Deference for Darkness
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We don't have much time. Is he the one or not?!

Another one spoke. Is this truly our only recourse? He was her enemy; can he truly be an ally?

Again, a different voice whispered. I felt his spirit when I took it back to our world. His has much sorrow, the spirit harboring a deep regret. I believe he is the right one. Only he can fulfill the restrictions placed on what we are about to do.

A fourth one spoke up. There is no hope now. We can only reset everything and hope for a change. She leaves us no other choice.

Noatak felt as if he was floating. He couldn't feel the slightest thing. A curtain of darkness enveloped him, leaving the man confused. He heard voices in the distance, but he could barely discern what they were saying. Everything just felt so far away.

So it shall be, then. Wake him and explain whilst we still can. Hurry…

Noatak felt for the first time since he had awoken. A cold pour akin to water swept over him, freeing him partially from his dullness. He couldn't see clearly. All he could see within his sight was a blur of four different colored spots of light.

''What's going on? Who are you people? Why can't I remember anything?!''

Calm, Noatak. We are ancient spirits belonging to the spirit world. We have summoned you before us in dire times. Avatar Korra has invaded our world, seeking to conquer everything as she has done with the four nations of your world.

The spirit of Noatak was flickering much to the dismay of the spirits, the brightness of his spirit beginning to dim and fade. He hadn't heard everything that was said, only hearing the name of his enemy.

Stabilize him! Noatak, are you still with us? Can you hear me?

The voice was beginning to drift away from him, but he managed to nod his head. ''I don't understand what's going on - Why can't I move my limbs?''

You should not be here. After your passing, your spirit moved on. You had no desire to linger. It has been so long since then, but we were able to seize you and take you here into the spirit world.

His words triggered something within. The mention of passing made him realize. Noatak remembered now. The escape from Republic City. Tarrlok, their death on the boat. It was coming back to him slowly but surely. A piece of resentment surged as a face emerged in his mind. The Avatar. His surging emotion dispersed just as quick as it came. Noatak shook his head bitterly. Nothing mattered anymore…

We're losing him! Noatak's spirit began to fade at a faster rate. Now three of the four spirits were grabbing onto him, keeping him from fading further.

The fourth approached closer to Noatak. There is remorse in you. We all sense it, a great sadness. If you had the chance to go back again to the beginning, would you take it, Noatak?

Noatak's head shot up, his pale blue eyes fierce for the first time. His voice deepened as he declared, ''I would change everything.''

He's not all there yet, but it's enough to proceed.

One of the spirits that held Noatak's arm raised his doubts. There's no guarantee he will do what we ask. Once everything is reset, only he will remember.

The spirit before Noatak saw the determination in his eyes. It assured him to know they hadn't chosen wrongly. He is the one who knows the least. All of her loved ones know too much of her journey, what led her to this path. The more they know of what is to come, the greater the chance of failure for the spirit to remember after the reset. Her journey had only just begun when he passed away. He may not desire to help, but for his own selfish reasons he will do what he must if he wishes to keep the changes he desires to make.

Noatak was trying to think. Too much was being said for his still clearing mind to process. Thoughts would appear and disappear before he could latch on to one. He heard everything they said, but he couldn't think on them at the moment. Couldn't process the things he was hearing. He felt as if he was lost in a fog, unable to make sense of anything at all.

The spirit could sense the turbulence of Noatak's spirit. He quickly assured him. Don't worry. Once everything has reset to the origin point you will be able to think and act on everything that has been shown and said to you.

The spirit raised its arms and looked to the dark clouds above. Watch closely, Noatak, on why we were forced to such extremes.

The clouds above the spirit world began to move and swirl into a circle, a film of light encapsulated within. A tall woman could be seen sitting gracefully on an ivory throne, her light blue eyes immediately turning to where they could see her from.

''Who dares?!''

Quicker than lightning she moved from her throne, swiftly breaking the spirit eye that observed her. Noatak felt a wave of fear wash over him when he realized who that woman was. The fog that held him disappeared as his honed instincts flared to life.


