Chapter 1 – The Beginning Of The End ( Axel – First Person )
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What is reality but a simple figment of our own imagination. Everything we see or feel is because we perceive it to be so. We say an apple is red but is it actually red? What if it is green and we just perceive green to be red. This is reality and when reality clashes with our knowledge of the world a paradox is created because our idea of reality cannot be changed.

But what if the reality we know is completely destroyed? What if we are merely playthings for beings who are so powerful we cannot begin to fathom the expanse of their power? What if our reality was merely a illusion?

These questions flooded my mind as I realized my reality was slowly crumbling.

4 hours earlier...

It started off as a normal day, I woke up ready to face yet another day of selling insurance to people who were gullible enough to do so, but hear me out first I didn't particularly wanted to beg people to sign a piece of paper which would enable them to die in peace ( or so they thought ) I had once dreams of my own, I wanted to be a successful ( and rich ) businessman someday, but I have only myself to blame for the way I magnificently fucked up my life.

Now all I wanted to do was sell people the premium insurance and cash in my pay check at the end of each month. I wanted to have a turnover of 1000$ per second, but now I was satisfied with a bonus of 200$ per year, funny how cruel the fates are.

I took a shower and tried to nurse my hangover, I shouldn't have drank that extra can of beer but when you have failed in life alcohol becomes your only safe harbour. I poured myself some coffee, I cupped the glass of caffeine that I desperately needed and slung my bag over my shoulder and stepped out of my house.

Contrary to my financial situation I lived in a considerably well-to-do neighborhood.

"Good Morning Mr. Carlsen, beautiful day isn't it?", my next door neighbour Mr. Robinson waved. He was a man who was closer to being 50 than to 30, but his happiness and enthusiasm were infectious, it was the joy of a man who had achieved what he wanted to in his life. He was balding but his sharp jawline and nose gave him a truly rugged and handsome look, at least as handsome as a 45 - year old man can be ( No offense to old guys out there :) ).

"Truly Mr. Robinson", I tried to inject the same level of enthusiasm he had in his voice into mine but failed miserably. He was mowing his lawn, his 13 - year old daughter Lana was standing alongside him.

"Good morning Lana", I said to her and mustered a smile. She had beautiful brown eyes with just the perfect tint of golden giving it a soft glow and made her already cute face even more pretty. Her black hair fell nearly to her shoulders, she had recently had it cut.

"Good Morning Mr. Carlsen", she smiled at me, I smiled back, waved at them and walked further down the street. My office was not that far from my home I was not sure whether to consider it a curse or blessing as I got called for even the most miniscule task. 

My boss called me a peach for always being available whenever he asked for me, which was most of the time, I should have protested at the unfairness as I was working almost twice as much the other employees were or should have at least demanded a hike in my wages but frankly speaking I didn't have the balls to do so. That's why when he called me in today I readily complied. 

"How 's my favourite associate", he beamed when I entered his office. He was only 10 years older than I was yet he had reached almost the apex of this company, while here I was still being an entry level associate. He wore a black suit to work today which was kind of symbolic because it matched my mood. He wore a matching red tie and black shoes that were polished to the point it almost shined. He had a pretty round face which was ruined by a jagged scar that ran across his left cheek. He got it when he was involved in a road accident in his childhood.

"So, Axel m'boy I have a task for you today, there is a person I want you to visit", of course, that's why he called me in, to shove his work onto me.

"What sort of client sir?", I enquired already deflated at the prospect of this extra work.

"Now this is not your ordinary client, she is a VIP, a premium member of our company, I would have visited her myself but some, ah..., some important work came up", Important my ass, it was probably flirting with the girls down at reception, that filthy hypocrite.

But I kept my thoughts to myself and forced a smile onto my face, " Of course sir, I shall go at once".

"Thank you Axel I knew I could count on you I will SMS you the location right now", with those words I walked out of the office. 

Little did I know that was the last time I would ever come to that office or my house.