding. He explained that there was an urgent situation came up at the dojo last night, so he had to stay there, and his phone ran out of battery, so he couldn't contact her. He apologized to her sincerely.

But the girl didn't seem to accept it.

"You always have some excuse, don't you? You're too busy with your martial arts and your team and your instructor duties. You don't have time for me or anyone else."

Shou chose to keep quiet.

The girl shook her head sadly. "Maybe we should just end this here," she said, hoping that Shou would beg for another chance.

But to surprise the girl, Shou simply nodded his head, accepting her decision. He knew she was right. They had nothing in common, and he didn't feel anything for her. He had only agreed to date her because she had asked him out and he didn't want to hurt her feelings.


For a moment, they simply looked at each other, the weight of their unspoken feelings hanging heavily in the air. Then he wished her well and said goodbye politely, then walked back to Kaito who was watching the scene from afar with sympathy.

The girl muttered something under her breath before moving off. "I get it now why they call you a heartbreaker," she said bitterly.

"Are you okay?" Kaito asked.

Shou nodded.



Kaito sighed with relief as he flushed the toilet. He had been holding it in for too long. He hated this bathroom. It was a decrepit and filthy place. The ceiling board was rotting, leaving behind holes and stains. The tiles were broken and grimy. The air was stuffy and moldy. The light was out, but fortunately the window let in enough sunlight. He loathed this place, but it was the only option on this floor.

He walked over to the sink and turned on the faucet. The water was cold and rusty, but he didn't care. He splashed some on his face and looked up at the mirror, which was foggy with condensation. Next to it, on the wall, he saw something written in red.

"Don’t look back."

Kaito read the words slowly. He scoffed. Some idiot must have thought it was funny to scare people with this cheap trick. He ignored it and reached for a paper towel from the dispenser. It was empty, of course.


Suddenly, behind him, one of the stall doors slammed shut with a loud noise that echoed through the bathroom. Kaito jumped in surprise.

"Who is there?" Kaito called out, but he heard no answer. Only silence greeted him. Suddenly, something moved in the shadows, and a dark figure emerged from behind the door. As it slowly approached him, Kaito gasped at the sight of its face.

It was...




A black cat purred as it licked the milk from the plastic glass. Against the backdrop of the clear blue sky, the cat's glossy fur shone in the sunlight, its green eyes closed in contentment. The soft breeze ruffled the cat's fur, but it remained unfazed, its focus solely on enjoying its creamy treat.

Kaito is sitting nearby, watching the cat with a smile. He had brought it to the school rooftop after their encounter in the toilet.

"Hey, you scared me back there," he said to the cat, as if it could understand him.

Kaito had learned to be brave from a young age. His father had taken him to the mountain and left him alone there when he was a child, as a test of his courage and survival skills. Kaito had endured the cold, the hunger and the loneliness, and had returned to his father with pride and confidence. But that did not mean he was fearless. There was something that he didn't believe existed, but if it did, he would be terrified: ghosts. He wondered what he would do if he ever saw a ghost and hoped he would never have to find out.

Kaito chuckled at his own silliness and reached out to pet the cat's fur. The cat purred and rubbed its head against his hand.

Kaito's phone rang, breaking the moment. He looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Shou.

"Moshi moshi(3)? " he answered.

"Dude, where are you?" Shou asked. "Class is about to start."

"I'm on the rooftop," Kaito said casually. " I decided to take a day off. Can you do me a favor and check me in?"


Shou sighed but agreed. "I'll also bring you the note later at night training."

"Thanks, Shou. You're a good friend," Kaito said gratefully.

Shou hung up without asking any further questions. He knew Kaito needed some time alone after his defeat.

After hanging up the phone, Kaito laid down on the cold cement ground next to his new companion. The cat had curled up beside him, after finished drinking the milk. As he gazed up at the sky, memories of his morning battle with his father flooded his mind. He replayed every move he had made, analyzing his strengths and weaknesses. He wondered what he could have done better, and why he still couldn't defeat his father after a hundred battles.

"Kaito, you are wasting your time. You have no talent. You might have some victories under your belt, but you have never beaten me in a hundred matches. Do you think that's something to boast about?"

"Once more, your punishment is to clean the shrine."

** a scornful chuckle from his father.** 

The words and laughter echoed in his mind, stirring up a wave of irritation. He tightened his grip on his fists and swore to himself that he would have his victory one day. As the wind caressed his face and the sun kissed his skin, Kaito drifted into a tranquil sleep.


Note for Chapter 1:

(1): A gi outfit is a type of clothing worn in traditional martial arts, such as karate, judo, and jiu-jitsu,...

(2): "-san, -kun, -chan, -sensei, -senpai, -kohai,..." are Japanese honorific suffixes, that are often used as a way of showing respect, affection, or familiarity towards someone.

** -san is "Mr.," "Ms.," or "Mrs." In English. -kun is used for young men, boys. -chan is used for young children, women, and girls. -sensei is used for teacher. Senpai refers to someone with more experience on the field, whereas kohai refers to someone younger and with less experience.

(3): "Moshi moshi" is a common phrase used when answering the phone in Japan, it means “hello”.

(4): "engawa" is a Japanese architectural feature that is typically a narrow strip of flooring that runs alongside the outer walls of a house or building.