Astralunosis chapter 7
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Chapter Summary

OKAY not a super eventful chapter, but you give the boys' room a much needed makeover and there's some more Sun time!!

First order of business: finding an appeasement gift for Vanessa. 

 Had she almost tased Moon? Yes. Had 

she probably been terrified? Also yes. Had you left her to deal with the mess and patrol on her own? …Unfortunately, yes again.

 Which is exactly why you wanted to find her something as a peace offering. You wanted to make it up to her.

 The only problem is that you didn’t know her very well so finding something that she likes was proving to be incredibly difficult. You’d been racking your brain about this nearly all day.

 You tried to recall if the security office, which might as well just be her office, had any decorations. Any personal items… Anything that could give you a hint as to what kind of things she might like.

 The space was mostly filled with a lot of display screens, showing security footage, and the bed she had in there. The sheets weren’t any kind of special either. Though… hadn’t there been a personal laptop too? Something she would probably use both for work and personal use.

 And then you remembered. You could have sworn there was a rabbit sticker on that laptop.

 …Or maybe a hare, but a furry creature with long ears none the less.

 Maybe she liked rabbits? Maybe she had pet rabbits?

 Either way, it was something to go off.

 So, you ended up scouring your local stores for something she might like.

 You had ended up in a store selling all kinds of second hand things. Plates, cups, clothing, lovely little statues as well.

 It was then that your eyes landed on a glass carving of two small rabbits snuggling together. It was absolutely perfect.

 Or so you hoped anyway.

 The lady working the checkout made sure to wrap it in plenty of protective paper, so there was no chance of it getting damaged. You paid and thanked her and went back home.

 That had been the only thing you had planned to do, besides catching up on rest. The night shift really kicked your ass.

 You’d have a shift again in a couple of days, so in the mean time you were planning.

 You hoped that if you made it up to Vanessa she might help you out with this too. And if you asked, Freddy would probably help as well…

 The thing is, the last time you peaked inside Sun and Moon’s room, the place was an absolute mess. It was filthy too.

 The floor was dirty, the walls were lined with cobwebs. Broken robot parts lay everywhere. You weren’t sure if that was because of Moon’s temper or even if maybe they had no choice but to use broken robot parts to fix themselves? Considering they hadn’t had maintenance in ages.

 There were some Glamrock plushies as well, other than that there were playing blocks from the daycare and a little playing house.

 You wanted them to have a desk, a bed and some storage space.

 When you went exploring further you had found out that there was a tunnel that seemed to lead to a ‘secret’ room, with more mess, but also an abandoned arcade cabinet.

 You considered turning that space into storage, but then considered that maybe it’d be nice to give Moon his own spot? Keep the lights dark in there.

 Your hands were itching at the chance to decorate as well. You’d seen cloud stickers, but stars and moons too. And even better, the star and moon stickers glowed in the dark. They’d be perfect.

 You just really hoped they’d like it.

 And you hoped you could pull everything off in a single day. You’d kind of have to, if you wanted it to remain a surprise.

 Maybe you could even use some of the merchandise you had been sent as a bribe… So many ideas, so little time.

 You had put in an official requests for the furniture through Fazbear Corporate and surprisingly, they obliged.

 You ordered a big bed that could also function as a couch, they probably didn’t sleep, but the other Glamrocks had a lot of furniture they didn’t technically need as well, as well as a big sturdy desk made of real wood. It was more like a dining table at its size, but they were tall, so. You also got two nice swivel chairs for the desk and other than that just made sure you got an open shelf cabinet to store some of their stuff in.

 You also got a celestial themed rug and a sun themed tapestry for the wall. Those had been second hand finds as well. You were just glad the bed itself came with throw pillows and blankets to make everything nice and cozy.

 You got a bunch of stars stickers as well as a big moon sticker, stickers of clouds and multiple sets of fairy lights.

 Everything would be a lot of work to clean, but you realised that you could also just summon some cleaning bots to help you out. That’d be a relief.

 The plan did mean you’d have to evade Sun for a little while longer, which made you feel bad, but it would be worth it!

 That is how you had spent your days off. Planning, ordering things, buying more supplies and preparing to meet with Vanessa.

