Creation [1]
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Blackness surrounds a divine being as it is born into existence. The being's mind is not fully awake when a surge of foreign information rushes into its consciousness.  Memories of a life spent on a planet called Earth fill his mind. Ben is shocked upon realizing what he has become.

"This is... Omnipotence."

Ben takes some time to come to terms with his new existence, and gradually calms down after considering the ramifications of being a god. With great power, comes great responsibility.

Despite becoming a divine being Ben has retained a relatively human mind. The idea of managing an entire planet, much less multiple, is overwhelming for him. Instead of creating a universe, he decides to create a small sandbox of a world.

"First I'll create a sun of sorts. I can't create a world if its hidden in darkness."

The blackness surrounding Ben changes as he turns the sky from black to blue. This is followed by the illusion of a sun in the sky which projects light into the empty world. Ben creates an illusion of the moon and stars, which will only appear once the sun drops below the blue half of the sky into the empty black half. The empty black half of the sky reminds Ben of gravity. He uses a power unique to divine beings to create a 'divine law' capable of enacting constant downward force on everything in the realm.

"This will work for now. It's time I make the boundaries of the world."

Ben imagines his world in the shape of a huge bowl. The edges made from dense near unbreakable rock, while black magical crystals (Which Ben names 'Void Crystals') hold the world up to prevent it from falling. Of course this crystal is not necessary for Ben, but its more interesting to use a special crystal to hold up the world rather than just making the bedrock float on its own.

Dark dense rock forms into a rather massive bowl shape upon Ben's command. This bowl is roughened up with organic bumps and formations before being sprinkled throughout with growths of black void crystals. These chunks of crystal have the unique property of being unaffected by gravity, but affected by all over types of force.

"Perfect! Now it's time to make the regular rock, and the caves."

Ben starts by shaping a huge layer of solid rock within the bedrock bowl. This rock is then expanded upwards at the edges to form mountains. These mountains function as a natural barrier to prevent the world's inhabitants from falling into the abyss or witnessing the edge of the realm. After completing the mountains Ben carves out cave systems beneath the ground. These winding tunnels never reach the bedrock, but do break to the surface in several places.

"I'll have to provide my inhabitants with some metal and gemstones."

The first metal is Tarnum, a brownish orange colored ore which turns bright bronze when refined into pure metal. Tarnum is soft and relatively lightweight for a metal. It can be found in large round veins throughout the world.

The second metal is Nirnum, a grey colored ore which turns bright silver when refined into pure metal. Nirnum is both tough and heavy. It's commonly found throughout the world in somewhat small ore veins.

As for the gemstones of the world, Ben decides to create striking yet simple white gems. They're not particularly interesting, and will likely only be used for decoration. These white gems are scattered in pockets no larger than a basketball throughout the world, being leagues rarer than both the metal ores.

"That's all for the underground and mountains. Now to terraform the surface."

Sand and soil take shape upon Ben's command. The sand lines a large lake as well as two streams which feed into it. The soil fills in the rest of the hills and flatlands while providing fertile ground for plants to take root. Water gushes forth from two mountains to flow into the empty streams, gradually wetting the sand while the lake is filled with a swath of deep clear water.

"Next is the plant life."

Grass sprouts from the soil in waves of green. The lush carpet of grass coats the entirety of the dirt much like a big green rug. Once the grass has been laid trees burst forth from nothingness. Roughly three fourths of the trees are oak, while the remainder are all apple trees bearing ripe fruit. Ben turns his attention beneath the water and coats the rocks and sand beneath the water's surface with green algae. Finally the caves are populated with bioluminescent mushrooms. The shape and size of these mushrooms vary while they all emit a soft green glow.

"That's all for the flora, now I can make the fauna!"

Ben enthusiastically creates four unique bugs to reside at the bottom of the food chain. The first is a grasshopper which populates the lush green landscape. The second is a squirming worm which churns the soil it lives within. The third are diatoms, tiny aquatic organisms which do not belong to the animal or plant kingdom. The fourth are gnats which thrive on decaying life, living both above and underground.

With the bottom of the food chain complete, Ben starts creating small animals to hunt these miniscule bugs. The first is a drab looking songbird which feeds on both grasshoppers and worms alike. The second is a fluffy rabbit accompanied by several bunny sized burrows. The third is a rather bland fish which lives in small schools in the lake. The fourth is a small winged mammal, the bat, living within the caves.

Finally Ben completes his limited ecosystem by creating predators to hunt the small animals. For the air he creates a cunning hawk who hunts anything sizeable it can get its talons on. For the land he creates slithering green snakes which mainly hunt the rabbits, capable of following them into their burrows. For the water he creates the gar which are aquatic ambush predators wielding many sharp teeth and a nasty snout. The caves are populates sparsely by a disturbing many legged venomous predators known as giant centipedes.

"I've created a functional ecosystem! Though it feels like something is missing."

Ben observes the animals for a few minutes before it dawns on him.

"That's it! There's no weather!"

Ben exerts his power across the entirety of his small realm to form a new divine law. Clouds can form and rain can fall. He spends some time looking for any mistakes he missed, but nothing sticks out to him.

"Why do I suddenly feel so tired..?"

Ben's thoughts are scattered as his consciousness fades rapidly. This sudden exhaustion is unshakable, and drags him down like an anchor in the sea of consciousness. He cries out mentally before falling into a deep sleep.