It’s a Date
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If Korra had to describe Noatak, it would be ‘cool as ice.’ From what she saw, the man seemed to take everything in stride. From the moment she saw him to now, she had been reduced to a flustered and blushing mess. The competitive side of her flared when she saw him calm and collected whilst she was the opposite.

It reminded Korra of her bending training back in the South. All her teachers were masters of their element, and every time they stepped down to instruct her it left her a heaping mess of sore muscles and frayed nerves. The constant defeat made Korra want to one day get back at them, and in time she was able to play a trick or two that her teachers would never expect. The look of embarrassment and fluster made her giddy for days when she succeeded.

 Korra was brought back to those times when she was with Noatak. It wasn’t his age, something that never crossed her mind, but rather the manner in which the man carried himself. She still couldn’t get over the fact that he wasn’t a bender. She had been so sure. Her instincts told her he was more than he let on, but in what way? Something about him even felt familiar to her, like she knew him or something. Korra chalked it up to him being Water Tribe that made him feel so familiar. 

Korra didn’t dwell on it much either way. Her mind was soon occupied with the thought of flustering her friend as much as he had done to her.

How to fluster Noatak…

She thought back to the one time he looked a smidgen embarrassed. He had started to call her by her formal title rather than her name. From the looks of it, he hadn’t even noticed until she called him out on it. Admittedly, she felt giddy at seeing him break his cool, but it was just a glimpse. Noatak had recovered so quickly.

The man in question was in front, leading them towards the exit of the Dragon’s Head. By the time they left, a mischievous light emerged in Korra’s eyes. It was promptly hidden when Noatak turned to face her.

He opened his mouth to speak, but Korra was faster. ‘’Hey, Noatak. How far away is this park?’’ She sported a concerned look, almost like she was impatient.

‘’It’s a few blocks away from here. Shouldn’t take too long on foot. Why, is something the matter?’’

Korra couldn’t help but sigh mentally in satisfaction. Noatak put on that signature soft smile, his wintry eyes looking towards her in concern. It was so completely different than what she was used to. She almost felt bad for the prank she was about to pull. Almost.

Korra jumped on Naga and patted the front of the saddle. ‘’Naga can get us there in no time then. All you have to do is sit up front and lead her in the right direction. How about it cool guy?’’

Noatak looked a bit hesitant, but seeing as Korra had already gone ahead and sat atop Naga, Noatak could only do the polite thing and jump to the front of the saddle to hold the reins.  

What happened next was instant regret. Korra put her arms firmly around Noatak’s waist as she yelled out a phrase to her companion Naga, setting the polar bear dog running faster than a Satomobile at full throttle.

Noatak attempted to maintain his withering composure, but whatever mounted attempt he made was quickly brushed aside by the wandering hands of the woman who stuck to his back closely.

The surrounding became a blur as Naga picked up speed, jumping over streets and wreaking havoc in her wake all the while having her tongue flapping in the wind. How quickly things got out of hand. Noatak couldn’t focus on any of it as he felt two distinct mounds of flesh press into his back, Korra’s hands roaming his chest and stomach like she was searching for somewhere to hold on tightly to as Naga made for a bumpy ride.

Noatak knew it wasn’t intentional, but every time Naga jumped and sped forward the mounds of flesh pressed upon his back would separate for a moment before crashing hard against him. As for the roaming hands – now that was definitely intentional.   

If he had turned his head back at that moment, the man would have seen Korra grinning like a maniac as she stifled a laugh. Korra could feel the muscle beneath the simple shirt Noatak wore tense at her touch. It was a rather loose-fitting garment, which only now made Korra realize just how muscular Noatak was beneath. The realization that she was feeling up the opposite sex made her dizzy.

What was intended as a harmless prank became so much more as she realized how it looked.

I definitely didn’t think this one through, but I can’t say I’m regretting it! Noatak isn’t angry, is he?

Her only worry was his reaction. From an angle she peered at Noatak’s face, and his expression was everything she could have hoped for and more. He looked so bewildered at everything that was happening. Completely bewildered.

