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Throughout my life there have been endless things that have failed to convince me of their validity. It seems that from the moment we are born, we are thrown into a world that is shrouded in mystery and doubt, and we are expected to make sense of it all. We are told that we are raised in "golden pens" called homes, where we are given everything we need to grow and flourish, but is this really so?

As we get older, we begin to realize that the beliefs and ideals we have been taught are not our own. They have been instilled in us by our parents, who were taught the same things by their parents, and so on. We are told that we will develop our own perspectives and beliefs as we mature, but how can we be sure that those beliefs are really ours? How can we be sure that we are not simply regurgitating the beliefs of those who came before us?

Beyond the veil of what we know to be true lies an endless abyss of doubt and uncertainty. We are told that there is a divine being that created us and cares for us, but how can we be sure? How can we know that this being exists and that it has our best interests at heart? We are told that if we are capable of thinking and doubting, then we must exist, but is that really enough? Surely there must be more to our existence than just the ability to question our own existence.

I often find myself gazing at the stars, marveling at the magnitude of the universe around us. I wonder how such a vast and intricate system could have come to be, and what it is for. Is it all just a coincidence, or is there some great design at work?

Despite my doubts and my constant questioning of the world around me, I can't help but feel a sense of superiority over those who blindly follow the beliefs that have been instilled in them. I see them as tools, used by those in power to maintain their control over the masses. And yet, even when I question his beliefs and his motives, I can't help but feel envious of his unwavering faith.

But what is the use of questioning the validity of others, if in the end I am one more tool of the system?

Parents often make the stupidest and most unexpected decisions when it comes to naming their children. Often driven by deeply held emotions or personal connections, these choices can be disconcerting to outsiders. Many opt for family ties, choosing names that honor ancestors, beloved family members, or even esteemed religious figures. Others may choose names inspired by pop culture, literature, or sports, hoping to instill in their child some sense of strength or character.

However, while there may be many reasons behind the choice of a particular name, it is important to recognize the deeper implications and consequences of these decisions. The act of naming a child is one of the most important and defining moments in a parent's life, and can have a lasting impact on a child's sense of identity, self-esteem, and place in the world.

In some cases, as we will see, these choices can have disastrous and tragic consequences.

Take, for example, the case of Kim Jin-Soo, a 24-year-old office worker who recently lost everything: his job, his apartment, his future wife, and even his beloved cat Teru. His name, which means "a true and genuine man who protects or defends others," was chosen by his parents with the utmost care and attention, hoping to instill in their son a sense of purpose and strength.

However, as we'll soon see, Kim's life has been anything but a smooth and easy ride.

It all started when he lost his job after a heated confrontation with his boss. Frustrated and angry, Kim lashed out and ended up fracturing the skull of his boss, a violent act that would have grave consequences for his life. Suddenly unemployed and without a steady income, Kim found himself falling behind on his rent, struggling to make ends meet.

The owner of the apartment complex, a bitter and hateful old woman with her foot in the grave who had always held a grudge against Kim, saw an opportunity to get rid of him once and for all. She evicted him from his apartment and gave him away to an attractive young couple, leaving Kim alone and homeless.

To make matters worse, Kim's girlfriend, whom he thought he loved and trusted, turned out to be a shallow and manipulative person who only cared about his money. When she found out about his job loss and his eviction, she immediately left him and took Teru, her beloved cat, with her. Devastated and alone, Kim found himself at a crossroads, not knowing what to do or where to turn.

But the real tragedy of Kim's story lies not in his misfortunes, but in the deeper psychological trauma inflicted on him by his parents' decisions. From a young age, Kim was taught that his name meant something special and meaningful, that he was meant to be a true and genuine protector of others. But as he struggled through life, facing setback after setback, he began to realize the emptiness of these ideals.

For Kim, the idea of ​​being a protector or defender had become a burden, a weight he could no longer bear. He had been raised to believe that he was responsible for the happiness and well-being of others, that his very identity was tied to his ability to protect those around him. But when he saw the world for what he really was: cruel, unfair, and unyielding, he began to question the meaning and purpose of his existence.

