Chapter 111. A spark
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The path onward should have been obvious. Advance the item and then proceed with their previous plan. However, the longer Leo looked at the System's message, the more doubts entered his mind.

'What's wrong, Leo?' Nyx whispered softly.

He sighed. I'm not sure if I should do it now. Seeing the feline tilt her head, he elaborated. Maybe it didn't take much time to finish previously, but it hurt as hell. Harming myself right now might not be the best idea.

Slowly, Nyx nodded. 'That's fair... Yet, you seem to forget that it was Nikra who forced the complete evolution of your item. Her power changed it at its core, and that's the only reason it hurt so much. Without her here, things should proceed much more smoothly.'

Humming, Leo turned his gaze back to the notification. Nyx was right. Without Nikra, no one could mess up the advancement process any longer. Though it didn't change the fact that he still worried.

Instincts? If there was ever a time to warn me, it's now... Nothing? Okay...

"So be it," He muttered, sitting down on the ground and relaxing his body as much as he could. "Like before... Protect me. Hopefully, it won't take longer than a minute or two. We really need to go."

'Of course. Go on.'

Alright System... hit me with it.

Choice acknowledged. Proceeding with the advancement of Touch of the Void (Epic). Please relax, and under no circumstances should you attempt to manipulate your soul during the process.





Deep within Leo's soul, the install item stirred, awakening the surrounding Essence. The energy, just like the last time, enveloped the Touch of the Void, not leaving a single gap for it to escape. Not that it ever would.

At this point, Leo expected the pain to begin, to boil his blood just like it had when Nikra interfered in the past. However, none of that ever happened.

Instead, a sudden warmth filled his soul, followed by whispers he couldn't really understand. They spoke louder with each word, their echoes sending shivers across his body. Sometimes, he thought those voices were calling out to him, begging him to join.

In what? Leo had no idea.

Not that it really mattered, as not even a few seconds later, the whispers vanished. The warmth filling his soul disappeared along with them, leaving him so cold and empty that, for a moment, he thought the world had turned into a frozen wasteland.

Only it didn't, and another message from the System made sure to prove that. Well, that and the world around him coming back into focus.

Item advancement finished successfully. Grade upgraded from Epic to Radiant. Congratulations, Touch of the Void has advanced to Spark of the Void.

Holy shit. Leo let out a long exhale. That was... quite something. Did you feel it, Nyx?

'Only bits and pieces,' she admitted. 'Our bond is still too weak for me to feel everything that happens that deep in your soul. One day, it will change, but for now, I can see the memory from your perspective if you wish.'

Standing up, Leo shrugged. Go ahead. I'm curious what you will have to say about it. You still know more about the Void than me.

Not waiting for a response, he quickly took off his cloak and made sure to check every inch of his body. Even if there were no significant physical changes after the previous advancement, he didn't want to leave anything to chance. Not now, not ever.

Everything seems the same. That's something at least. Leo released a breath he didn't know he was holding. If it didn't change me outside, time to find out what happened inside.

Install: Spark of the Void (Radiant):
Created as the result of combining a lower-grade origin item and the influence of an Old One's shard. With each step you make, your connection to the Void grows stronger. Its power, wild and destructive, is waiting for you. Make sure you don't lose your way.
Limit Break: +15 Might, Vision, and Grace. Grants technique Void: Minor Takeover. The true power of the Void fills your soul.
Passive: Third Circle - Locked. Soulbound - Cannot be removed by traditional means.

Hmm. For a whole grade higher, it's honestly less than I expected. Leo frowned, making sure to read everything at least twice. Though the bit about Void's true power might be the reason for that. I just have to figure out what the hell that really means...

'Interesting...' Nyx's sudden mumble filled his mind. 'The voices you heard. Those were spoken in Akirian's primal tongue. One of, if not the oldest, languages in the Multiverse. Nikra heard it a few times during the war.'

Forgetting about the item for a moment, Leo raised an eyebrow. Oh? Did you understand anything they tried to tell me?

The feline shook her head. 'No. Nikra understood a few words at best. It's not enough to even translate a single sentence you have heard.'

Not surprising... He tsked just as another thought entered his head. So this is one of the languages that my skill can't translate. Found it faster than I expected...

'With your current evolution, it was bound to happen sooner rather than later. And who knows. Maybe one day you will have to learn this ancient tongue.'

As if. Leo snorted. Learning a new language is the least of my worries. There are much better things to give my time to... Like for example figuring out what my upgraded item does. Think you can help, Nyx?

For a brief moment, the feline remained silent as her eyes clouded over.

'Forgive me, Leo. All I can tell is that the answer most likely lies within your soul. Apart from that, I'm just as clueless as you.'

Don't worry. Leo waved her off. It's not like I expect you to have an answer to my every question. Sooner or later, I will figure this out. Now, let's get moving...