Korra couldn’t hold it in any longer. She laughed harder than she had laughed in years. Her laughter broke Noatak out of his stupor as he shot her a rueful look. Korra responded by sticking her tongue out at him.

The ride to the park thereafter Korra’s prank was smooth sailing. Enjoyable, really. Korra rested her arms lazily around Noatak’s waist, her head over his shoulder. Boundaries and whatnot had never crossed her mind when it came to him.

Noatak was a complete gentleman, and he hadn’t done a thing to make her think otherwise. Though, he was a bit too distant for Korra’s liking. He was her friend after all! Her first one! Him tensing at her touch only made her want to do it more.

Seeing his face go through a range of emotions was just the cherry on top. Confusion to contemplation, then to further confusion before moving to him having an expression of amused acceptance.  

Noatak didn’t really seem to mind. He just accepted Korra for who she was every step of the way. Every now and then the man would gesture to a building or an area along their ride on Naga before explaining its importance or history. It amazed her how much he knew about the city, warmed her heart how much time he spent to introduce it all to her as they went by.

Everything was perfect, like a dream. Korra let out a shuddering breath as the background noise faded away. Eventually Korra just closed her eyes and listened to Noatak’s voice. When he spoke, his voice painted a picture in her mind. In her mind’s eye a vast expanse of charcoal skies and an endless sea of ice stood before her. Others might have thought it empty and desolate, but to her it was beautiful.

Like home, she thought.  

For all the gentle smiles and soft eyes he gave her, Korra couldn’t help but think the image in her mind was fitting for the man. There was no rhyme or reason as to why she thought so, but there was an inherent feeling that stemmed from the heart. It told her she was right, that Noatak was just that kind of man.

Korra still didn’t know much about him, and he didn’t know much about her. ‘Everything in its own time,’ that’s what her mother would say whenever her daughter was impatient. Patience was never her thing, but it seemed to be Noatak’s.     

Korra looked at him, peeking through her eyelashes. The sun was at an angle, shadowing the majority of his face. With much of his features hidden, she was drawn to his lips, the small upturn curve of them grabbing her attention. Unknowingly she licked her own before biting down gently.

She swept her gaze further down, watching with rapt attention as a bead of sweat rolled down the nape of his neck. It was close to where she rested her head, close enough she could…Korra licked her lips again, shaking away the dirty thought that had crossed her mind.

What are you thinking?! What’s gotten into me lately? You just met Noatak, and already you’re crushing on him?

Korra didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. She had always been warned by her father to watch out for boys. They’ll act nice and say whatever they could so long as it gets them under your pants. Don’t fall for their tricks, he said. She had been wary of Noatak, thinking him to be no different than the boys her father warned about, but Noatak was no boy. He was a grown man, and he certainly acted the part.

Every step of the way he was polite and courteous, mindful of her space and considerate from the moment they met till now. If she moved too close, he would take a step back. When he held her hand it was never tight, enough slack to where she could easily pull apart had she wanted. When he looked at her, he never looked to her chest like so many others of the opposite sex would, only looking her in the eyes with that smile of his. It was too good to be true, right? No way a guy like this just appears out of nowhere like in the stories told by Katara when she was growing up, a perfect prince charming. 

She had been nervous after the food was eaten at the Dragon’s Head, thinking the moment she set her utensils down he would change and act differently than he had led her to believe, wanting something from her as compensation. She had been ready to blast him with the wine in his cup had it happened, but it never did. Noatak never asked for nothing. Never looked like he wanted anything at all from her.

Thinking back to her ‘little’ prank, perhaps it was more than just competitiveness that drove her to act the way she did. In retrospect, a small part of her wanted to see if he even saw her as a woman.

Not to say that Korra prided herself in her looks, she hardly paid attention to it. Still, she noticed the dirty looks men would often send her way, the creeps eyeing her from top to bottom. Be it Wolf’s Cove or the short time here in Republic City, it was still the same. Some of the men were with their girlfriends or wife, and still they looked her way when their partner wasn’t looking. Noatak on the other hand only looked at her when necessary, when he spoke to her or when she spoke to him. It made Korra wonder if she wasn’t attractive or desirable at all in his eyes.       