The last thing he saw was her face. Hers was a cold and refined countenance with the scars of a weathered warrior, tall and graceful unlike the little girl he had faced before. What he saw didn't make sense, but it terrified him to the core to see her hollowed gaze. How many years had passed since his death?

''How did she become like this? The girl I remember can't be this woman.''

One of the spirits moved to speak, but another interrupted. Careful of what you say to him. He cannot know too much.

The spirit nodded and after a moment of silence began to speak simply. She lost too much. The weight on her shoulders only grew in time, and one day she could carry it no longer. Everything crumbled to ash for the Avatar, and in time it drove her to insanity. A fall to the pits of depravity.

Noatak didn't know what to say to that. He couldn't fathom the girl breaking. From his memory all he knew was a girl who never gave up, not even when she could have been killed so easily by him. Always a loudmouth spouting her justice, stubborn beyond reason. A picture of her smiling brightly surfaced to his mind. It was quickly overturned with the woman he saw sitting elegantly on that pale white throne, those once kind eyes now pools of desolation. In a way it reminded him of his own when he was young and full of murderous thoughts. All too similar…

There is one thing you must know of, Noatak. It shouldn't be known to you, but nothing we do here matters if that moment in time occurs once more with the same result. Avatar Korra must not accept Vatuu and allowed him to consume Ravaa as recompense for all that she suffered. It is imperative that this be prevented from ever happening.

''You speak as if I myself have accepted what you want. This Vatuu or Ravaa, why should I care what happens to the Avatar?''

Did you not want a second chance? Now is the time, Noatak.

''Dreams are just dreams,'' uttered Noatak. 'Origin point, reset to the beginning, you speak of madness.''

Is it so far-fetched? You speak well for a dead man talking to spirits. You are so far distant from the spirituality beholden by your ancestors, not yet having seen the splendors of the world. You know so little yet speak so confidently.

''Perhaps…Perhaps not. If what you say is true, if there's truly a chance for me to start again, then I'll take it no matter the consequence. Even if it means aiding the Avatar.'' Noatak didn't know whether to ask questions or not. From what he inferred, the less he knew the better. He made sure to keep a mental note on the names Vatuu and Ravaa nonetheless.

The balance has been broken beyond repair. We can only reset things to how they once were, but instead of helplessly hoping that something will be different, we chose to risk failure.

All four spirits looked to Noatak. It never was her destiny to fall, Noatak. She bore a weight no Avatar before her had ever endured. All we ask is that you prevent her from ever falling to such depravation again. From beginning to end she had no one to rely on truly. She bore that weight alone despite the people who surrounded her.

The one who had raised his doubts before spoke up. Remember this well, Noatak. She must face her ordeals once more. She must bear that weight and suffer all the same. It is her fate as Avatar. You cannot directly intervene lest the balance break once more. A fine line must be walked. We believe you capable enough to understand.

These spirits began to talk in riddles. Noatak had an inkling of what they were asking for, what he needed to do and what he couldn't. He sighed despite himself. ''So you mean to say I must still be Amon. I still have to face the Avatar at Memorial Island on that day and kidnap her lover's brother during the rally on the Eastside? I must still go through with everything that has happened?''

And will happen. You are part of her trials as Avatar, her first ordeal. Small deviations are all that can be made on your end.

The gears in his mind were beginning to turn now. Small deviations…how small? ''I want to make amends to those I hurt and used. I want my foolish brother to be the savior he always wanted to be. I want him to be alive and well. The Equalists…the Lieutenant…Sato…'' Noatak shook his head. ''It's impossible from what you say!''

You can't have everything, Noatak. The Avatar comes first, always. Most if not all deviations must be centered around Korra in order for her to reject Vatuu. Nothing matters if she accepts him once more.

