Chapter 2
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You approach the old pier, dimly lit by ageing lights as always. It’s cold out tonight so you’ve worn your favourite oversized hoodie.


Your friend is already here, standing under one of the lights, wearing their customised leather jacket that has slots in the back so their wings can fit through. They notice you and smile calmly as you approach.


“Hey babe, what’s up? It’s not like you to ask me out on short notice like this.”


You explain the situation and show them your teeth.


“Wow, they really are coming in, huh?” they say, clearly not particularly shocked by this development.


You’re getting a little annoyed, they don’t seem to be taking this very seriously, so you remind them that they said the spells were safe to use.


“Yeah, of course they are. There’s nothing stopping you from going back to normal when you’re done with them.”


Now you’re starting to get frustrated, you ask them why the effects are starting to bleed through like this if that’s the case.


“That’s an easy one babe, I didn’t think I’d need to explain that to you.”


They come a bit closer and hold your hand, the white feathers on their wings are shining, even in this dim light.


“You don’t want to go back to normal.”


You pull yourself in closer, turning your head lightly so it’s against their chest, while you take some time to process everything. It really is just that, isn’t it? It’s true that you want to stay like that forever, but what are you meant to do?


“It’s your family, isn’t it? That’s why we’ve never hung out at your place.”


You grip them just a bit tighter. That’s not all it is, but it’s definitely the main thing that’s stopping you. You feel their arms wrap around you.


“Hey… what if you didn’t have to worry about any of that? What if you moved in with me? You could keep being yourself, just like when we hang out, except it doesn’t have to end.”


That’s… an exciting proposition… You can’t think of anything you’d like more than that, but you’re not sure how you’d actually make it happen. You tell them that your parents would never approve of you moving in with them.


“I never said you had to tell them about it, y’know.” Their wings are also wrapping around you now. “It’s not like they’d ever come to my side of town anyway, and even if they did, they wouldn’t recognise you when you’re being yourself.”


Running away from home… that’s a huge step, but on the other hand it would be much better than getting kicked out if you keep using those spells. You tell them you need a little time to think about it, and that you should probably take a break from magic until you’ve made a choice.


“I get that, let me know when you’ve made up your mind, and we can sort out a plan.” the two of you stay like that for a while longer.


“You know, it’s up to you in the end, but… I really would appreciate it… if we could be together more often. It’s like, y’know…” They sigh, and their grip loosens a bit. 


They’re clearly working themselves up to say something. You move back a bit so you can look up into their eyes.


“I… really like you… and I’d love it if we could both be ourselves together all the time, okay?” you giggle softly and return to the hug.


You’re happy to hear that, but it wouldn’t have made a big difference if they didn’t say it. You already knew how much they cared. You stay with them like this until it’s time to go back to what won’t be home for much longer.