25: Oh God, Why Does She Have One Of Those
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CrimsonDusk: It’s a WHAT!?


xX_TheDollMaster_Xx: o man i love seeing peeps react 2 that 4 tha first time lol


Mari’s suddenly not feeling so sure about this whole witchcraft thing anymore. She knew this was serious stuff, but not ‘using human remains as the source of your power’ serious! The last thing she wants is to be involved in anything like that. Besides, even if she was okay with it, what would Cassandra think if she found out?


She’s never felt more reassured by the fact that she hasn’t fully committed to this path yet, because she’s not sure what she would have done if she didn’t find out about this until it was too late to turn back. Wait, this isn’t like one of those cult things where now that she knows the secret they’re gonna come for her if she tries to leave, is it? As far as she knows they don’t know where she lives, but they’re witches, who knows what they’re capable of?


Luckily, another message appears in the topic before Mari manages to sink even deeper into her panic induced rabbit hole.


LadyEleanor57: Dear CrimsonDusk,

I’m certain that my previous message must have left you quite alarmed, but I ask that you please hear what I have to say before drawing any conclusions. I can assure you that Mr. DollMaster had a point when asking me to reveal this information now of all times.

I imagine that the image of me that exists in your mind changed quite a bit upon hearing that I’m using a human skull as the core for my castle. It could be that I seem quite a bit more uncouth, ritualistic, savage, perhaps even cannibalistic, if that’s where your mind wandered, than I had previously appeared. But if you could at the very least make an attempt to understand my motivations for doing so, you may come to understand why one would do such a thing.

To that end I would like you to consider how you would feel if you had been raised from childhood to serve one of the most powerful people in your home country and his family. A family that cared not for the people around them, and acted purely to further their own interests. A family that was more than willing to commit the most vile, despicable acts in order to defend what they viewed as order. Surely at some point one would expect you to reach a breaking point, no? You would wish for nothing more than to break the shackles that bind you to the life you had been born into, but if escape wasn’t an option, then the only option left to you is to fight back, isn’t it?

But what if such a thing could not be done without sacrifice? What if the one who had given you the means to stand up for yourself was willing to be killed by your oppressors, all to give you the time needed to accomplish what you had set out to do? What if the other servants who had joined your cause didn’t make it out in one piece, if they survived the ordeal at all?

What if, when the nightmare had finally ended and you stood victorious over those who had once thought so little of you, you found out that you were too late to save your closest companion? What if their dying wish was for you to be able to live the life they had so hoped they would be able to experience for themselves one day? I daresay you would have no choice but to do as they asked, and you would use your newfound magic to do so.

If that were to be the case, what would better fit as the core to your newly commandeered abode than the trophy that represents where you started, how hard you fought to get where you are now, and what you had lost along the way? What other item could possibly exemplify these emotions, of both triumph and loss, to the same extent as what remained of the man who caused all this hardship in the first place?

You see, CrimsonDusk, we witches are anything but simple beings, for better and for worse, and your initial impression of someone’s core may be disregarding the history of the object that led to it being used as such in the first place. What may come across as vulgar to you could represent one’s will to survive, not just for themselves but for those who were unable to, and how one was able to triumph over those who would have rathered you joined your companions if they had their way. Perhaps what you consider to be depressing about the core you’ve found has a deeper meaning that you have yet to understand. It’s possible that you may never fully grasp the story behind that core, especially if you’re only using it on a temporary basis, but it is of great importance that you don’t simply dismiss any strange occurrences related to it, and how it may be related to your own actions, based on your initial impression.

I apologise for the length of this post, but I do hope that I was able to convey the point I was attempting to make.




Mari supposes she does have a point. It;s not quite the same thing, but she knows all too well what it’s like to live under the foot of someone who clearly cares more about what they want for themselves than how it might be affecting your wellbeing. Plus, she has to admit that she’s not confident that she wouldn’t go just as far if someone was to hurt Cassandra.


She never would have expected LadyEleanor to have such a sad past, and she probably knows more about this witch at this point than the one that lived here. Who's to say there isn’t something going on with her as well? Hell, she can’t exactly say for sure that her decorations had nothing to do with it either. Even if she likes Christmas a lot more these days, those memories from her younger years still exist, it can be hard to think about the holiday without at least a bit of that pain bleeding through.


CrimsonDusk: Yeah, gotta admit you might be onto something there, I still know barely anything about that witch. Are you okay sharing all that stuff about yourself here though? It seems pretty personal.


xX_TheDollMaster_Xx: o dont worry ur not the 1st 2 get that talk

she ends up doing it 4 most n00bs that show up here before 2 long, happens every like 2-3 years lol


LadyEleanor57: Dear CrimsonDusk,

Mr. DollMaster is correct. It likely goes without saying that I’ve had ample time to reflect on the past and process my feelings in my own way, far more time than most people would ever get, in fact. Rest assured that I am comfortable sharing my story with others, especially if there’s something valuable they can learn from it.



CrimsonDusk: Well I’m glad to hear that, it’s def given me a lot to think about.

So, when I’m done here I’ll hide that doorway again, but is there anything else I should be doing in regards to the core?


xX_TheDollMaster_Xx: ill be real with u crimsondusk

if that witch is as secretive as u say she is then most of whats goin on with tha core is gonna stay a secret unless she hid a bunch more notes. which she probs didnt unless shes like tryin 2 b that slendy fucker or sumthin. gonna b a long fukin time before ur redy 2 make a new 1 urself either

might not be a bad thing tho. means u dont gotta think about it all that much unless something happens lmao

u can just like do whatever u woulda been doing already nd just like take note if u c anythin weird that might be core related or whatevs


CrimsonDusk: Oh that’s a bit of a relief actually, I’ve had more than enough distractions to deal with recently already :/

Thanks for all the help btw, I have no clue where I’d be if I didn’t find this place


xX_TheDollMaster_Xx: all g gurl

good luck with tha new dool


UrbanArcane: Dool


SleepyPotions: Dool


CrimsonDusk: Dool


LadyEleanor57: Dearest DollMaster,




SpellMaker: Dool


MajorMagiks: -.. --- --- .-..


CovenMama: Dool


PoniesRock89: Dool


xX_TheDoolMaster_Xx: haha real fuckin funny

like im the 1st 1 here 2 make that mistake




Oh man we’re up to 25 chapters now, still got a long way to go as well so I hope you’re all in for the long haul lol.


Also I’m gonna be real with everyone, there have been a few vague fanfic ideas in my head for over a year now, but one in particular I came up with over the past few weeks has been giving me brainrot real bad and I don’t think I have any choice but to actually write it this time. Idk how I’m gonna fit it in to my schedule when I don’t really wanna slow down on the updates for this and Princess of the Blood Moon (It wouldn’t be as long as either story but still a good number of chapters) but I’ll think on it and see what I can sort out.


Oh yeah! Quickly updating this to point out that we've got some shiny cover art now! I commissioned Puzzles to do it (the same artist that did the Princess of the Blood Moon cover, their twitter @ is in the story description), and they made Mari look really good ;-;


They haven't posted the higher res art to social media yet so I'm gonna wait for that before posting it here, but I'll add a link in these notes as well as the notes for the next chapter when it's up.


Edit: It's up! https://twitter.com/Puzzled_artist/status/1783882749100601379