His reaction wasn’t exactly the indicator she was looking for, but it was close. His body certainly reacted the way she’d hoped towards her touch, but that could have been for any number of reasons.  

If my teachers or parents were able to know my thoughts, no doubt they’d be surprised. Dad would probably do his usual shake of the head and sigh. Mom on the other hand might just faint at the thought of her only daughter pining over a grown man old enough to be my dad.

Korra frowned at that last thought. Not that Noatak looked old at all. He was handsome and tall and the way he smiled just made her brain shut down each time he did it. So what if he was older than her? He accepted her for who she was, and she could more than do the same for him.

Besides, I’m the Avatar. Technically I’m way older! I’m basically a cradle snatcher from that angle!   

Despite how she acted in front of others, Korra was terribly perceptive. She just kept it to herself, hid it away behind a toothy grin and jovial appearance.

Maybe that was why she grew to like Noatak so much in such little time. He didn’t care for her being the Avatar. He didn’t know her at all when he offered to help. Those who knew of her being the Avatar never cared for Korra as an individual but cared for her destiny. Sure, there were exceptions, but everywhere she went people only considered her and put up with her due to who she was in a past life, who she would become in the future. They didn’t see Korra, but the Avatar. They saw Aang or Kyoshi, spoke to her like she herself had done what they did. They didn’t revere her, but them.

‘’Something wrong, Korra?’’ Noatak was confused when he felt something cold and wet fall on his shoulder. The man looked up thinking it was the beginning to a downpour, but when he saw clear skies he angled his head to look at Korra on his shoulder.

‘’Sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I just…’’ Korra wiped away the tears that prickled at the corners of her eyes before holding herself closer to Noatak’s back.

Noatak gestured for Naga to move slower. The park was just around the corner, but it could wait a moment. ‘’Want to talk about it?’’ His voice turned soft with concern. Korra could hear the care in his voice and knew it to be genuine. She could spill out all her troubles and frustrations and he’d listen, even try to help her with it all – but Korra didn’t want to ruin their time together for any of that. She didn’t want to make him think she was nothing but a bag of problems either.  

He felt Korra shake her head on his shoulder. ‘’It’s nothing, really. I’m just happy I met you is all.’’ Though that wasn’t exactly what made her emotional, it was true enough.   

You’re a breath of fresh air Noatak, and I can’t get enough.   

Noatak’s eyes were clouded when he heard the joy and relief in Korra’s voice. There was remorse in his heart as he thought back to a different time. That first meeting between the two was nothing like this one. Even still, he’d have to go through with it. 

‘’I’m happy to have met you as well, Korra.’’  

Both were consumed by their thoughts of the past, but for entirely different reasons.

‘’Are you tired of living under the tyranny of the benders?! Then join the Equalists!’’ Korra was brought out of her thoughts when she heard the man on the raised platform speak into his megaphone. They had just entered the park when they came upon a crowd surrounding the person.

‘’For too long, the bending elite of this city have forced nonbenders to live as lower-class citizens. Join Amon! Together, we will tear down this oppressive establishment and rid it of its bending tyranny!’’

Korra couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Was this what Noatak wanted to show her? The instability of the city, was it because of this? Korra was drawn to the banner that depicted a masked man. Amon, most likely. Looking at it for too long gave her the creeps.  

Just as she was about to say something to the speaker, she saw Noatak pull on the reins to move Naga away towards the lake not far off. Korra was confused when Noatak dismounted, but seeing his hand open to her she grabbed onto it just as she had done so earlier that day.

‘’What was that back there, Noatak?’’

Noatak looked back to the crowd that surrounded the speaker in the distance, his gaze lingering on the banner of himself before pulling away to look at Korra.

‘’The reason why Councilman Tenzin and everyone else is in a tense state as of late. The Equalist are a group of nonbenders led by a man known only by the name of Amon. They detest the status quo of Republic City, a group that declares themselves the beginning to a revolution so to speak. Liberation from tyranny, you might say.’’

‘’What’s the big deal with them?’’ she asked. ‘’I don’t see how a group of nonbenders would be more of a concern than the local criminals who would misuse their bending.’’

