Prologue – Letter (Arc 1)
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Dear Rika,

I write this letter with a glimmer of hope, imagining that the dancing flames will carry my words to you in the realm beyond. My heart is heavy with regret as I acknowledge the truth—I have been a terrible sister to you. It is in this moment of reflection that I realize the profound loneliness that accompanies your absence. You were my guiding light, my protector, and for that, I am immensely grateful.

Yet, amidst my gratitude, a deep longing emerges for the moments we missed. Instead of immersing ourselves in heartfelt sisterly conversations, embracing laughter, and cherishing precious memories, I allowed the demands of my work to consume me. How I yearn for more moments together—talking, sharing the same sleeping space, and embarking on shared shopping adventures, just as normal sisters would.

Rika, I am sorry. I acknowledge the sorrow that envelops me. The weight of this remorse threatens to consume my spirit, but if I keep harboring such emotions, it would render me incapable of shouldering the responsibilities fate has bestowed upon me with our family's company. Therefore, once again, allowing me to borrow your strength, allowing me to use your untimely demise, transforming it into a source of power. The flames of anger within me shall burn our enemies, and your memory will serve as a constant reminder, propelling me forward. You are my unwavering belief, the driving force that sustains me.

Rest peacefully, dear Rika, and may you find eternal happiness in your afterlife.

With love,
