Chapter 4
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Chapter 4

The sun shone brightly on the 11th of April, casting a warm glow over the grounds of UA High School. Over a month has passed since the Entrance Exam, which took place on the 26th of February. Today, school had finally begun, it was the first day.

All Might, the Symbol of Peace, stood at a distance, attentively observing the first-year students as they undertook their Quirk Apprehension Test.

The students were eager and filled with anticipation, each of them showcasing their unique quirks in an attempt to impress their Sensei and fellow classmates. All Might was mostly interested in seeing his protege, Izuku Midoriya, outshine the rest of the class, however.

All Might's keen eyes scanned each individual, taking in their strengths and weaknesses. As expected, his gaze lingered on Izuku Midoriya, the young boy who had inherited his Quirk, One for All. Izuku was a symbol of determination and unwavering dedication to becoming a hero, just like always, and even now after he was failing to use his quirk properly.

As All Might watched, Izuku pushed his Quirk to its limit in a single, powerful move.


He concentrated his power in one of his fingers, and threw the ball with the explosiveness behind it. The ball flew like a jet.

However, the force proved too much for his young body to handle, and he ended up breaking that finger in the process. All Might's heart swelled with both pride and concern for the boy, as he admired Izuku's relentless spirit while worrying about the consequences of his actions.

“Very good… Now he just needs to learn how to control the quirk.”

All Might muttered from here, where the students couldn’t see him. He was about to leave then, now that the test had ended, but right then his phone rang.

The sound of his phone ringing pulled him from his thoughts. He pulled the phone out of his pockets, and glanced at the screen, noting that it was Nezu, the principal of UA High.

With a deep breath, he answered the call, and the two engaged in greetings and a light conversation.

“So how do you like it, Toshinori-san? Is everything up to your standards?”

This was actually All Might’s first time in UA as a professor. So Nezu was curious what he thought of it. That’s the topic the two of them talked about for a little bit, though it wasn’t the topic they dwelled in too much in the call. It was better to talk in person for this, and that they will do later on.

The main thing Nezu informed All Might was that of the recent developments concerning the attack on Yoroi Musha that had occurred a month ago.

“So how is Musha-san doing? I heard he woke up…” All Might asked.

“Yes, that’s why I have called you. As the No.1 Hero, you deserve to know.” Nezu’s reply came right away.

Yoroi Musha, a respected pro hero, had finally woken after a long period of unconsciousness. He was seriously injured after a masked villain entered his villa a month ago, and attacked him.

It was good news that he was awake, All Might was happy hearing it.

“However, as we feared, the severity of his injuries meant that he would not be returning to his duties as a hero. Which is troublesome, but it’s understandable.”

It was troublesome, for sure. For one of the Top 10 heroes to quit like this, out of an injury no less, the country will be in shambles for a while. The worst part was, nobody knew who the attacker was yet. That man who had invaded a hero’s home and attacked him there, was running wild still. It was unbelievable.

“I see. Tell Musha-san’s family that I will visit him soon. He is an old friend, we can share some stories. Any traces on the attacker?”


As they discussed the situation further, both Nezu and All Might found themselves at a loss for words. They were deeply troubled by the new villain who had attacked Yoroi. This individual was no ordinary criminal – it was the same guy who had stopped a group of bank robbers a day before Musha’s attack.

Musha wasn’t the last person he targeted. He had been targeting other people over the past month; mostly villains, but still. This enigmatic figure was a force to be reckoned with, and their motivations remained unclear.

All Might's voice conveyed his concern as he spoke, "We must find out who this person is and what they're planning. We cannot allow him to continue his reign of terror any further. He may be targeting the villains right now, but who can say he won’t target the students and intern heroes? He needs to be stopped.”

It was ironic how such an evil person had the power of light. Perhaps this was the proof that those old doctors needed, who said a quirk is the manifestation of a person’s character. That clearly wasn’t the case here.

Nezu solemnly replied. "I agree. We need to uncover his identity and put an end to his actions before they cause even more chaos in our world."

Their conversation continued further, as they brainstormed potential strategies to identify and apprehend the mysterious villain. The weight of the situation bore down on them, and they knew they had to act swiftly to protect society from this new threat.

As All Might ended the call, he looked back at the students, his determination renewed. He knew that the future of heroism rested on their young shoulders, and it was up to him and the other teachers to guide them on the right path – a path that would prepare them for the challenges they would face in the world beyond UA High School.

Now, if anybody threatened these future stars. The Symbol of Peace would stop them with his own hands.


It’s been a month since I attacked Yoroi Musha, and now I was back at the grocery shop, sitting behind the desk.

As I sat, my thoughts preoccupied with my mission, I was startled when Yumi, the same coworker who was fond of me, approached me. Her eyes seemed to be holding back tears as she gave me a sad smile.

"Akira, I've decided to quit this job," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

I was taken aback, truthfully. Even as I was planning, I was startled awake and looked at her face with a confused frown.

"Why, Yumi? What happened?" I asked, genuinely concerned.

"I need to move on and find something else, something that's right for me," she replied, her smile wavering.

As if that explanation was enough, which it was – I understood what she meant – truthfully, she gave me a final glance and walked away. That left me feeling a pang of regret for a long moment.

Minutes later,

“Oh well.”

I sighed and shook my head. I tried to refocus my mind on my mission, but Yumi's departure weighed heavily on me.

In the end, I decided the best thing to do would be to leave for today.

Leaving work that evening, I traversed the empty city streets, my thoughts consumed by the events of the day.

I boarded a bus, its dimly lit interior reflecting my somber mood. As the bus rumbled through the city, I found myself reflecting on my recent attempts to recruit villains to my cause.

Over the past few weeks, I had faced five adversaries, but none had agreed to join me. Two of them were decently strong, but I needed to find someone who shared my belief in change too, someone who was willing to fight the corrupt system that was tearing our society apart.

Arriving home, I stepped into the shower, hoping the hot water would wash away the day's lingering emotions. As the steam filled the small bathroom, I contemplated my next move.

A month had passed since my encounter with Yoroi Musha, and I had yet to make any real progress. I tried my luck with five villains after that, but that was a dead end too. The list hadn’t ended yet, of course, and I was thinking oy my next potential ally.


Who would be suitable?

Someone who has a nice quirk, but also a mentality matching mine.

After long, as I calmed down under the cold shower, the name of a potential ally crossed my mind.

Himiko Toga. The blood-sucking vampire.

She was dangerous and unpredictable, but given her past, maybe she could be the key to turning the tide in our fight against corruption.

After drying off, I retreated to the sanctuary of my room, the familiar walls offering a sense of comfort. I sat down at my computer desk and opened my file, The Candidates.

“There it is…”

My eyes scanned the list of names, stopping at Himiko Toga.

A rush of excitement ran down my spine as I imagined what it would be like to confront her, to convince her to join my cause. It was a daunting task, but one that I was willing to undertake.

As I closed the file and leaned back in my chair, I took a deep breath. The road ahead was filled with challenges, but my determination to change the world had not wavered.

I thought back to Yumi's sad smile, a reminder that life was filled with both loss and hope. In that moment, I made a silent vow to carry on, to fight for a better future, and to honor the sacrifices of those who had crossed my path.

My journey had been fraught with setbacks and obstacles, but I knew that I could not let fear or doubt hold me back. The world needed change, and I was willing to do whatever it took to bring it about, one battle at a time.

With renewed resolve, I turned off the computer and prepared for the coming confrontation with Himiko.

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