24: What the Heck is a Core?
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xX_TheDollMaster_Xx: o wow

that witch really told u like NOTHING nothing huh?

thats actually super irresponsible lmao


Mari wanted answers regarding what was going on in her workshop, so she turned to the one place she could think of to get them. She’s made a new topic on the forum explaining what she found in the hope that someone can tell her what it all means.


CrimsonDusk: Yeah, it’s fair to say that I’m pretty annoyed with her at this point. That’s why I’m coming here for help instead of trying to get in contact with her.


xX_TheDollMaster_Xx: i dont blame u gurl

if i was in ur shoes id be pretty fukin mad as well. like wtf is she thinking just dropping u in all this shit like that?

anyway u were right to leave the core alone. don’t wanna mess with that shit if u dont know what ur doin lol

sounds like that note explained the basics but yea its what gives a witch house its magic n shit, think of it as like ur houses heart or whatever. same idea as how a doll has a core actually, its kinda just a empty shell without one

takes a whole fuckin lot of energy to make one too. if that thing rly is rigged to go back 2 that other witch if u touch it than messin with it now woulda rly fucked u over lmao

just dont touch it for now n make a new 1 whenever, long as u dont mess with its magic u will b ok

wait u didnt use any spells when u were in there with it right?


CrimsonDusk: No, I left after checking it out. Figured I didn’t want to risk fucking something up.


xX_TheDollMaster_Xx: good cause u probably would have lol, witch house magic is some powerful shit


CrimsonDusk: What I don’t get is why the room suddenly showed up though, I found it while I was getting ready to make a new doll. Is there a reason for it to be hidden like that, and if that’s the case then why did it appear now?

Also, is there any significance to what the core itself actually is, and is it meant to do anything other than give the house its magic? It’s been playing music ever since the door appeared and I don’t think I’ll be able to focus on work with it constantly going off.


xX_TheDollMaster_Xx: Oh damn u moving on to a 3rd doll already? u don’t waste any time do u lol


LadyEleanor57: Good day, CrimsonDusk.

I believe I can provide you with the answers you seek, but do keep in mind that these things vary somewhat from witch to witch, so I cannot promise I can give you fully accurate information unless you wish to describe your predicament in further detail.

The core of a witch house differs from the core of a doll in the sense that it can be created from practically anything you can think of, whereas the doll core needs to follow a set structure and use certain kinds of materials in order to house the remnants of a soul, or its substitute if you’re not converting a person. The only prerequisite of note is that the item one uses as a base should be something of particular value to the witch so that it may act as an effective conduit for their magic, although what exactly determines the value of an item, and the type of value the item holds, will depend on the witch.

As such, a witch house core can take on any number of forms, and tends to retain the properties of the original item, which I would imagine means that the core you’ve found started off as one of those remarkable new devices that can play music without the need of a minstrel.


Well it’s not exactly a new device, but Mari supposes witch’s guess is close enough.


As for why it so suddenly appeared for you, it’s actually quite common for witches to hide the room that houses the core so as to avoid potential mishaps or sabotage from outsiders. The magic these cores produce tend to be driven by the emotions that the object represents, so if my understanding of what has taken place is correct, my suspicion would be that you did something to cause an emotional resonance of sorts that allowed the room to be perceived once more.

The short term solution to make it disappear again, and save you from being forced to listen to the song it plays any longer, should be a simple matter of figuring out what happened to make it appear in the first place, and removing the factor that caused the resonance. However, if you so wish you could choose to use this as an opportunity to learn how to hide it using the same magic the core’s creator likely used, which would serve you well in developing your witchcraft, and it would also provide the added bonus of not having to reverse whatever change was made to make it appear should it turn out to be something you would prefer to keep.