Hello, I'm Kim Jin-Soo, in case you haven't noticed...

I find myself surrounded by people and noise, in a subway filled with the hustle and bustle of commuters coming home from work. I was lost in thought, gazing absently at my reflection in the window opposite, when I felt a pair of eyes on me. I turned to see Lee Seung-gi, an employee at a sister company I used to work for, looking at me curiously.

I arched an eyebrow.

—Are you one of those obsessed stalkers?

He smiled, showing a pair of pearly white teeth.

—I was just wondering if you're okay. You seem lost in your thoughts.

I couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance at his intrusion.

—I'm fine. Just tired from work.

He nodded sympathetically.

—I know how it is. It can be tiring, right?

I gave him a tight-lipped smile, hoping he'd take the hint and leave me alone. But he seemed determined to strike up a conversation.

—So... where do you work now? —he asked.

I hesitated for a moment, not sure whether to trust him with that information. But something in his demeanor told me he didn't need to know any more than I wanted.

—I work at a marketing company downtown. And you?

—I work at a law firm —he replied, sounding almost proud—. It's hard work, but someone has to do it, you know.

"I know that?"

I nodded politely, not particularly interested in discussing the intricacies of his job. But before I could change the subject, he spoke again.

—Tell me, have you ever had a day where you felt like you were drowning in your own thoughts? Like you're being sucked into them, bit by bit? —he asked, lowering his voice to a conspiratorial whisper.

I frowned, not knowing what he meant.

—I'm not following you.

Lee Seung-gi leaned closer.

—I mean, have you ever felt like your thoughts are consuming you, to the point where you can't escape them? Like they're all you have left?

His words sent a chill down my spine. It was a creepy feeling, like he was reading my thoughts.

—I don't know what you're talking about —I lied, trying to sound confident.

He chuckled, pulling away a bit.

—I'm just playing with you, haha. You seem like a serious guy. I thought I'd lighten the mood a bit.

I forced a smile, feeling relieved that the conversation had taken a different turn. But there was something about Lee Seung-gi that made me uneasy. His eyes were too bright, too intense, and his smile seemed almost too perfect.

As the subway progressed, I felt him pull up a seat next to me. Lee Seung-gi sat down without hesitation, taking up more space than necessary. The scent of his cologne was overpowering, filling the small space between us.

—So, do you have any plans for the weekend? —he asked, drumming his fingers on his knee.

I shook my head, not really in the mood for small talk.

—Not really. You know what I think of the modern age and its products. I'm just going to catch up on some work.

He nodded thoughtfully, as if he was considering his own plans.

—That sounds... too serious. On the other hand, I plan to start a new book. There's a web novel that's been catching my eye for a while.

I raised an eyebrow, surprised that he liked novels.

—Web novels, huh? And here I considered you a fan of more mature consumerism.

—What can I say? I like to keep people guessing. It's more fun that way, don't you think?

Web novels?

While I appreciate the artistic value of fantasy novels, I have always had a hard time fully immersing myself in these stories. To me, the idea of ​​deliberately seeking an alternate reality is indicative of a person who is deprived, unwilling or unable to accept the world as it really is.

That being said, I cannot deny the charm of a good protagonist. Even in the realm of fantasy, there is something undeniably captivating about a character who embodies the virtues of strength, bravery, and selflessness. It is this fascination with central figures that has led me to question my place in the grand scheme of things.

If we were to take the fantasy genre and apply it to real life, what role would I play? Would I be the main character, or a supporting character, or maybe just a friend of the protagonist's friend? I've always felt that my life lacks the dramatic flair to be the star of the show, but perhaps this is a wrong assumption.

After all, if reality suddenly changed from the realistic genre to the fantasy genre, the probability that I would theoretically be the protagonist would increase exponentially. In this new world, the rules that dictate my choices and opportunities would be fundamentally altered, and the limitations that once held me back would no longer apply.

This realization is linked to the existential question of whether or not we have control over our own destinies. If reality is malleable, if our very existence can be transformed by a gender shift, then what agency do we really possess? Is it possible that our destinies are predetermined, that we are simply characters in a grander narrative whose final resolution has already been decided?