Noatak shrugged. ‘’I don’t honestly know for sure, Korra. What I do know is that this new group – the Equalists – aren’t to be underestimated. Something similar occurred years ago, a group of people who tried to protest against the Triads and bring awareness to the city’s corruption. A crowd not that different than the one we just walked away from was dispersed by the gangsters. Since then, nonbenders kept to themselves. Until now.’’

Noatak smiled when he saw that Korra wasn’t quite catching on. ‘’Some of these people at the park who aren’t attending the speaker and his crowd are not who they seem to be. Some of them are gangsters dressed down like the regular park enthusiast. The difference from the event that took place years ago and now is that they aren’t moving to disperse the crowd. They’re only watching, not doing anything.’’

‘’They’re afraid,’’ said Korra as she observed the people who sat at the benches and walked by the lake. Upon closer observation she could see some with tattoos, most of which were hidden through long-sleeves and coats despite the sunny day. There was clarity in Korra’s eyes now that he explained further.

‘’Yes,’’ he replied gravely. ‘’Something about the Equalists has got the Triads spooked. So much so that they won’t make a move. Well, maybe they already did. My best guess is that they’ve tried to attack these Equalists before this, perhaps multiple times, but they’ve lost. There’s fear in the air because there’s a real threat from the Equalists.’’

Korra folded her arms and rested against Naga, her head lowered in thought. She thought back to what Tenzin had said back at the compound. No doubt the reason he couldn’t stay was due to this. There was quite the crowd here at the park listening to the speaker’s enthusiasm as he encouraged them to join the Equalists. Korra wondered just how big this Equalist group really was and how dangerous they truly were for Tenzin to postpone her training indefinitely.

Shouldn’t I be the one handling this? I’m the Avatar for spirit’s sake! They know by now that I learn best hands on, not through lectures on the board. Is it that they don’t trust me? Is that it?

Korra looked up in confusion when Noatak extended his hand, a golden piece of paper held out for her to take.


She was confused, but accepted the golden piece of paper and saw that it was a ticket to the Pro-bending Arena for a match that would take place in a few days. Taking a closer look and reading the print, it was for a bout between the Fire Ferrets and the Tigerdillos. Winner moves up the ladder in the championship tournament.    

The man smiled and pulled out a few more golden tickets from his pocket to show to her before putting them away. ‘’An old friend of mine won a raffle at his favorite noodle shop. The guy doesn’t care for pro-bending, so he gave me all the tickets he had won. I thought you might like to go with me to the Arena and watch the match. It’s in a couple days so there’s no rush, plenty of time for you to adjust to the city life.’’

Noatak faltered a bit when he saw Korra tense up, her eyes glued to the ticket in her hand.

‘’If you have other plans then by all means don’t worry about it. I’m not that big on the pro-bending scene either, just thought that it might be worthwhile to take you to see a match if you weren’t – ‘’

Korra lunged at him then before he could complete his sentence. Her weight against him made Noatak fall to the floor with her. For a moment he felt a pang of dread as he remembered a similar scene from a ‘different’ Korra not that long ago. Whether she meant to or not, she had placed him in the same position her counterpart had forced him in before cursing him with a kiss.  

Looking up at her, Noatak could see the difference all too clearly. That older version had grown to be nearly as tall as him, her face gaunter and more refined, not at all like the one atop him now still with baby fat to her cheeks. Where there was malice and insanity, this one was bright and full of life.  

Where one was a mature woman with years of experience in battle and life, this one was still young and naïve, immature and still trying to find her place in the world. If left alone, she’d one day become that woman all the same. A conqueror. An Empress. She’d have her Empire and crown, power none could equal.  

What was he meant to do? Was it all a result of tragedy and loss, or was there a desire inherent within her to possess such power and authority? Can her destiny really be to save the world if she turned to the same path he walked upon? He thought destiny to be set in stone, was it not? Noatak had to remind himself he was dealing with a goddess in the making. His schemes and influence would only wane in time as she grew beyond him to become that version of herself.    