 She had actually agreed to getting a coffee at some place down town. You both wanted to give her, her gift and tell her your plan.

 You were waiting for her to show up right now. When you spotted her you quickly stood up to greet her.

 “Hey! It’s good to see you! How’ve you been?”, you smiled kindly.

 She rolled her eyes, “Oh, you know. Dealing with your crazy robots.”

 You scoffed, “They’re not my robots.”

 “Actually, they kind of are. It’s good I see you, because I got a message from the higher ups for you.” She was grinning now, why was she grinning?

 “I reported the whole… Moon incident, from that night, you know…”

 “About that—“, you tried, but she cut you off with a wave of her hand.

 “Don’t worry about it, I ought to be used to them going crazy by now. Point is, apparently they’re impressed by how you’re able to manage Moon… And Sun too honestly. They don’t actually listen to anyone, y’know?”

 She gave you a look, pausing the conversation only so she could order a coffee when the waiter approached.

 “…Where was I. Oh, right! So, you’re kind of their handler now. You should get an email with more information about all that, nothing should change too much, other than that you might be stationed near the daycare more often.”

 You stared at her, a bit astonished.

 “I… You… do see the sense of irony, in me being their ‘handler’, considering Moon put me in the hospital.”

 She just shrugged. “Welcome to the Fazbear family, shit’s crazy over here.” She raised her eyebrow at you. “Anyway, what did you have to tell me?”

 You sighed. “Well, about that night. I am sorry about how it went. I didn’t know you were so scared of Moon that you carried a whole taser.” You gave her a sympathetic look, although you could tell she preferred pretending to be indifferent to it all.

 “Though I still don’t approve of threatening to tase him”, you joked a little. “I just felt bad for leaving you hanging like that, so…” You paused to reach down your bag and produced the paper wrapped gift.

 “I got you a little something to apologise.”

 You gently pushed it over to her side of the table.

 She seemed a bit taken aback, but slowly removed the wrapping, revealing the little glass statue of the two rabbits. She stared at it for a moment, then looked up at you. Clearly at a loss for words.

 “How… did you know I like rabbits?”

 You laughed a little, “Well, after a whole lot of thinking I suddenly remembered the rabbit sticker you had on your laptop. It was the only thing to go on as to what you might like, so… I just went for it.”

 She nodded, listening. She stayed quiet for a while, only speaking up to thank the waiter when they brought her, her coffee.

 “I appreciate it”, she finally spoke up.

 “Well, I’m glad you like it. But don’t like me too much just yet, because I also have a big favour to ask you.”

 That seemed to ease her a little somehow, maybe she didn’t like being put on the spot and dealing with feelings like that.

 “Oh, here we go…”, She grinned, amused already.

 You explained the plan you had for Sun and Moon’s room to her in thorough detail. She listened the whole time, only just nodding occasionally. Once you were done, she leaned back thoughtfully.

 Making a bit of a show of her considering helping you, if only to tease you.

 “Alright, I’ll help you out. As long as you promise to keep Moon off my ass.”

 You chuckled, “I promise I’ll try.” 

 She rolled her eyes at that.

 You had chatted a bit more after, talking about nothing in particular. When it was time to go you had offered to pay for the drinks, but she insisted she’d be fine with covering it. Going on about how the nightshift paid more and she mostly worked those.

 You figured it was best not to argue with her and let her pay. You were glad the both of you seemed to be on good terms again.


 Today was the day. You had everything prepared, the bed and desk were brought up to the hall of the theatre already, just still wrapped in plastic packaging, and cleaning bots were standing at the ready.

 You had quickly explained to Freddy that you needed help, who in turn had managed to convince Monty to help as well. Apparently neither of them had anything to do today really and their show wouldn’t be until later at night.

 Vanessa promised she’d keep Sun busy, the daycare was open anyway so there were kids to take care of too. You were glad at least that you managed to convince management you were not the right type of person to watch over kids. Robots you could handle, kids… not so much.

 They seemed to be fine with that though, as long as you would make good progress with Moon and kept an eye on Sun.

 “Alright everyone… let’s get to it!”

 You instructed Freddy and Monty to take the biggest pieces of junk out first, there was a cart outside that could be loaded and sent off to wherever they processed trash. Probably somewhere down the basement.

