Act 2: Gear Up
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Our objective in this world was simply to "survive" until We find another Dimensional Mirror… When We rushed back inside the captain's quarters I investigated the shattered mirror with Nugget and She confirmed that it was unfixable and that the only way to get back to our own dimension is to get a new Mirror.

     Needless to say, Our morale wasn't high, Me and Hotaru spent our first night separately in one of the former crew member's rooms. She was probably a nervous wreck in Her room, But I on the other hand was busy planning on rationing Our resources.

     Water wasn't much of a problem because We both had pairs of 2-liter bottles of water and even if We didn't We could just purify some of the seawater by boiling and filtering them, However, the food was the bigger problem. In our backpacks, we only had 3 to 5 bags of chips, 2 small jars of Chilli Jam and Peanut butter, 2 loaves of bread, 7 candy bars, and trail mix consisting of a mixture of peanuts, berries, fruits, grains, and lastly our wallets and smartphones which both did not have any value since there probably no cellular connection in this world.

     In terms of equipment, We both had a pair of goggles, snorkels, fishing rods, lures, a net, our swimsuits, and flippers, 2 jackets, a single eppy pen, 2 towels, a multi-tool, and lastly a pair of scissors.

     I'm glad that We were at least somewhat prepared for this, but We didn't have a change of clothes as they were back at the hotel We stayed at. We were simply stuck wearing the swimsuit We were wearing when we got sent here. I only had my swimming trunks, While Hotaru only had her black and red two-piece swimsuits, Her white puffy coat, and a sunhat.

"How long can the two of us survive…." I questioned while peeking out at the window of my quarters looking at the Moon's Soft light.

     While looking out the Window I noticed light coming from the nearby island, I saw what looked like a Coastal Town or a harbor. The ship We were occupying was stuck on a rocky platform from what looked like 40 meters from the island.

"I need to check if there are other types of equipment in this ship we can use…." I thought as I exited my room and went downstairs to search the lower quarters.

     I didn't bring my phone so I ended up losing track of time, But What I found was a grappling hook and a shovel, 3 wooden buckets, and 2 Sabers (Cutlass) albeit they didn't look like they would last long, and 2 flintlock handguns with 16 shells for ammo.

     Our parents used to bring Us hunting, and learning self-defense by using martial arts and Educated Us about gun safety, Never have I thought those would eventually come to save Me. I guess you could say that Me and Hotaru are privileged to have parents who have taught us many skills that the average person might not have learned at an early age. I was simply relieved I could keep Hotaru safe in case something bad were to have happened….

    I continued searching for what felt like hours and I wished I had found more things but all I found were several scrolls, some old diaries, feather pens, old ink jars, a pair of eye patches, a hammer, and a pickaxe… That pickaxe and hammer might come in handy later.

"Looks like That's all The old Crew left behind for us…" I could only guess it took me the whole night to rummage through the lower quarters to find anything useful I could utilize for Our safety. I packed them in my bag and headed back up.

     When I came back up to the main deck Hotaru and Nugget were waiting for Me with Her arms crossed under Her chest, while Her expression looked like an angry mother. She had Her sunhat and puffy coat on, which what I guessed was to cover up Her Body. While Nugget was sitting on Hotaru's shoulder.

"Little Brother. What have you been doing down there? You spent the entire night down there." She scolded.

"I was searching for other items We could use," I answered dryly.

"I wish you would've told Me so I could've helped You, I knocked in your room and got no replies." She expressed Her concern after I suddenly disappeared

"...I'm sorry… I'll be sure to ask You for help next time, But as of now We need to get to the Town near our ship." I eased the tension between us.

     I then explained to Hotaru about the nearby island having what looked like a harbor, Which was our best hope for survival right now.