Chapter 13 – Blockade 2
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Looks like another tied in results from the previous poll - 'Mow the enemy by yourself with any machine guns' and 'support Seele with small arms' won the vote. Guess I'll have to combine both of them!

There's only one thing he could do, mow down the enemy and support Seele IF NECESSARY.

"Newbie, what are you waiting for?!" Seele snapped back. "Prepare your weapon!"

"Sheesh, you don't have to tell me twice!" Tryx quickly hopped into the cabin and quickly checks the PK machine gun. The bullets was loaded, he simply racked the charging handle and the gun was good to go.

Seele noticed his weird actions, "What are you doing?!"

"Preparing my weapon, duh!" Tryx readied his gun and trained his sights onto the incoming bandits. "You wanna see how this gun works? Now's the time!"

As he prepared to release barrage of bullets onto these motherfuckers, the bandits started to slow down and eventually stopped 40 meters away from them. Tryx was surprised to see their actions, why would they do that? Have they realize the capability of his modern weaponry?

Seele remained still as if she's welcoming them with warm hands, her hands remain on the hilt preparing to draw at any moment.

Tryx counted the riders, there were at least 14 of them. All of them are armed with various weapons - swords, bows and arrows, mace, a club and othertypical medieval weapons. Based on the current standings, Tryx have the advantage. The moment he squeezed the trigger, all of them will down with his 'Slice the pie' drill based on his Youtube knowledge. But what are they actually thinking?

As the rest of the bandit riders are staying behind, one of them stepped forward as he was armed with a broadsword. He had this rugged look on his face, just like typical villain mob characters. The rider stopped before Seele who was still standing ahead of the Hilux.

"Are they trying to talk with us?" Tryx thought as he witness the scene. "Better prepare the UAV in case this is a trap." he thought as he pulled out the tablet and placed it next to him.

With the UAV activated, he has the entire battlefield covered. Now, his eyes are all directed at the bandits.

"You there!" the bandit who assumed to be leader of this team yelled. "Surrender you precious item and we'll let you live."

"FUCK OFF!" Tryx yelled back.

"Perhaps you are not understanding this fellow young ones, we do not intend to harm you."

"Lies." Seele hissed. "All your words are nothing but lies."

"Hoh, what do we have here? A young girl?" the leader circled around Seele checking her at every direction as if he's licking her with those eyes. "It seems, we have a brave young woman here."

The two of them could hear the whispers and murmurs among the bandit group. Tryx could see their faces ready to have a taste on her. He was utterly disgusted by their face, looks like this wasn't their first time enjoying a woman. Though, at the same time he was glad that they were looking at Seele with lustful gaze. Because they already signed their death warrant. She wasn't called 'Crimson Demon' for nothing. Probably now is the best time to witness her true strength.

"Dude, if I were you, I'd just back off." Tryx warned.

The bandit laughed, "Why would I need to? She's just a girl!"

"Well, yeah... That's the thing..." Tryx wasn't warning him because he's worried of Seele but because of what happened yesterday. She punched him so hard that Seele almost killed him yesterday back in the guild. So yeah, piss her off and death is what you get. He learned that the hard way. "Look, just stay away from her okay?"

"Silence! I will decide it myself!" he continues to tower Seele to show his superiority. Just looking in his eyes, she can just tell that he's full of lust. "Young girl, how about you offer yourself to us and we might let you and your lover go?"

"THE FUCK YOU JUST SAID?!" Seele growled.

"Told ya." Tryx sighed. Guess they only think with their dicks, huh... He looked back at the tab to search for any signs of other enemies in the area.

But he didn't expect her next line.

"THIS FUCKING MOTHERFUCKER IS NOT MY LOVER!" Seele snapped out of sudden blurting unnecassary information.

Even Tryx was surprised by her sudden statement. "Of course I'm not..." Tryx muttered to himself. But to be called 'fucking motherfucker', sure is hurt though. "Hey, look... Just surrender, OK? You don't..."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" she snapped at Tryx.

"Ok..." he instantly covered his face with tablet avoiding any eye contact with the girl. Damn, guess she really hates him to death.

Seele turned back towards the bandit leader, her eyes glowing full of rage. "Listen here, fucko! Who the hell you think you are to order me around?! I'll have you know that I have killed dozens of bastards like you! A puny bitch like you and your fuckbois can't do a single shit on me! You hear me?! YOU FUCKING HEAR ME, BITCHES?!" she yelled to the top of her lungs, "Now, do me a favor and surrender now Dragon Fist bastards!" she huffed like a bull ready to strike. Even her posture is enough to tell she's ready to kill someone.

However, even with all that speech, the bandit leader clapped his hand.