 You collected the broken robot parts and other smaller items that you figured could be trashed and put them into a box for easy carrying.

 None of the animatronics or robots would be able to get into the ‘secret’ room well, so you had to crawl in and pass all trash in there to Freddy and Monty respectively.

 You also made sure to collect all the items you needed to keep, mostly plushies and other merchandise, so you could find a place for them later.

 The daycare stuff you sent down to the storage space in the theatre, so that they’d be close by if Sun and Moon needed them.

 Once everything that needed to be trashed was taken care off you told Freddy and Monty to come back later, when you’d need their help with installing the furniture. Although you think Freddy still stuck around the theatre, not so secretly keeping an eye on you.

 You were so, so, so glad for the cleaning bots. They couldn’t reach the highest places of the walls, but were such a big help with the floor and everything else. They vacuumed and mopped, you tried helping but they’d shoo you off. Best to let them finish then.

 Once they were done and the entire place was as clean as it could be you made sure to give each and every one of them an appreciate pat to their heads. In turn, they all beeped merrily.

 That is when Freddy peeked his head inside.

 “Hey Superstar! Everything going well? Do you need our help again?”

 You looked up, you had been sorting through the ‘keep’ box. “Oh, hey Freddy! Yeah since everything is clean we should start working on the bed, desk, shelving and I’ve a rug and some other decorations. Is there a ladder around?”

 He smiled at your enthusiasm, “I could just lift you up to reach high up places!”

 You laughed, “Not inside there you can’t” You pointed at the room behind the tunnel.

 He seemed to think for a moment. “I know! I’ll ask Monty to bring a step ladder!”

 “Just don’t make him do too much, I’m not sure if he likes me much. I know you convinced him to help… but still. I’m already very thankful for how much the both of you have done already! Though we should probably hurry with finishing everything. If I know Sun he’s getting antsy cause the daycare is about to close and Vanessa keeps needing to come up with reasons for him to not return to his room too soon.

 “I assure you Monty doesn’t dislike you! He just… doesn’t like Moon.” Freddy laughed apologetically. He had such an interesting voice, robotic but warm. Honestly all of the Glamrocks had cool voices, somehow they perfectly matched each of their personalities.

 That said, Moon’s signing voice might still be your favourite.

 You decided to focus on the walls first, so that you wouldn’t have to go around furniture. You did unwrap the rug and put it down approximately in front of where you wanted the bed to go.

 The desk you’d put just in front of the railing that led up to the balcony. Bed in the corner.. that’d be nice, hopefully.

 Luckily, Freddy could at least help you out with this side of the room when it came to putting up the fairy lights, stickers and the tapestry.

 You thanked whatever beings that ruled over luck that the walls weren’t just pure concrete and you could in fact put nails in there. That made putting the fairy lights up a lot easier.

 Once finished with that you covered the walls in clouds and stars. The stars would glow in the dark of course. You got a bunch of them, so you’d have enough for the other room too.

 “Alright, you can call Monty to help with the bed, desk and shelving now. I got some extra shelves as well, so they’ve an open cabinet and even more space to put things. Unless you can handle that on your own? Then again it would be quicker with extra help…”

 You were rambling.

 “Shi—oot.. Sorry” You corrected yourself last minute there, not sure how the family friendly bear felt about swearing.

 “It’s alright, Superstar. You’ve been working hard and are probably getting tired. I know adults swear more, but I appreciate you keeping your language clean around me!”

 You looked at him. “Honestly, if you can watch non Fazbear material, please watch the jungle book, because you remind me of Balou so much. It’s almost crazy.”

 He tilted his head a bit to the side, “Who is that?”

 “It’s this big old papa bear. Takes care of a kid in the jungle. He has his own song and everything. I feel like you’d like it.”

 The animatronic seemed to take your comparison as a compliment. “Maybe I will, Gregory is sure to show up again and it might keep him busy enough to not cause trouble for you and officer Vanessa. As well as daycare attendant Moon.”

 You nodded.

 Just a couple minutes later Monty showed up, appearing in the door opening while carrying the desk, on his own. He was definitely showing off.

 “You called?”, he growled out with effort.