As Mr. DollMaster has already warned you, attempting to make alterations to the core itself without the proper knowledge and skills would surely cause no end of problems, but attempting to hide and reveal the doorway is safe enough for a new witch to attempt, and can serve as a good first step towards working with the house’s magic directly. I trust you’re already familiar with sensing magical energy, yes? Simply reach out to the energy the doorway emits and picture yourself closing the door without moving it. It may take a few attempts, but this technique will hide it once more, and if you wish to access the core again it’s just a matter of using the same technique again, but to instead open it.

Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any further questions for us, CrimsonDusk. I understand this entire situation has been somewhat of an ordeal for you, and I’m certain I’m not the only one here who is willing to assist if you ask.

Deepest regards,


Mari thinks on it for a moment, if it’s something she did that made the door appear, there’s really only one thing that would make sense, right?


CrimsonDusk: I’m not sure I get the whole emotional resonance thing, but I did redecorate the room the door appeared in earlier this morning. Does that sound like the sort of thing that could cause it?


LunarHarmony: Yep that sounds like exactly the sort of thing that’d do it, something about how you redecorated must have produced some of the same emotions as the core. Putting things back how they were should fix it, but you’d have to be careful not to do something to open it again. But yeah like LadyEleanor said closing it with magic will solve the problem and also let you leave the room as is.


Mari’s glad to hear that it shouldn’t be too hard to fix, but she’s not sure what’s going on is entirely lining up with what they’re saying, however. She can’t claim to know the full story behind the music box that is seemingly very important to that witch, but the sombre music, the engraving, the fact that she seemingly lived entirely on her own aside from the dolls in spite of the engraved message, there are only so many conclusions you can draw from something like that, and she doesn’t see how her christmas decorations could be related.


CrimsonDusk: So you’re saying that it appears when like the vibes of the room or whatever match with whatever the core has going on? I’m not sure that’s what’s going on here then because I don’t think they really line up at all in this case.


LunarHarmony: Oh? What sort of emotions are we talking about here?


Crap, does she really want to tell them that she put up a bunch of Christmas decorations in her workshop? Maybe she can talk her way out of this.


CrimsonDusk: To be honest I’m not sure it’s my place to talk about this place’s core, it seems like that thing was pretty important to that witch. I will say that there was a lot of sadness coming from it though, and I really don’t think anything I did to the room would line up with that.


xX_TheDollMaster_Xx: its never that simple with witches tbh u probs did something that makes u sad without realisin

or u just didnt get what was goin on with the core

Something about that last message struck a sour note with Mari. Why is he claiming to understand the situation better than she does when he isn’t even here to see it?


CrimsonDusk: Sorry, but I know what I saw in there and I don’t appreciate you implying that I don’t get what’s going on. There’s no way that what I set up in that room could have created the same emotions as the core.


xX_TheDollMaster_Xx: hey calm down im just sayin that there are probs layers to this shit that u havent thought of yet

o wait i kno how we can explain this

take a guess at what u think lady e is using as a core lmao


Mari takes a quick breath, and stops and wonders what it could be, as well as how this could be relevant to the current discussion. Hopefully DollMaster isn’t just trying to drive the conversation elsewhere instead of addressing her point.


She can’t claim to know any of these witches well enough to make a real guess at what they might use as a core, but when she thinks about the way LadyEleanor writes her messages, the fact that she lives in a castle, and how she’s apparently centuries old, she’s giving off some pretty strong fairytale vibes, so maybe something like…


CrimsonDusk: Maybe like some kind of special flower or something?


LadyEleanor57: Dear CrimsonDusk,

I appreciate your guess as to what I may be using as the core for my abode, and I’m charmed that you would pick something that so closely lines up with my aesthetic tastes, but while I have made an active effort to furnish this castle with ample greenery, the object I used to create the core is an item of a very different nature.

You see, my core was crafted from none other than the skull of the nobleman who was once the owner of this castle. Needless to say, he and his family line lost the right to this magnificent place quite a long time ago.



I can assure you the man deserved it.






It’s WHAT!?


I ended up finding some time to write while my friend was over for the past week, so there ended up not being too much of a delay after all :)


Also I find it funny that this story features a character with an established kill count before the one that actually has the murders tag lmao.