"Nice speech, young lady. However, my demands still stand. Look around you. There are two of you and fourteen of us. So, I suggest that you be wise and offer yourself..." as he was talking, Seele gripped the horse's neck. "Hey! What are you doing with my horse?!" suddenly, she does the unexpected.

She ripped the horse's flesh in one go.

The horse whined before tumbling down on the ground choking on its blood. The girl was drenched in horse's blood. Seele remained stood like a badass in the midst of chaos just like in the anime. The horse didn't make any sound as it dies choking on its blood while trapping the bandit underneath its weight.

"The fuck just happened?!" Tryx thought as he couldn't believe his eyes. Ripping off a horse's thick muscular neck in one go?! That's just insane. "No, wait... Her punch yesterday... It was no joke at all! She was definitely trying to kill me!" seeing her raw strength just made him shivered. Just how do you measure strength in this world?!

The bandit leader who was pinned down, quickly crawled back in fear as the 'Crimson Demon' approaches him.

"You! You monster! What are you?!"

"Your worst nightmare."

"Wait! We surrender!" the leader said. "We surrender! We'll lead you to our hideout!"

"Told ya not to mess with her!" Tryx smirked keeping his eye on the rest of the bandit along with his tablet. "Hey Seele, try not to harm them!"

"Shut up! I know what I'm doing!" the Crimson Demon rebuked.

"Yeesh, I'm just saying." and Tryx returned his sight onto the remaining bandits who were present at the spot. "Move and you guys are dead!" he warned the bandits causing them not a single inch.

While overseeing the remaining bandits, his UAV caught something prompting him to check it. The UAV's IR-heat sight caught a group moving from south-west , 500 meters from their current position. There are 20 of them overall and based on the silhouettes, they were riding horses. He switched to standard view and all of the riders are wearing brown colored attire. No doubt. Its their reinforcements.

"Wait, how did they know we're here?" Tryx thought. "They couldn't have known we're unless... This is a trap all along?" Tryx's heart thumped harder as he just realized it now, "Seele! There's another batch of Dragon Fist coming here!" he yelled at the girl, she needs to know this! "Its a trap!"

"What?!" Seeled looked back at Tryx in full of surprised.

She let her guard down, looking away from the bandit leader made her defenseless.

The leader, grinned knowing it was all according to plan. He quickly lunge towards Seele without a single weapon hoping to held her hostage.

"FOOL!" He declared as he jumps onto the defenseless Seele.

"SEELE! WATCH OUT!" Tryx warned. But it was too late.

In a blink of an eye, a fountain of blood splashed into the air.

Both Tryx and the bandits was surprised, yet again, as Seele remained standing. The upper body of their leader was disappeared leaving nothing but the legs. Seele had already drew her sword, assuming that she killed the man instantly. Tryx tried to look for the rest of the bastard's body but nothing was left. Only traces of his blood on the grasses nearby.

"Ok... WTF?" Tryx thought as he needed time to process what exactly had just happened.

As he was on his train of thoughts, the bandit was desperate.


"She killed Derik!"

"Attack her!"

The remaining bandits charged towards Seele with the hope of killing her. As her partner, Tryx knows what needs to be done.

"Fuck!" he squeezed the trigger firing multiple rounds onto the charging idiots.


The bullets sizzled across their heads killing several members of the bandits. Some of the bullets flies onto the horses killing the animal instantly. Utilizing the 'Slice of Pie' technique from the Youtube video he learned, all of their horses quickly fell onto the ground. Although, some of their riders are still alive and continue their charge. Out of 14 riders that were present, 5 died. Now, only 9 remaining.

"Easy targets." As he about to fire another round, the Crimson Demon yelled.

"Hey, newbie! The fuck you're doing?!" she yelled annoyingly.

"I'm killing them! What else?"

"Fuck off, those are my prey!" Seele declared. "Go get your own prey!" She then charges off to attack the remaining runners.

"Hey, wait!" Tryx tried to stop her but it was useless. She had already clashed her swords with them. He couldn't do anything but sighed, "I thought this was supposed to be a team effort..." Suddenly, an alarm wailed on his tablet. He quickly inspects the tablet and noticed that the enemy is 200 meters away. "Fuck! How did I forgot about this?!"

Tryx quickly jumped off the cabin and climbed onto the back to man the DShK. He turned the DShK towards the south-west direction where a number of riders could be seen in the distance. After a quick automatic animation, he was ready to fire. Tryx aimed down the sights where the riders are and squeezed the trigger.


Fiery flames burst out of the muzzle sending the 12.7 mm Soviet rounds across the plains.