 “Monty! Yes, please just put the desk down right here”, you gestured. Freddy had already gone to get the chairs without you needing to ask him.

 The alligator animatronic didn’t stay to chat either, instead moving on to trying to carry the bed on his own, from what you could hear anyway. The sound of scraping filled the hall. Freddy must have abandoned the chairs to help Monty, because a moment later they both showed up carrying the bed.

 It didn’t require a lot of assembling, just unpacking and clicking some parts together and all that. Monty helped you tear open the packaging with his sharp claws. You were glad he was careful though, it wouldn’t do well to tear the mattress.

 The two animatronics did all the heavy lifting and it ended up only taking fifteen minutes to assemble the bed. Another ten minutes to make it though, it came with pretty general sheets, but you could always get new ones.

 You finished with putting the pillows up against the wall and putting a couple of throw blankets draped over the corner of the bed. There.

 Now just the cabinet and shelves.

 Freddy helped you with that, while Monty insisted he’d drill the holes for the extra shelves you got. The cabinet required more patience than Monty had, clearly.

 You must have taken too long working on it, because Monty had nothing to do, so he tried crawling through the tunnel.

 “Monty, I wouldn’t do… that. Never mind, I guess you do fit if you want to.” Not only had he managed to crawl through, he managed to bring the drill and shelves.

 “Where did you want those shelves, Rockstar?”, It was endearing how each of the animatronics would give you nicknames that fit into their own themes, honestly.

 You left Freddy for a moment to peek through the tunnel. “Uhh.. Right there!”, you pointed. He nodded in return and got to work.

 “Dang Monty, you could take up a job as a handyman.” You paused for a moment. “…As well as work in demolition probably, with those claws of yours and how strong you are.”

 The alligator huffed in response, you thought he was flattered but tried to hide it.

 You finished the cabinet with Freddy and put it up against the wall next to the tunnel, that’d be a good spot right?

 With Monty still in there that’d be the perfect opportunity to have him help you with putting up some fairy lights there as well.

 He obliged, though he grumbled a bit about holding you up. It didn’t take long though, considering that room as much smaller. You pushed the arcade cabinet into the corner of the room.

 “Hey Freddy? Can you pass me those star and moon stickers? They’re on the desk!”

 “Sure thing, Superstar!!”

 You waited, a moment later a gigantic bear claw of a hand appeared to hand you the stickers. They looked comically small in his hand. “Thank you!!”

 Perfect. You would use these to make a little mural of a night sky right on the wall here. The moon sticker was the biggest. It’d go in the center.

 You surrounded it with a bunch of stars, varying in size. You had used just two sizes for the other room, but were going all out here. The smallest of the stickers, they just looked like dots, were a bit finnicky, but you managed.

 Just as you were about to ask, Monty chimed in. “Hey Rockstar, where does this bag of stuff go?”

 You turned to look at him through the tunnel. All you could see was his head and the bag he held up. “Oh! Those are some more pillows and blankets I got, you can give them here!”

 He grunted, “Sure thing.” Then shoved the bag down the tunnel to you.

 You used the pillows and blankets to create a makeshift nest, hoping it’d be comfortable for Moon too. You wanted him to have a place to hang out in too. This place would only be illuminated by the fairy lights and glow in the dark stickers.

 Though you also got them a little gift. A blue lava lamp filled with glitters and covered with stars. You thought it matched Moon perfectly. You just wanted this to be the ultimate cosy corner.

 You also brought some of the merch you had gotten yourself. Mostly the doubles you had. Which included some small posters and seemingly earlier designs of Sun and Moon plushies.

 Now all that was left was putting everything in the ‘keep’ box into the cabinet you got!

 You were so excited! You just couldn’t wait to tell your boys—err. Sun and Moon.

 That is when you started hearing a commotion. Freddy was trying to calm Monty down from the sounds of it and Monty was yelling in a panicked way.

 You peeked.

Shit. Sun must have gotten fed up with Vanessa’s excuses and of being denied access to his own room, because he stood on the balcony.

 Freddy spotted you and you gestured at him to get Sun to leave. Luckily Monty had managed to block the view of the room by quickly closing the balcony’s curtains and putting himself in the middle of them.