For that woman to never exist was impossible with the restrictions placed upon him. He himself would make her endure nightmares and pain, the beginnings to her path as the Empress. Perhaps those desolate eyes would still remain even after all was said and done by him to help her, only there would be a touch of humanity lingering within.

Absurd. It was all absurd. All his preparation from the night before, all his calculations in buying the tickets and befriending her, what was it all for? Could he really pull this off? He had control for now, knew the coming events before his untimely demise, but what of after? All this talk of saving the girl, when he couldn’t even save his brother; save himself. He knew how to kill, to manipulate and deceive. He was doing it right now to the girl, but to save her from herself?

‘’Noatak! Noatak!’’ Korra was still atop straddling him, only know she was grabbing at his shirt and shaking him with fear in her eyes. She blushed in joy at first when she saw him looking up at her with such an intense gaze, but her emotion turned to horror as his gaze began to blank. She was afraid she had made him hit his head or something.

Noatak blinked and looked around. Some of the people nearby were looking towards the two at the spectacle they made.

He motioned to move up, but Korra firmly held him down flat by his shoulders. ‘’J-just stay there for a minute Noatak. I think you hit your head. How are you feeling? Any dizziness? I didn’t mean to make you fall, I just wanted to hug you.’’

Noatak wasn’t sure if she was joking. Knowing a bit of her on a personal level now, he knew she probably wasn’t. Hadn’t she just been shaking him senseless not a second ago? He felt like she had scrambled his brain with how hard she was shaking him. Still, he put a hand to her head and gently caressed her hair.

He didn’t know why he gently caressed her head until he remembered how often he would do it to sooth his younger brother back when they were kids. Like Korra, Tarrlok was quite the emotional kid. Quick to sadness and anger, but always finding joy regardless. It seemed to do the trick because Korra instantly settled down beneath his touch.  

He would have stayed put as well beneath her as she wanted him to, but Korra just had to settle her weight below his waist. Korra fortunately for him was all too oblivious, but the same couldn’t be said for Noatak. This position of theirs was one he was all too familiar back in his youth, something he’d rather not think about with the Avatar atop him.

Noatak didn’t want to see her that way. Befriending her was one thing, but anything else would put his mission in jeopardy. Besides, she already had a lover. Perhaps that young man wouldn’t last with the Avatar, but someone might. Noatak wouldn’t want to deprive Korra of her future soulmate.

Not that Korra wasn’t making it hard on the man what with her earlier actions. Noatak had great control over his mind and body, but he would rather not put anything to the test and risk everything he had just built in the last few hours. Thinking fast for a way out, he easily found a solution to his dilemma.     

‘’Sorry, it’s just…you look beautiful when you smile, Korra. I was mesmerized by it.’’

He almost chuckled at how quick she pulled away. It did satisfy a sinister part of him to see her so flustered, but he knew not to overdo it. Especially when the girl punched his arm for making her blow steam from her ears.

‘’Liar,’’ mumbled Korra as she helped him up. 

Noatak patted off any dirt that may have clung to his clothes as he smiled. In truth, he hated smiling. There was nothing in this world worth smiling for, or so he had once thought. He didn’t hate it anymore, but he wasn’t used to it either. How long did he stand before the mirror the night before and smile until he got it right just for today?

 Noatak looked to the clocktower nearby. Time was up.

‘’I wouldn’t lie about that. You’re beautiful, Korra. Sadly, I won’t get to see it until next time we meet.’’

‘’You’re leaving?’’ He could hear the disappointment in her voice, though she tried to hide it. Spirits, her whole demeanor changed.

‘’Unfortunately, yes. I wish I could stay with you longer Korra, but I have some unfinished business to attend to. I apologize. I had wanted to take you to Air Temple Island before I had to leave, but I completely forgot the time as I was with you.’’

Korra seemed to perk up at that, knowing he had lost track of time because he was with her.

‘’Don’t worry. I’ll find my way there. Thank you for today, Noatak. Really. I’ll see you at the Arena?’’ Noatak could hear the bashful hope in her voice, and he smiled just as practiced.

‘’Wouldn’t miss it for the world, Korra. I’ll be seeing you then.’’