Noatak held himself back from arguing. What they wanted from him was absurd. This moment in time where the Avatar accepts this Vatuu, who knows how many years in the future this could be? Would he have to dedicate the rest of his life to this woman?! What was so bad about her failing? He knew what he saw, but surely it isn't the end of the world.

''I know you cannot tell me much, but what is it that you seek of me once the reset occurs? To what extent must I hold myself accountable to the girl?''

A hidden hand in the shadows. In her most desperate of times, her guiding light. Gentle like water, a balm to sooth her anguished soul. Prevent her from becoming the monster we showed you, and we promise you a new lease on life.

Noatak was solemn when he heard what he must become to the Avatar. A subtle yet qualitative difference that would push the Avatar to a different decision without having disturbed too much of her destiny. Only time would tell whether he could pull it off. ''…And so it shall be then. When do we begin?''

We begin –

''Found you.'' A hoarse voice was heard from behind Noatak. The man glanced over his shoulder, his eyes widening in shock as he saw her. Time seemed to slow as he saw her high above in the sky, her lithe form dancing enthrallingly. No, not dancing. Noatak realized it to be a bending technique.

Do it now! The four spirits jumped to act, but the Empress was a step ahead of them. Noatak thought back to what he had said to himself earlier. 'Not the end of the world…' Looking back now, he realized what a mistake that notion was. This woman shouldn't exist.

Above his head a maelstrom had formed as the Empress danced. Arcs of lightning snapped with the clap of thunder as she moved with grace and nobility in the air. She stopped suddenly, her fair hand reaching for the rumbling clouds overhead. She raised her hand and dropped it, the lightning that could be seen for miles falling instantly towards them.

Noatak had no time to think. He raised a barrier of water using the falling rain and turned it to ice, freezing the lightning within that nearly struck him to death. What he couldn't catch exploded the area around him, leaving the land shattered beyond recognition.

Noatak exhaled, but before he could catch his breath the shield before him shattered to pieces. The Empress had flown down with inhumane speed to break his defense. A fist broke through the center and sent him flying.

All Noatak could think was how absurd this all was. It can't be real, yet the pain he felt told him otherwise. He flipped midair and landed on his feet, sliding a few meters back. The area on his chest where she had punched was scorched and smoking. He hadn't noticed she had firebended in that moment.

Korra carefully observed Noatak. ''Amon. So, the spirits brought you back, did they? I'm surprised you can bend. Your spirit has turned corporeal, so I wonder what trickery they used to grant you your ability and body.''

Noatak looked to the spirits behind him who were finalizing the reset before turning to Korra. He wiped off the blood that seeped from his mouth. ''I'm impressed, Avatar, or should I say Empress? I didn't think that brat from before could ever become…'' Noatak looked at Korra and respected what he saw. ''…well, you.''

Korra put a hand to her hip and looked down at him. Her gaze was condescending as if looking down on an insect. ''I used to have nightmares about the man behind the mask. Terrified beyond reason. Looking at you now, I find it all so laughable.''

Noatak smirked as his eyes narrowed. He hated the way she looked at him. It reminded him of the sense of superiority so many benders had. Reminded him of the very reason he stood against his father and started the Equalist movement. ''I should have killed you when I had the chance. What a failure you've become. Is this all the Avatar could amount to? Ha!''

The air began to grow cold, the shattered ground beneath his feet beginning to freeze. Korra slowly stepped back as the falling rain started to fall faster. Eventually her figure could no longer be seen, leaving Noatak to raise his guard.

A whisper could be heard on his shoulder.

''I feel nothing...''

Noatak twisted around and launched a blade of water only for there to be nothing. The whisper grew louder in his ear.

''All my memories are filled with hate. I can think of no joy that endures…''

Noatak tensed but didn't turn around this time. Rather, the man closed his eyes and let the rain fall on him. He waited patiently for what seemed an eternity. In time however he opened his eyes, the sound of churning blood and a low groan coming from behind him.

Noatak turned to see a hand outstretched towards his face, the desolate gaze of Korra fixated on his own cruel eyes. The man couldn't help but grimace as his control over the woman began to rapidly fade.