 You could hear how upset Sun was though. You knew Monty didn’t like Moon, but it seemed Sun also didn’t like Monty much?

 “Why are you in our room!!”

 You wanted nothing more than to calm him down and comfort him, but you really needed to finish the surprise first.

 Freddy motioned over at you, with Monty keeping Sun busy you’d just have to hurry with the finishing touches. Though Sun was growing more and more suspicious by the moment.

 You moved as quietly as you could, Freddy helped you by throwing some of the plushies your way so you could give them their place. You got Sun and Moon some extra plushies of the Glamrocks as well, since you were more fond of the two celestial themed animatronics you didn’t mind giving them your Glamrock stuff.

 The ‘keep’ box was now empty, so you looked around trying to make sure you hadn’t forgotten anything. Right, the desk lamp.

 You ran down the hall and reappeared quickly, putting the lamp down. You also had gotten them some very basic art supplies to keep on their desk, you weren’t sure if they even liked to draw but at least now they had the opportunity.

 You whispered to Freddy, “Get Monty out of there, I think Sun is about to lose it, just take him and go! I can handle it from here.”

 You gave him a quick hug as thanks and fist bumped Monty when he walked past, then ran up to the platform just as Sun stuck his head through the curtains. You would have to thank Freddy and Monty properly later.

 You hadn’t seen Sun look this upset before, but any trace of that disappeared as soon as his eyes landed on you.

 “Starlight!! It’s been so long! Where did you go? We missed you! How are you? You look tired!” He rambled on and immediately swooped you up into his arms and spun you around in excitement.

 After a moment he seemed to realise he had done so without asking and promptly put you down. “Sorry, sorry! Just got too excited!!”

 You chuckled, “Hey Sunny. Surprise!” You gestured at the room. Only then did he actually take it in. He had been too preoccupied with you.

 He stared, rays spinning slowly as he observed the room.

 When he stayed quiet, you spoke up. “Want a tour?” You were excited about showing him everything, but at the same time anxious as hell that he wouldn’t like it.

 You grabbed him by the hand and guided him down the platform.

 “Here, look! I got you a desk with some art stuff… As well as a bed that can also be a couch! I know you guys don’t really sleep I guess, and I also still don’t know how you charge actually, anyway… I put up stickers of clouds and stars, the stars glow in the dark!! I also got you a bunch of pillows and blankets, oh and the fairy lights of course! I also really hope you like the rug and the wall tapestry I chose for you! And…” You led him to the cabinet.

 “I got you a place to store more things in like the plushies that were in here! Don’t worry about the daycare stuff though, it’s safely stored down the theatre! Oh! I also actually got you a real big bulletin board, it sticks by itself! It didn’t come in yet though… But I thought we could put that on the other wall and that way you could put up children’s drawings! I also got one for Moon’s side of the room!”

 You nervously fidgeted your hands as Sun walked around the room, he took a lot of time examining all the things you changed. You would be a lot less worried if it weren’t for how uncharacteristically quiet he was.

 He peeked down the tunnel as well.

 “Oh! I made that Moon’s side, I really hope that’s okay with you guys! You can look, but I’d rather let Moon see first, if you don’t mind?”

 Sun just took a step back and nodded. He took some more time to look around, then decided to sit down on the bed with his hands in his lap.

 He was still not saying anything though.

 “…Sun? Do you… like it? I know I changed your room without asking and I’m sure it must be quite a shock, but if you’re mad about it please just tell me so I can fix it, I mean I did put a fair amount of time into planning this and asked Freddy and Monty to help, but I could probably undo everything if you… need me to.”

 You rambled on.

 “Freddy and Monty were helping?”, that was the first thing he said when he finally spoke up. Something seemed to click inside his head.

 “Oh no! And I yelled at Monty!! Oh no, I feel horrible! I didn’t know they were helping!!”, Sun clutched at his head, pushing some of his rays back as he did.

 “Hey, hey… It’s okay! Don’t worry…”, you approached him, patting his head in an effort to comfort him. He immediately wrapped his arms around you as soon as you were within his reach. “I’ll have to thank them properly later, I’m sure they’ll understand why you were upset with them too.”

 You sat down next to him on the bed. “Do you… like it though?” You glanced up at him, filled with way more anxiety than you would like.