The incoming bandits took hit killing several riders in return. Torn limbs flown across the field, blood spewing everywhere, bodies fell down onto the grass and the shrieks of pain could be heard from the distance. It was a massacre. Their formation broke and they were disoriented and panicked as they couldn't charge forward. Bullets flying all over them, fearing that they would die from such hit.

Tryx kept firing the machine gun, some bullets managed to hit while others didn't. The large calibre was known for its high recoil, but still better than being at the receiving end. And those bandit bastards are the one at the receiving end.

After a few moments, he stopped firing seeing that the remaining survivors quickly ran off. He made sure to fire more rounds to scare them so that they wouldn't even dare to come back and attack them.

"Newbie, you done?"

"Yeah... I'm done..." as soonest Tryx turned around, he wasn't prepared to see the carnage in front of him.

The sight was horrific.

The bandits limb was all over the place. Blood was painted across the ground making them like some Pollock artwork. There was barely a form on their bodies, he couldn't even tell which one is head, arms, legs or even any organs since all of them were crushed into bits.

And then, there's Seele.

She was covered in blood of her enemies. Some parts of her clothes were dyed red with the blood including her boots. Her hoodie robe however, was drenched in but thanks to the color of her choice, the blood was hidden from sight. Even her face was covered in blood and then, her eyes were glaring at you as if you're her next victim. Those eyes, they were devoid of emotion. No, they were full of lamentation. Now you know why she was called the 'Crimson Demon'.

The sight really shook him. The moniker really fits her.

"Hey!" she called out. "Focus! Where did the rest of them go?!"

Tryx snapped out of his daydreaming, he quickly focused and pointed at south-west. 

"They went that way!" he said. 

"Hurry newbie! Drive your carriage immediately!" Seele urged as she quickly jumped into the passenger's side. 

"Hey! Wait!" Tryx quickly boarded the driver's side. He quickly started the engine and speeds off the road and chases the remaining straggler. The gamer then glance at the the blood soaked mercenary next to him, "Ay yo, wipe yourself clean! You're dirtying my seat!" He gave Seele and old rag he picked up on the dashboard. 

Despite the seat is made out of synthetic leather, he cannot tolerate such act. 

"Shut up newbie! Its my way of life!" Seele replied as she wipes herself with the rag.

As she wipes the blood away from her face and arms, she gazed onto the PK machine gun in front of her. The spent cases were rolling and clattering around as the car moves. She could smell the burning scent coming out of the brasses and the gun itself. Despite her stoic face, she was actually surprised. She couldn't show it to Tryx as he might noticed it. She have never thought such weird weapon can kill multiple enemies in a single strike. To think such weapon exists under the hand of fool, it was unimaginable. And then there's this horseless carriage and then, he spotted the enemy that is coming towards here using a weird tool. Now, her curiosity is rising. She wondered if this man has more tricks up his sleeve.  

"You're a weird one, newbie." she muttered under her breath.

"Did you say something?" Tryx glanced at her as soonest he heard the whisper. 

"Shut up and focus!" Seele barked as they chases the remaining bandits. 

17:34 p.m.

"So, that's the fort, huh?" Tryx commented as he scanned the old structure from the bushes.

"What a bunch of idiots for choosing this fort." Seele spat out in disgust. She then slapped her face, "Damn mosquitoes!"

"Hey, keep it down! They'll alert the entire camp!" he rebuked.

"I know that! Its the mosquitoes!" Seele waved her hands around hoping to get rid of the mosquitoes.

"Then, you should've cleaned yourself properly! Now, you're a mosquito magnet!" Seeing how she cleaned the dried blood from herself poorly, of course the mosquitoes would attracted to her.

"Fuck off."

"No, you fuck off!"

Seele only huffed at his remarked feeling annoyed of the gamer.

After the short skirmish, the survivors of the ambush ran off into distance as soonest they couldn't handle the DShK's firepower. To make it worse, the bandits' horses are no match for the Hilux's V8 engine as both of them chase the stragglers. As soonest the remaining bandits saw them coming, the group scattered into smaller groups hoping to lose their pursuers.

However, all of that was useless as Tryx's UAV was following them the whole time. It eventually leads both of the mercenaries towards their hideout, the abandoned fort. The abandoned fort was covered in vines and moss. Some of the structures are even fallen revealing an opening of the fort. Lucky them, it seems that everything is going as planned. However, Tryx and Seele had to walk towards the fort as the overgrown vegetation particularly the bushes and trees are blocking the Hilux's advance leaving a small pavement for horses towards the main gate. They had to leave the truck 200 meters behind due to the terrain obstacle.

Now, here they are. Lying down on the ground, hiding behind bushes and big rock to avoid being detected 400 meters away from the fort. For Tryx, this is just like one of the missions in the 'Warfighter : Modern Combat 2' installment where the protagonists have to infiltrate an enemy base and liberate the captured HVTs1High Value Target. The stealth recon ops is going pretty much well, except for the girl next to him.