Something's wrong, thought Noatak. The air felt stifling to the man, his lungs beginning to feel an invisible pressure. It was too late by the time he had noticed. The towering man couldn't help but fall to his knees. He clutched at his chest as all of a sudden he couldn't breathe.

Noatak looked to Korra only to realize her lips had been slightly parted ever since he began his Bloodbending on her. The hard pour of rain had masked her actions, but he could see it clearly now. Gusts of wind were being inhaled by her to a point where there wasn't enough for himself. Any air he tried to inhale was stolen.

He only now just remembered that she was able to Airbend, but this was beyond what should be possible. He had read all the records of the previous Avatar Aang, and there was never any record of him having been able to do something like this. Spirits, he didn't even know how the woman got any of her bending back. Last he knew he had taken it from her. So many questions without any time for answers, now was no time to think about any of it.

Korra moved her outstretched hand and clasped it around Noatak's neck. With a single hand she raised him up into the air, his feet hanging limply as she began to crush his throat.

Noatak forced himself to act despite the suffocation. The man launched a flurry of punches and kicks that all landed with precision, but Korra only smiled at his desperation.


He couldn't win. Nothing he did fazed her. Unless…

Korra hurriedly released him as a drop of blood flew past where her head was. In turn, Korra unleashed the air in her lungs, the concentrated blast obliterating Noatak's left arm and shoulder as she retreated a few steps.

Noatak fell pathetically to the ground, a pool of blood falling and mixing with the rain. Like a man of thirst, he desperately began to breathe. When he had his fill, he began to laugh. Joy could be heard as he picked himself up.

The pain was a tidal wave that nearly knocked him out, but he held and endured. Just like that time in the North Sea. Endure…Endure…Only death is the final act…

''What will the future hold, I wonder. How will I be rewarded?!'' Noatak roared as he did the unthinkable.

Korra furrowed her brows as she felt something she hadn't felt in years. Fear. Noatak conjured a blade from his blood and pierced his heart. Korra felt a change about him the moment he did so. She didn't wait to find out why. Korra immediately entered the Dark Avatar State and began to pull the four elements to her side. To regain her sense of safety, she flew high into the sky.

Noatak's eyes began to glow. It wasn't enough to pierce the heart. He began to gouge his flesh until a sea of blood was at his feet.

''You're not human…well neither am I!'' Noatak kept himself alive by forcefully pumping his heart. It was a battle against time now. ''I dreamt of fighting you since I was a young man. I imagined the great Avatar and our battle! Who could possibly go against that chosen person?! What could I do to win against the one who had been given it all? This is my answer!''

He saw the Avatar high above and bloodbent his own body to rise up into the sky. He used his own blood to fight against Korra and all the elements under her domain.

''Me! My blood! My will!'' Noatak knew he had to be perfect to win. He couldn't allow for a single mistake. Lightning, Water, Ice, Fire, Metalbending, Lavabending, Earth, Airbending, Korra utilized it all against him and more. She wasn't holding back now.

Noatak had never seen half of the techniques she performed. A tsunami of flames only an army of Firebenders could possibly make was done by her alone. The earth shattered and flew towards him, a rumbling that deafened the ears and shifted the land far beyond the horizon.

This isn't something a mortal could do. Noatak thought back to what the spirits had said. The balance was broken beyond repair. She had no equal.

Korra couldn't stop smiling. There was a bit of life to the desolation that was her eyes. None were her equal, it had been too long since she felt this way…this primal emotion surging within her. Perish all thoughts, don't think about anything outside of the battle. Nothing else exists outside of this.

She could see him visibly growing faster, his blood even able to make her weary at its cruel lethality. She could see it using her innate sense, everything about him was shattering under the burden of his bloodbending. To keep up with her his body was breaking – no, it was already broken. Only his will to fight wasn't. His body was only moving because he bloodbent it to.

