Chapter 12 interlude
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     Today was very tiring, not only did I had to hunt down coelophsyis, I got mauled to death by a group of utahraptors leading ass fart but I also had to do 2 vs 30 a group of Herrerasaurus.


     What made kyoryu online unique is you are “unconcious” when you play the game, it essentially puts you to sleep when you play then your consciousness into the game, so even after playing you could be physically refreshed but mentally and emotional refresh is a different story.


     I took the vr goggles off my head and I looked up at the bunk above my bed.


“Is she back already?” I thought to myself before getting off my side which was the bottom part.


“Finish playing Yuuki?” The girl on the top bunk asked.


“Yes sis.” I rubbed my face and drank some water.


     This girl was Akane, You could call her my “sister?” “Adopted sister?” “cousin?” or “Step cousin.” She had Deep pink eyes, and long purple-black hair styled in a hime haircut, She is a very pretty girl.


“Do you mind if I try kyoryu online for a bit Yuuki?”


“Fine, just make your own account.” I was still very tired…


“Thanks buddy!” she got off the top bunk and took the goggles and console.


     Akane was one of my childhood friends when I was a little kid, but due to losing her parents my family took her in, She is a brilliant girl and was very popular in our school. We always got along.


“Yuuki have you heard of the independent vtuber “Hikari Harmony?” She’s getting traction lately!” Akane was putting the goggles on.


“I heard of the name but I’m not really familiar with why?”


“She recently started her own gaming channel, and luckily enough, one of the games was kyoryu online!”


“So she streams both the game and her solo performances?”


“Correct! anyway see you later I’m off to play” she layed down the bed to start the console.




     I got on my desk, opened my laptop and looked up this “Hikari Harmony.” It looks like her avatar was a brunette similar to Haruka, but unlike her she has Green eyes and a petite figure, her avatar was very cute.


“I wonder if it’s even possible to meet a vtuber in real life?”


     It looked like she was currently live streaming, so obviously I had to click on the stream. The girl was very cheerful, outgoing and friendly like Kana, but she seems to be more into singing, dancing, drawing and cooking as opposed to Kana who loves to Run miles, play a lot of drums, take 50 different selfies 50x in 50 different angles.


“Thank you for joining the stream everyone!” Hikari announced while she performed a very cute and funny dance using her avatar.


     I continued watching the stream  when…




“Did she just fell over and accidentally turn off the avatar!?”


     I think I briefly saw her face when she fell down, she seemed to have Cerulean blue eyes and Slate gray hair and that’s all I could think off. The stream ended shortly after she fell down.


“...W-Why does she seem familiar?”


     I think I saw her before at my school, but that can’t be it right?