"Damn it! Just how long are we going to stay here?!" The 'Crimson Demon' whined, slapping more of her body parts.

"Really, I thought a B-rank like you would be more calm and composed while scouting for enemy... How come you are so short tempered?" Tryx rebuked as he kept his eye on the tablet for the drone's footage.

"Hey newbie, I don't need scouting. All I need to do is just smash in, kill the bastards and get out. Easy as that."

"Ah, a muscle head... I understand now..." Tryx nodded, it was not a joke. An obvious sign that he was mocking Seele.

"I AM NOT!" she retorted in lower tone. "I prefer a faster method."

"At the expense of your own life."

Seele scoffed, "Please, those bandits are way out of my league! I would've smashed through that fort and kill everyone with my power."

"Including the innocent?"

"The fuck you did you just said?" Her eyes narrowed looking at the gamer full of rage.

Tryx scoots closer to Seele and shows the UAV's aerial live footage, "You see that?" he pointed at the cage right at the heart of fort's compound, "Those are the hostages that they captured in their last loot. So, you don't mind if they died?"

"N... No! Of course I knew they would be there!" Seele stuttered for a moment. "Why do you think I ask such question back at the town? I was making sure that no innocent would be caught in the middle of the battle!"

"Huh, I thought you wanted to add more kill streaks." Seele kicked his butt, he could feel the pain stinging across his ass cheeks. "Owww... What the fuck?!"

"I maybe a blood thirsty and battle freak but I ain't a madman." Unlike her usual edgy tone, this one is different. It feels like she's emotional.

"Anyways... Are you done with scouting, I'm starting to get sweaty here!"

"Heh, you should've taken that robe off when you had the chance."

"Fuck you." she scowled.

"Come on... Why would you wear some thick ass robe under this blazing heat?"

"Then, how about you take off your feeble armor?" Seele gestured at his plate carrier. "You seemed to be sweating as well." 

"Eh, why would I? At least is lighter and comfy!" That's what he said but his thoughts, however, "FFFFFUUUUCCCCCKKKK! ITS FUCKING HOT! How the hell those military operators wearing this body clenching armor while doing boogaloo shit under this heat?! They got some big balls! Holy fuck!" he just screamed internally. Now, he regretted about equipping plate carrier.

"Ugh!" Seele growled in defeat, "When are we going to attack them?!" Her patience is running out. She could feel the mositure soaking up her clothes, her head feeling dizzy and her body rrunning out of fluids.

"Tonight." Tryx's answer surprised the young girl.

"TONIGHT?!" Seele nearly yelled.

"Keep it down will you?!"

Seele was in utter disbelieve. "The fuck, tonight?! That's it I'm heading down the fortress on my own!" As the robed mercenary tried to stand, he quickly stopped her.

"Woah, woah... Calm down, let me explain."

"Explain what?! I'm had enough of this child's play!" Seele stomped her feet enough to make Tryx feel the tremor.

"Damn, even her legs?!" Tryx was surprised that she never skipped a leg day. But seeing that there is still a room for explanation, he insisted.

"Listen, night is the best time to strike down the enemy."

"You can still do it in the broad day light."

"Yes, but look at this right now." Using his not-so-tactical-expert knowledge, Tryx began to explain why he shouldn't strike during the day.

"The moment they spotted you crossing this field right now, bet they gonna ran off and we get nothing."

"How about your carriage?" Seele raised a brow.

"We left it 200 meters far at the back and this whole terrain is full of obstacle. Even if we cleared the obstacle, they'll be gone by the time we arrive and they might've scattered throughout this region. Hence, that's why I propose to infiltrate the fort at night. They didn't see us coming and they didn't expect us to find them either because they thought we're lost."

Seele thought for a while, she thinks hard enough. Tryx just hoped that his half-assed explanation can get into this muscle head and follow his lead. Eventually, she sighed.

With a serious look on her face, she glared at Tryx. "Fine, you win. So, what's the plan?"

Unlike Seele who was impatient, the purpose of him doing recon right here right now is devise a plan. After a couple of pass from the UAV's live footage, he came up with several plans. Now, he only needs to choose one to execute tonight. 

He has waited long enough, finally, he can do some boogaloo night.

Choose an infiltration plan
  • infiltrate together and raise hell Votes: 5 27.8%
  • infiltrate separately and raise hell Votes: 3 16.7%
  • infiltrate together stealth Votes: 1 5.6%
  • infiltrate separately stealth Votes: 9 50.0%
Total voters: 18 · This poll was closed on Jan 17, 2020 02:30 PM.