Korra pulled back and tilted her head at him. ''Do you not feel pain? I see now that you've destroyed the third chakra, allowing yourself to gain power in exchange for that of love and sorrow. A suicidal technique, but now you're worthy of me.''

Korra had to commend him. What he was doing had never been done in all of history. From everything she saw to this point, the young girl she once was could never hope to stand against this man. He held himself back for the sake of his movement when he could have ruled with his power.

She looked to the armor she adorned. The chest plate had been caved in; her entire ribcage barely intact with fractures all throughout. Had it not been for the Dark Avatar State, every bone would have been pulverized along with her internal organs. He had done this to her with his bare hand.

Noatak faltered as he struggled to remain afloat in the air. Blood was pouring out of his mouth and nose, eyes and ears. She was just beyond his reach. Every time he increased his speed and strength, she would do so as well just a bit more than his own.

His chance for victory was fleeting. He knew all too well the odds. Noatak looked to the drops of blood suspended in the air and gathered them, forming them into a single spear in his remaining hand.

''Let's see you dodge this.'' Noatak put the last of his physical strength into the throw, the spear of blood vanishing in the rain.

Korra knew she couldn't block it. His blood was no longer ordinary the moment he destroyed the heart chakra. The blood of his heart could pierce all things. She could only dodge, which she promptly did despite the monstrous speed of the incoming spear.

…Or at least she thought she dodged. It was a moment of carelessness on her part. Noatak had bloodbent her ever so slightly, just enough to where the spear of blood could hit her as he redirected its trajectory. Her mind had slipped on the notion that he could bloodbend with his mind.

''Eye for an eye,'' uttered Korra as she looked to her missing arm. She nodded and admired his work, still her smile never leaving. ''I'm sorry to disappoint. That must have been everything you had left. Is this the pinnacle of your sacrifice?''

Noatak laughed hollowly as he witnessed with dread the reappearance of her destroyed arm. She healed a grievous wound like nothing, able to create a new arm in a mere second. All the lacerations he inflicted sealed like they never existed to begin with. Had she been pretending the whole time? Was any of this meaningful? He hadn't prepared for this. This was no Avatar, but a Goddess in mortal form.

Noatak hung his head low and allowed his control over his body to disappear. Like the cold rain, he fell to the earth below as his vision began to blur. In his final moments he reflected not on anything that had just happened, but rather the death of his brother. He hadn't had time to think of it before, and this was it if any.

I wanted to change things, brother. I always wanted to change things. Change the world, change myself, change you. In the end nothing did. It took the death of us both for me to see that. I'm sorry…

''I'm not done with you yet, Amon. Who permitted you to die?''

Noatak's eyes shot open as he heard her voice. He didn't understand. How was he not dead? Why was his heart still beating? Even despite that, the fall should have killed what little remained of his tattered body.

His vision cleared to see Korra descending from the air, holding a hand over her heart. He could sense the beating of her heart and discovered his own to be beating in tandem. Where did she learn to bloodbend?

Noatak tried to wrestle away her control over his heart,but found himself too weak to even raise his head from where he lay. He couldn't even lift a finger.

''You've won,'' replied Noatak weakly. ''Finish it already. Kill me.''

Korra gently fell on top of him, her legs straddling him as she lowered her head to his. The eyes of the Empress never once left his. From beginning to end she never once attempted to move past him and interrupt the four spirits in the distance.

A curtain of hair blocked his surrounding view, the desolate eyes of Korra mere inches away from his. She spoke before he could.

''In my darkest night was I conquered by my deepest hatred. In the throes of sorrow and anguish did I create this accursed flame. Like my hatred, it can never be extinguished, never controlled by another. Like my wrath, it will burn for an eternity.''

She kissed him then, his blood staining her lips red. Noatak attempted to struggle, but he was held firmly in place. Once their lips parted after a long and deep kiss, Korra moved her lips close to his ear and whispered:

''I know, Noatak. Soon I will be gone, and nothing will remain, nothing but this.'' She put a hand on his chest, right where his heart rested. A white light erupted on the horizon, soon to envelop everything.

