Chapter 2 – High ground
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Obi-Wan's tactic won the most vote

Tryx decided to help her. Whoever she is, the elf might know something about this world.

He took position nearby the big rock dug deep at the slope and trained the gun one last time.

The goblins have done tearing her white dress and discarded her armor. They are now currently holding her down on all of her limbs. Her big breast and crotch are now visibly seen. One of the goblins, laid a lustful gaze on her as she knows what's about to come to her. She simply trembles and peed herself as the goblin laughs at her. Tears began to flow down her cheek. It was all hopeless.

"I'm sorry..." she muttered as she whimpered.

As the goblin prepares its shaft to penetrate her, a thunder surprises them.


Everyone was petrified, the elf was surprised as well.

The little green minions looked towards the source and it came from the slope right behind them right where the rock is located.

There, a man standing with an AKM in his hand after firing a single warning shot.

"RELEASE THE GIRL!" Tryx shouted across the field.

However, the goblins simply looked at each other in puzzle. Wondering what are you talking about.

"I'M NOT GONNA REPEAT!" this time, he aimed the gun towards them in hope of getting them get the point. "RELEASE THE GIRL OR FACE THE CONSEQUENCES!"

Goblins laughed for such farce. He couldn't comprehend why they were laughing.

"Fuck... just get over here already!" Tryx cursed as they didn't take the bait. The goblins no longer paid it attention to him and proceeds to continue to rape the girl. "Don't you do it!" it was useless, they're gonna penetrate her. "FUCK IT!"

Tryx pulled the trigger and fired the first round against the goblins about to penetrate her. The bullet went through its skull shattering the entire right side of its head. The goblin watches in shock unable to comprehend what had just happened to their brethren. Even the elf couldn't understand what exactly is happening.

But he has no plan of stopping. Tryx fired another round hitting the ones that are pinning her left arm.


The goblin's face disappeared leaving only a deep red hole on its face as it fell on the ground.


Another one fell down as her arms is free from being subdued. That makes it three out of seven.

"Now, this is where the fun begins!" he muttered to himself in excitement.


He handled the recoil of the AKM very well as Tryx fires another barrage of semi-auto shots against the goblins. They were disarrayed and unable to understand his tricks. Eventually, the leader ordered the rest of its men to charge towards the hill. In an instant, all of the four goblins stormed the hill where he was holding position.

"Finally! Come here you little green bastards!" he fired more rounds onto the charging group killing all three of the goblins and wounding the leader who was still standing trying to put up a fight. He lowered your gun and taunted him, "ITS OVER GOBLIN! I HAVE THE HIGH GROUND!"

The goblin leader growled back at you. Mustering up all of its last strength, it made a daring charge towards him.

Tryx trained back your rifle towards the leader, "If you say so!" and pulled the trigger.


The goblin leader's head shattered into million pieces. Its body rolled down the slope like a rag doll. All what's left of the goblins were their blood trailing across the roads and grasses. None of them have any signs of life anymore. Tryx walked towards the one of the goblins' corpse and kicked it.

"Damn, this shit is real..." he inspected the carcass of the little green bastards. Tryx never thought that those sex loving fiend would actually be ugly like this.

After inspecting the dead goblins, he slowly walk towards the elf who is crawled up in fetal position crying and trembling in fear. Tryx took a closer look on her and she had a long blonde hair trailing down to her hips. She also had a curvy body fitting for an elf, sadly it was covered in dirt and bruises. Seeing her pitiful situation, he decided to call out to her.

"Hey!" Tryx called out with a friendly tone, the elf noticed him. "Are you okay?"

As soonest you asked, she became panicked and quickly crawled backwards upon seeing him.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" she yelled back.

"Hey, what are you..."

"I SAID STAY AWAY!" she reached out and grabbed a short sword from the dead goblin and pointed at him as if she was in danger. "Stay away from me!"

Tryx was baffled, didn't he saved her life?

"Hey, yo... I don't know why but calm down!" he put his hands in the air and cautiously walk towards her.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" The elf threatened the gamer as she desperately covers her large breasts from his view. "You! What are you?!"

Tryx blinked having no idea what she's talking about, "Uh, I'm sorry?" 

"Don't you play dumb! How did you killed them?!" The elf desperately picks up the leftover of her dress and cover her breasts. "Are you some sort of mage?!" 

"Look, I'll explain it but just let me take a look at your wounds, first..." he stepped closer but she snapped instantly. 

"I SAID STAY AWAY!" Tryx stopped moving instantly. "DON'T YOU DARE! I'LL... I'LL KILL YOU! I MEAN IT!"

It seems that she does not trust him at all. Perhaps all the get up and weird contraptions that she witnessed shook her. Of course, in a world of fantasy, everyone would scare of such powerful weapons. 

He needed her alive. In order to resolve this situation, He...

Resolve the situation by
  • Tackle her down Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Shoot the blade out of her hand Votes: 6 50.0%
  • Resolve peacefully Votes: 6 50.0%
Total voters: 12 · This poll was closed on Dec 13, 2019 05:11 AM.