These are dark and haunting thoughts, but they are not without elegance and sophistication.

On the other hand, in this new world of fantasy and possibilities, the idea of ​​being a leading villain is not on the table. There is something inherently unappealing about the notion of being a force of darkness and destruction for people, of working against the very ideals and values ​​we hold dear. No, in this world of heroic ideals and high adventures, we all want to be the saviors, the ones who can bring a brighter and better future for all.

As I sat there, lost in my own thoughts, the rhythmic hum of the subway lulled me into a sense of calm. The world outside was a blur of movement and sound, while the interior of the train was a serene oasis of calm. It was a refuge from the chaos of the city, a place where I could take a moment to breathe and collect my thoughts.

But then, without warning, the lights flickered on and off, plunging the subway into darkness. The sudden change was jarring, and I felt a surge of panic rise within me. I fumbled for my phone, desperate for some light source, but my fingers found only empty pockets.

At that moment, the train lurched forward with a metallic screeching, knocking me off balance. I reached out to grab something, anything, but my hand found only empty air. I felt myself fall, my body twisting and contorting as I fell to the ground.

The impact was jarring, and for a moment I was stunned, unable to move. But then I heard the sound of other passengers moving, and I knew I had to get up. I struggled to my feet, my muscles aching and my head spinning, and I looked around to assess the situation.

That's when I felt a hand squeezing mine, it was Lee Seung-gi.

—Jin? Is it you, right? —Lee Seung-gi asked, pushing his way through the screaming chaos.

"Jin? It's been a while since anyone called me that."

I received a squeeze from him to confirm his guess and he lifted me up from the ground in the darkness.

—Why did it have to be you and not a beautiful girl? —I told him, feeling a warm liquid run down my forehead.

—If you have time to complain, find your smartphone. Mine must have fallen off during the rush, because he's not in my pocket anymore —Lee Seung-gi said, changing the tone of his voice to a serious one that I hadn't heard until now.

—Sigh. The only coincidence I have with you and it's a bad one —I muttered in disgust.

—What happen? —Lee Seung-gi asked.

—I don't have mine either.

In the midst of darkness, a torch like divine light made its way bringing with it the terrified expressions of civilized people who had only been subjected to terror and suffering through their television programs and the internet.

—Huh? W-what's going on?

—Hey... what's going on...?

—Please, help! Someone help me, my leg hurts! Please!

 —My daughter! Where is my daughter!

In the beam of light, the people seemed to have received a shock of harsh reality when they saw the number of people scattered on the ground. Adding to the amount of blood everywhere.

I addressed Lee Seung-gi with a calm and measured tone:

—Lee Seung-gi, what do you think?

"Clear thinking is paramount at times like these."

Lee Seung-gi's response was equally calm:

—It's highly unlikely that this was caused by an earthquake or suicide...

I sighed as I shook my head.

—I already know that, genius, I ask you if you have considered all the possibilities in your mind. What other explanations could there be?

Lee Seung-gi's brow furrowed as he pondered as he surveyed the people bleeding on the ground and the cries for help.

—The train was traveling at great speed. Is it possible that a fault in the tracks has caused it to derail?

I reflected on his theory:

—Yes, it certainly is a possibility. But what if it is not the case? What if this was the result of a deliberate act?

Lee Seung-gi's eyes widened as he considered the possibility of a terrorist attack.

—What kind of sick optimism is that in a situation like this?

—Do you think I care about being optimistic? Just think about the cold reality.

—But why would someone do something like this?

I sighed deeply.

—There are many possible motives for such an act. Political or religious extremism, personal vendettas, or even a desire for notoriety. There are plenty of asocial bastards out there with the idea that killing others will get them the attention they think they deserve.

We both fell silent as we surveyed the wreckage before us. Twisted metal and debris created a grim and foreboding scene.

But the more I looked around me, the more obvious something became.

Then, I heard a voice in the air, as clear as crystal.

[The tutorial has ended.]