Noatak sighed as he waved her goodbye. Not moments later he could hear the honking of Satomobiles and shouting pedestrians as Korra rushed around a corner block on Naga.

Some things never change, he thought. Gathered reports told of the Avatar’s incident with the police. An altercation with some thugs and damage of personal property.

It didn’t seem all that important of an event at a glance, but Noatak didn’t know what events were to the Avatar and her journey. For all he knew this might be a chance encounter with the Chief of Police, or perhaps they had already met and she was introduced to someone else that may be of importance.

Her lover perhaps? I really should find out his name. If he’s the one the Avatar is meant to be with, then it might be beneficial to have him on my side. What I can’t get through to the Avatar on my own, perhaps she would listen to the love of her life instead.

The man combed a hand through his hair and shook his head.

Like trying to play a game without knowing the rules or what the pieces do. How can those Spirits expect me to do anything when every move I make might just be leading to a darker fate? Tampering too much will deviate sequence of events, and the future will be far flung from what I know and can expect.

Noatak’s calendar was cleared for the day, having pushed aside his work for later that night. It had been a last-minute adjustment that he decided to cut his time short with the Avatar.

I’ve taken the better half of her day. Will the events of today still play out like they were supposed to originally? It could be called a success if I was able to manage that, as I’m meant to be a subtle and gradual influence on the girl.  

His original plan wasn’t only to make contact and establish a friendship. Noatak wanted to take the day to garner the Avatar’s implicit trust and have her depend on him in times of need. It wouldn’t be achieved in a single day – much less the first day having met – but the road to fulfilling that endeavor had to start as soon as possible.

Despite her naiveness, she’s fairly perceptive.

Noatak had noticed how weary she was the moment their dinner time had ended. Though she didn’t prepare caution for a spiked drink or tempering with the food served, she did indeed have some doubt towards him.

The girl isn’t as innocent as she looks.

So lost in thought within his head, Noatak failed to see the thundering Satomobile that was careening right towards him as he began to walk towards the crossing section of the street. The shouting of the driver was drowned out in the heavy wind.

 Noatak chuckled to himself as he remembered the Avatar trying her way to Air Temple Island. He had to admit the woman he fought and the girl before him – he just couldn’t correlate the two as one. He knew, however, that people change with time. It happened to him, to his brother. And so, it seems even Avatar Korra wasn’t impervious to walking down the same path he and his kin did.

Showing her around the city, talking to her closely like he had, it was…nice. In a way she reminded Noatak of his brother when the two were young. A bundle of joy, so curious about the world and what it had to offer.


Before the world faded to black, the image of his brother smiling at him was the last of his thoughts.

It was a second only before the pain woke him up. Noatak groaned out a short breath as a hand entered his sight, wrapping around his arm to help him up.

Confused and dazed, Noatak raised his head only to see a familiar face. Her mouth was opening and closing, but he couldn’t make out the words until the ringing in his ear faded.  

Asami Sato. Why is Hiroshi’s daughter outside of the estate at this time of day?

‘’Sir?! Are you alright?! Can you hear me?’’ She was clutching at his arm, and Noatak quickly averted his eyes just as he felt her press against him.  

Noatak pinched the bridge of his nose and nodded before he closed his eyes. Similar to how elite Earthbenders could feel the earth through Seismic Sense, Noatak could run a check on his body through Blood Sense. Nothing internal was broken or damaged, thankfully.

I can’t believe I ran into Hiroshi’s little one so soon and like this of all things. Any plans I might have had on how to approach her are useless now that she’s seen my face.

Noatak made sure to use his practiced smile, ignoring the aching pain as he held out his hand for Asami to shake. ‘’The name is Jhin. And you?’’

Apologies, old friend. 

‘’O-Oh!’’ She took his hand into her own gently, shaking it before holding his arm to keep him steady. ‘’I’m terribly sorry. I’m Asami. Asami Sato. I was driving a new product of my Father’s to test it on the road. I’m such an idiot. I quickly tried to stop when I saw you but – ‘’

Noatak help up a hand to interrupt her. ‘’You don’t need to explain to me,’’ he interjected. ‘’I’m just glad you’re safe and sound. Had you crashed into a pole or wall, you might have incurred serious injury, Ms. Sato.’’