''Everything that I am belongs to you now. In time you will come to realize. Drink will not satisfy. No amount of pleasure will slake your lust. Food will turn to ash in your mouth. In time all you will know is my burning wrath.''

The white light washed over all things. Before it consumed the man, Noatak heard Korra's voice for the final time.

''Remember me…''

Where to begin honestly. I wasn't sure whether or not to put in the time to make this a thing at all. It's only recently that I've gotten back onto this website.

A bit about me. I started writing fanfics when I was younger, but after falling in love with writing I got serious and started to create my own novels in pursuit of publication. Outside of writing novels, I decided to get back into writing fanfiction just for the fun of it, to keep my writing skills sharp whilst I worldbuild for my upcoming novel.

I must give props where they are due. I had read castaway and some other fics with the same pairing many years ago, all of which are great in their own way. I somehow found my way to reading a fanfic recently by the name of 'A Terrible Synergy' by lowkey-devastated that focuses on the pairing of Amon and Korra. It got me back into the korra series and inspired me to make my own fic off of the two and more.

I stated before that I wasn't sure of making this a fic. I've looked up the traffic for fanfics for this particular fandom on the site and the traffic is pretty slow from what I've seen. Not much in terms of reviews or newly added additions. Nonetheless I decided to go through with it because I believe myself to have something fun and interesting on my hands and thought I might as well share anyways.

I'm used to writing professionally, but with regards to fanfiction I've decided to cut myself some slack. I'm doing this purely for fun after all. Not too much slack, however. I do have standards, but just enough slack to where I don't go insane. With that said I do apologize if there's any grammar mistakes or breaks in fluidity. I write periodically and not in one go, so my thought process is different each time I ''pick up the pen''. Perhaps you can spot where I leave off and pick up.

I will admit I never watched the entirety of Korra. I did watch Avatar the last Airbender in its entirety when I was younger, and I have only watched the first season of Korra back when it was all there was to the show. The story here will largely follow the plot of the show with deviations both big and small. I'm using the episode details from the fandom site to base my chapters off of since I have no intentions of watching the show from beginning to end.

With regards to this fanfic there's a couple things I'd like to clarify. There will be multiple love interests to Noatak aside from Korra. I have my own reason for doing this as it gives me practice for my original work, but also because I think it would add to the story at hand in a positive manner. Is it realistic? Of course not, but this is a fanfiction after all. Most of what I write will be grounded in some basis of realism, but I will have my fun where I can. This is but one of them.

There won't be any rape or betrayal (of love) or anything like that in case you're wondering. I'll try as best I can to keep the characters true to their original portrayal or as close as can be. This means that Noatak won't act like a teenage boy. He's a grown man in his late 30's, 40 when he passed away in the show. He'll act his age just as Korra and Asami and whoever else I choose to pair him with will act their age accordingly. Hilarity will ensue as well as bits of angst.

I've seen a few issues other fanfictions have that I will avoid in mine. For one, characters are way too horny for no reason at all. Sure it might be believable with those like Korra and characters of similar age (somewhat), but a man like Noatak shouldn't be throwing away everything he's worked for just for some sex. Love and lust will come in time, but this will be a slow burn for the most part. I'm on the fence about providing lemons. I used to do it when I was younger but now I'm a grown man. Perhaps for the fun of it I might.

I know this fandom can be quite toxic when it wants to be. I saw the unfortunate remarks left on some newly added fanfiction calling for a different pairing only because they deem it to be the superior ''ship.'' I respect your opinion, but please don't leave such remarks as they don't add to what I'm writing or the story as a whole. None of this is canon. It's just a story made for my amusement and hopefully the interest of others willing to read it.

Lastly, I don't often post author's notes as they break immersion from the story. As such I'll only do so when I feel there's something important to say. Please follow, favorite, and leave a comment if you like what you've read so far.

Have a great day!