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"Unholy child."

She looked back at the almighty golem by turning her face and the torso partly.

"I've known of those such as yourself from thousands of years ago."

"Like me?" Her right eyebrow rose confused. How could that be, if everyone had been reincarnated today?

"There were a few types..." muttering along with the sound of stone grinding roamed through the interior. 

"It's getting hot in here," she complained feeling the heat, shrinking her body by pulling her knees closer to her torso as much as possible.

"Weak to fire are we?"

"I shouldn't be..." with a quick glance at her information she made sure of it.


Weaknesses: Water, sunlight, holy element, silver.


He got closer, stealing a peek at my information.

And then it laughed.

"You are an inferior!" A howl escaped the gap between two rocks that composed what she thought to be his mouth.

She became scared, not knowing what emotion was hidden beneath. He had no face nor something that hinted at an expression.

"Is that bad?" 

"You're a child."

"Well, that I am," she pouted, clenching her nails on the skin of her legs.

He snorted like a pig, surprising her. Certainty the way the golem laughed was more human than she ever thought he could be.

"Not even gods escape from being born as inferior," he explained rather kindly.

"I'm normal then," she whispered to herself, smiling joyfully. There had been times when she thought of herself as extraordinary. To be more precise, her father had shown her how superior their family was to others. And that blood stood above everything else.

After thinking of his words, her curious side made her lips spit a peculiar question, "have you seen a god being born before?"

"Hum... perhaps."


Secret Mountain Area Quest:

The inferior who became a god.

Find out who is the baby. Reward: ???

Discover its whereabouts. Reward: ??? 

Take action. Reward: ??? alignment.


'What's all these rewards?' She carefully read the multiple tasks before the scroll decided to disappear.

The villagers surrounded the fire, undressing fully, which consisted of taking their robes off.

As Alice noticed this bizarre behavior and was about to complain, his voice increased the beating of her heart.

"Choose child."

That was when her consciousness faded as the flames danced throughout the cave. They made faces, and forms, then they smiled and laughed, and some danced with one another.

The girl's eyes opened and she found herself to be, elsewhere.

With a hasty rotation, she found water everywhere but on her feet, where a very polished stone stood as a base.

The intense voice reached my mind, except this time around, it lacked the typical loudness 

'Upon the contract, show me your resolve.' 

"My resolve?" 

That was when many objects appeared out of thin air, but none of them seemed normal. At least not like those from the school history books.

The first one looked particularly painful: a crown made of green thorns.

The information appeared above it which meant it was potentially an item.

Crown of pain

The king who suicided for being unable to withstand his pain.

Tough skin ability: Tolerance to pain increased by 10%. 24-hour cooldown.

Bracelet of sorrow

Once used by a wealthy and beautiful queen who became a widow 30 times due to mysterious successive deaths.

Pained heart ability: A 10% chance to decrease the happiness of the target in front. 24-hour cooldown.

Earring of murder:

Worn by the commander of Salun, destroyer of armies and battlefields.

Combat ability: Increases the damage by 10% of the next attack. 24-hour cooldown.

Ring of depravity:

Enchanted by a meticulous witch obsessed with lust, which caused too many to die from overdoing acts of pleasure. 

Lustful ability: A chance of 1% to charm the one in front of you for a hour. 24-hour cooldown.

Ribbon of vitality:

The old monk who healed thousands, yet betrayed by its own incurable, dreadful diseases.

Vitality ability: Increases the speed your body regenerates by 5% for a hour. 24-hour cooldown.


'Choose your path child.'

"But..." she read them once and then another time, not knowing which to pick. 

They had such powerful and amazing stories to them.

However, none of them was a deed she could see herself accomplishing.

Thus, she decided to focus on what they assisted her with: their abilities.

'Pandora...' she thought that she should pick something that could be good with her item, even if she was temporarily unusable.

She held the ribbon between her hands, receiving a scene where its use was shown. Then she did the same for all of the other options.

It turned out, all of them were useful. Yet, despite the low probability she decided to give it a go.

"Ring of depravity, I choose you!"

The voice from the moon entity came forth, 'the 1000 kill area quest reward has been given.' 

She had done her share of killing, definitely not as many as Pandora but it turned out she got to receive something.

"If that was not the reward then..."

A door appeared right in front of her, followed by the golem's voice, 'now child. Choose your path.'

The ring materialized in her hand, causing her to equip it.

'This world is so strange,' she complained due to all the moving between places and the multitude of choices she wasn't used to make. It had been a lot easier for Alice when her parents decided everything for her.

This new sense of freedom was wild and great, but also stressing. 

She took a deep breath before extending her hand to the door handle.

As soon as she touched it, she felt something tingling her skin without a single hint of harm.

'State your goal Alice, for that shall become the path you'll walk.'