Asami didn’t know what to say or think as Noatak put a hand on her shoulder and smiled softly. Noatak could tell she was ready to face his anger or for him to demand compensation for what happened.

Noatak – while looking Asami in the eye – used his Blood Sense to get a better picture of Asami’s state of health. ‘’It seems you’re uninjured, thankfully.’’ He patted her a few times on the shoulder before turning to leave.

I can’t delegate any time to her and her father as of yet. I need to plan and deliberate for the Avatar girl and observe how her rest of the day developed.

‘’Have a pleasant afternoon, Ms. Sato!’’ Just as he spoke, a hand grasped onto his and held him from taking another step away.

‘’I wouldn’t feel good about myself if I just let you walk away after I hit you. Please, there has to be something I can do to make it up to you. Please. Let me make this up to you.’’ Glancing back, the man could only nod at Asami’s doe-eyed look. She looked like she would cry if he refused.

Asami instantly brightened once he nodded. ‘’Would you like to discuss this over dinner? My treat. I know a place with an amazing view.’’ She looked to the sun that was beginning to set on the horizon. ‘’It’ll take your breath away at night.’’

Noatak chuckled and shrugged. ‘’I can’t say no to free food, much less with the company of a woman as beautiful as you, Ms. Sato.’’

A little flattery never hurt when it’s the truth.

 ‘’Please. Just call me Asami, Jhin.’’ Asami cleared her throat and blushed. She looked a bit shy as she spoke again. ‘’So…it’s a date?’’

Noatak nodded in affirmation.

‘’Of course, Asami.’’

The young woman smiled at hearing him say her name. Noatak knew he had succeeded in making a good and lasting impression of himself when he sensed how her heart raced and her blood spiked slightly.

By his hand Bloodbending had a thousand uses. He knew when someone was lying or being truthful and knew when one was pretending or being sincere. All he had to do was interpret that sincerity or falsity and the inherent meaning. Just like Korra, Asami was excited for their next meeting.

The two agreed to meet later that night at the park, and from there Asami would have them driven to the restaurant she had in mind by a chauffeur.

You should be keeping a better eye on your daughter, Hiroshi.

Noatak had a couple hours before sundown. Not enough time to work as he would have liked, but enough to where he could adjust accordingly.

The man had decided not to take the same approach as he did with Korra. Unlike the Avatar, Sato’s girl was mature and had a steady head on her shoulders despite her youth. He would dine and drink wine with her and speak as men would do to a woman highly regarded.

The slight racing of her heart when I complimented her as a woman is a definitive tell that she would rather be treated ahead of her years. She dresses and carries herself as a mature woman would and didn’t bother to correct my perception as it was what she intended.

Noatak could immediately discern the difference between the two females, both he regarded as girls in his mind, nonetheless. Korra was expected to mature and grasp onto concepts faster and easier than anyone else. The Avatar wouldn’t have time to be a young woman when all her time was spent training and learning.

It only makes sense she would rebel and leave for Republic City. To her its freedom to do as she wants, to live her life. Still, she does want to uphold the beliefs and perceptions inherited with being the Avatar. It makes for an interesting dichotomy to see the girl try to be one thing when she hasn’t lived and experienced the other. You must walk before you begin to run. Before she can become the woman people want and need her to be, she must first experience her youth and everything that entails. True wisdom comes with experience. It must be lived.

The image of Asami Sato came to mind.

Perhaps it’s the opposite. Hiroshi is being too mindful of his daughter. Unlike Korra, Asami is coddled and spoiled by her father. If so, then perhaps she has grown tired of being seen as Hiroshi’s little girl. Being treated as mature by an actual older man might bring her satisfaction that she is truly mature beyond her years. This might be a breath of fresh air to the girl then, our meeting over dinner.

As he picked out a set of clothes to wear for his dinner with Asami, Noatak couldn’t help but ruminate over the comparison made between the two in his mind.

They would make a good pair, those two.