Barely a few days and it had already spread so far. Leo swallowed, gazing at the Tainted Wasteland below and tracing every glowing fissure.

The scorched and disfigured area didn't stay idle for long after he knocked down two of the walls that trapped it. At this point, the Wasteland finished consuming the fallen buildings and continued onward. Not even the street where he had landed after escaping from the Cursed Juggernaut was spared.

Give it a few weeks, and most of the city will be gone... Once the mess with the Safe Zone and Adam's curse is solved, this should be the next point of focus. Well, this and the Graveyard.

The mere thought of that accursed mall brought a grimace to Leo's face. However, no matter how much he wanted, the Graveyard couldn't remain forgotten forever. Among everything that wanted to kill the survivors in Wolford, the breeding ground of Nightmares was the most dangerous.

At least for now...

There are also the Void Gates waiting to be activated... Shit. He shook his head. One thing at a time, Leo. Remember. Safe Zone, Adam, then the rest...

Sighing, Leo let his gaze wander over the Wasteland again. Another dozen or two Voidlings had already filled the space left by the monsters that died here a few days ago. Where did they come from? He had no idea, but the point remained that they all had already reached at least level ten.

Perfect place to level up quickly and get some stronger minions... But not now.

'Are you sure, Leo? Now that you're fully recovered, we could easily hunt most of them given time. The humans can wait. You worry too much about them.'

Leo rolled his eyes. I know you don't care about them, but I gave them my word. Besides, I'm a bit curious.

'I don't like this. Humans are fickle beings. '

Quikring an eyebrow, Leo stepped away from the roof's edge. Need I remind you that I was a human not that long ago?

'Unimportant. You have shed your humanity and become something more. That's all that matters.'

This time, Leo couldn't stop the chuckle escaping from his throat. Interesting point of view... Don't worry too much about me. I still plan to take over a few Voidlings on the way. That and I still have you.

'Acceptable,' Nyx mumbled, earning another laugh from Leo.

They are fine... So it was only me. Thank the Void. Leo sighed in relief as Holden and Clara entered the gallery's entrance hall. "You're here. Nice. Honestly, I expected you to take longer."

Clara snorted, her gaze darting between the dead creatures around them. "And you would have been right if someone hadn't cleared out the final part of the way." She grinned. "Must have been bored, eh?"

Leo shrugged even as another kill notification appeared in his vision. "Something like that. I just don't want too many surprises once we arrive at the police station. Now, shall we?"

Nyx, you can stop now. They are here. Take the minions and find a good spot to watch over me.


"A moment, Hale," Holden called out, stopping him with a raised hand. "I already told you some of what you can expect from Frank, but let me elaborate."

Nodding, Leo leaned against a wall. "Sure. Go on."

"Frank is a survivor, always was. Among our group, he was the fastest to adapt to everything. If something needed to be done, he was the man for the job." Holden sighed, lightly shaking his head. "He is a good man and a friend you want around. There is just one important issue with him."

"He is a prick," Clara finished, earning a glare from Holden. "Hey! We both know I'm right. I just ain’t scared to say it," she shrugged.

The man pinched his nose. "Clara is... sadly correct. Frank is many things, but easy to work with is not among them. And this stands true before and after the Outbreak."

"Meaning it got worse after," Clara added with a grin.

Leo furrowed his brow. "Are you sure you want this guy's help?"

"Aye," Holden stated firmly. "Frank has his faults. We all have. But like I said, he is a good person. As long as you ignore his jibes and obnoxious nature, working together shouldn't be a problem. That is once we convince him to join us."

"Yeah, Tony," Clara drawled. "I would like to finally hear your master plan to do that. You know well why Frank and the others left us."

"Of course I do," Holden almost growled before taking in a deep breath. "For now, I hope the news about the permanent Safe Zone and Hale's presence here will tip the scale in our favor. If that doesn't work... I have an offer Frank can't refuse."

Ignoring most of what the man said for a moment, Leo spoke up. "Hold up. What's that about me?"

Even as Holden moved to answer, Clara beat him to it. "Even if he is an arsehole, Frank is also a simple bloke. He respects strength and takes the System's motto as some sort of guidance from God... So I guess you're here as a show of power so that he won't think we are just a bunch of weaklings anymore."

"Again, correct," Holden nodded. "He will see you as what you are, Hale. An ex-human who adapted better than others."

Alright, color me impressed. Now I really want to see if any of that is even slightly true. Who knows, maybe it won't become a complete waste of time after all.

Kicking his foot off the wall, Leo motioned to the duo. "Okay then. Let's meet this Frank."

Read the end of Book 2 and four chapters of Book 3 now on my Patreon (Total of 14 chapters ahead of SH): Discord: Land of Chaos