 He could tell, of course. He gently grabbed hold of your face. “Like it? I… LOVE it!!! I’m sure Moon will love the spot you created for him too!! I can’t believe you did all of this for us!! This definitely explains why Vanessa kept coming up with weird things… She usually doesn’t interact with us at all…” He had a confused look on his face.

 You recalled how she had threatened Moon and laughed awkwardly. “Yeah…”

 Sun made grabby hands at you as a way of asking for your permission, you just smiled and nodded. “Go ahead…”

 He exclaimed an excited noise and pulled you onto his lap, hugging you tightly.

 “I love, love, LOVE what you’ve done for us!!!” He pressed his faceplate to your cheek and made a mwah sound as if he was giving you a kiss.

 You couldn’t help but giggle in response to how silly and excited he was. You were glad though, you could feel your anxiety melting away already. You leaned into his touch, enjoying how warm he felt.

 “I’m glad!”

 “But…”, he sounded a lot more stern now. “Don’t you ever leave me alone for so long again!! Moon won’t tell me what happened when you were with him, I’m only getting bits and pieces, but we miiiissseddd you so, so much!!”

 You grinned, “About that, you’re going to miss me a whole lot less… Cause guess who officially got appointed to be your ‘handler’, it’s none other than yours truly.”

 The whole handler thing was probably more in an effort to keep Moon under control, if you’d ask management, but still. At least you would get to spend more time with them this way.

 You honesty didn’t know how you had gotten this attached to them this fast. Especially considering what Moon did to you. But the more you learned about the both of them, the more you sympathised.

 Sun was very energetic, but had a way of comforting you and melting your anxiety away like ice in the, well, sun.

 And while Moon insisted on making his weird flirty comments, he did seem to care about you at least. He could be soothing when he was allowed to be.

 Suddenly, you moved. You had still been sitting on Sun’s lap, when he leaned backwards until his back hit the bed. He squeezed you tightly, then happily stroked your back.

 You laughed, “I take it that means you’re excited about me being your handler then? Don’t worry, I won’t put a leash on you.”

 “If it was you, we wouldn’t mind! But yes!!”

 Knowing Moon, he’d be making a lewd comment at that later, probably. At least Sun didn’t seem to be as suggestive.

 “…I know you want to show Moon his surprise too, but can we lie here for a little longer? I’ve missed you and Moon already had you to himself for an entire night!!” He sounded awfully desperate, as well as jealous. Which was no surprise to you anymore. You’d talk about that with them another time. You’d have to work on it.

 “Fine, fine. We can cuddle a while longer”, you chuckled, closing your eyes and enjoying the way he was stroking your back.

 In all honesty, after the amount of work you did today you could definitely just fall asleep right now. But you wouldn’t, couldn’t. Not yet anyway. You still had to show Moon his surprise too.

 It stayed quiet for a moment, though the silence wasn’t uncomfortable. You enjoyed how warm Sun felt and the way he was stroking your back up and down, it was soothing.

 “…Why did you get us a bed?”, Sun spoke up, sounding rather hesitant. “…Because we like you and from what I can tell Moon has said some… things, but we don’t actually have—”

 You shot up and slapped a hand in front of his mouth, not that it helped because that didn’t cut off his voicebox, but he got the hint. Your face felt hot and red and by no doubt you must be blushing real bad.

 “I just thought… It’d be nice for you to have. All the other Glamrocks have a bunch of furniture too… Besides, if Moon does force me to go to sleep again I’d rather it be in a bed. I don’t mind the makeshift bed-nest but… You know?”

 Sun nodded slowly. “Ooh.. That makes.. way more sense!!” He frowned for a moment, then zoned out, you were pretty sure that meant he and Moon must be talking to eachother in there.

 He sounded sad when he spoke up again, “Moon really wants to come out and see his side of the room now.” 

 You could tell he didn’t want to switch yet, missing you already. “It’s okay, Sun. Remember I’ll probably see you a lot more often, being your handler and all that.” You’d have to sweeten him up a bit to get him to comply though.

 He still seemed anxious too. As far as you could tell, the two of them didn’t exactly get along in there. On top of that they were constantly jealous of eachother, especially when it involved you apparently.

 You gently grabbed a hold of his faceplate, pressing your forehead to his for a moment before leaning back. “How about I give you a treat if you promise to turn the lights off for Moon?”

 That definitely intrigued him. His motors already whirred louder and his rays spun round his head excitedly.

 He tilted his head a bit to the side, “What kind of treat?” You weren’t sure if he truly didn’t know or if he was just feigning innocence to tease you. Though you guessed it was probably the latter.

 “You know. For being on good behaviour.”

 He squinted at you then, as if he was remembering something. He must have tried digging through Moon’s memories or something, because a look of realisation struck his face.

 Quickly followed by more jealousy, of course.

 “You gave Moon a kiss!!!” The way he said it made it sound like you were being accused of some horrible crime.

 You sighed, “Yes. Just like I kissed your forehead before, remember?”

 Sun just crossed his arms and frowned. “He said you were going to shower with him.” He closed his eyes and looked away, offended.

 You tried not to choke on your own breath just then. “I said you both need washing and I’d make sure to not neglect him in that process.”

 Sun opened one of his eyes to peek at you. “Both?”

 You smiled, “Yes, both. You need maintenance too, you know. It’s been way too long. Don’t worry though. They’ve given me a manual and I have been studying, but the computer there still does most of the work anyway.”

 The animatronic withdrew from you, sitting farther away on the bed. “We don’t like maintenance.” He pulled his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them, looking you over a bit anxiously.

 You scooted closer to him and put a hand on his knee, “Hey… It’s okay. I’ll be there and I’ll make sure it won’t hurt okay? I just need to know the state of your…”, you gestured vaguely at his entire body. “Well, everything. That way I also know what possible upgrades to ask for.”

 He seemed a little intrigued at that.

 “If Moon behaves maybe I can convince management to let him at least interact with guests again, though I’m sure they’ll make me watch him… but if that goes well maybe I can also convince them to let me give you guys some upgrades, huh?”

 He nodded slowly. “…And you promise you’d be there the whole time?”

 You sat down next to him, leaning your side against his. “I promise.”

 Sun looked away for a moment, tilting his head entirely to the side and muttering. Almost as if he was speaking to himself, or Moon maybe. “They’re not going to scrap us…” 

 Your heart ached for them, being so neglected. And from what it sounded like they seemed to be genuinely scared of being decommissioned. The Glamrocks didn’t have too worry about that so much, considering they’re the main attraction.

 You heaved a deep sigh, it must be all kinds of unethical to make robots this sentient to the point where they have fucking anxiety.

 Still, you really wanted to comfort Sun. So, with a little effort you climbed into his lap and grabbed his arms to wrap them around you.

 In response, he rested his faceplate atop your head and squeezed you close.


 Sun hummed quietly.

 “Come on big boy, I’ll be okay and I promise this time I’ll see you again soon and make sure to give you plenty of TLC later, huh?”

 The daycare attendant seemed a bit more soothed, though still stubborn.

 “Don’t you want your treat?”, you smirked, teasing him a little.

 At that, Sun’s rays started spinning and vibrating a little, giving him away.

 “Come here then”, you leaned in, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

 When you leaned back, his rays were spinning nearly out of control and Sun was covering his face with his hands in a flustered gesture. It was very endearing. Adorable really.

 “There! Now be good and turn the lights out?”

 He nodded, “As long as you promise to be careful! I know Moon… Well he can be…” He just fell silent.

 “…I know, Sun. But it’ll be alright, okay? I can always turn the lights back on if I need to.”

 The animatronic nodded hesitantly, but gave you one last squeeze before walking over to the light switch and turning it off himself.

 You had never seen them transform before, not right in front of you. So this should be interesting.

 It looked a little uncomfortable, or maybe that was because Sun still seemed to be trying to fight it. As if he was still worried about surrendering control to his counterpart.

 A moment later, though you had no idea how, the clothing Sun had been wearing changed to Moon’s and his hat appeared seemingly from out of nowhere.

 Their eyes had been closed, but when they shot open they were the red and black you had gotten used to from Moon. You watched the entire thing happen, intrigued.

 “Hello, Starbeam~”, Moon purred out. “Miss me?”