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"My goal?" 

Her past life flashed through her very eyes as if the door had become a television. She didn't like a single bit of being the doll she used to be. The child did everything her parents ordered. But Alice also didn't want to become like them.

Yet, she was meant to become a ruler. 

How could one lead without telling others what to do?

It concerned her greatly. The irony of it all caused a paradox of thoughts and emotions within her lovely self.

'It's just like before,' the decision she made by the end of the world which created this new self. And now, as if testing her yet again, she felt like it was interested in her future.

However, this time around, she didn't give a random answer on a whim. Having become a vampire had already been painful enough.

She didn't want to repeat that senseless level of naivety.

Thus, she kept thinking about what she wanted to do or even become.

The number of ideas roaming her mind was immeasurable, just like fishes swimming in the vastness of the ocean. 

'Should I aim to be the strongest vampire?' 

Certainly, if she managed, she'd find herself to be able to do a lot of things she wouldn't even dream of as a human. Except of course during the day when she could die.

'These villagers are suspicious...' before she was willing to help them and make their lives better, but after what she saw, doubt tainted her heart. Their deeds were not something normal, at least compared to where she came from. Thus, her judgemental spectrum was biased.

'The guardian is weird too,' she fretted, remembering how hard it was for her to understand what the golem was thinking or even planning. 

Her innocence and naivety were constantly challenged. 

It quite annoyed her how much knowledge she lacked about this new world. The appearance of the seer had made her want to ally with him.

'He would know what to do,' this dilemma may have been easier to handle by someone who could glimpse at the future. But Alice was wrong, for she had once changed the outcome of his foresight.

Hurdle after hurdle allowed her mental prowess to grow. With each passing challenge, she came closer to becoming someone new.

'Pandora...' she thought dearly of her little box. How damaged it was and how there was nothing she could do about it. 

That was when she remembered the chain that connected the two of them. 

'Souls, was it?' There was very little she knew about what souls were. She had heard about it from religious people and one or another mention of it on television.

But was there anything she could wish for related to it? 

'Maybe become more soul-like?' 

Quickly, she smiled nervously over her thoughts. It felt like she was going crazy for wondering about such strange subjects. Yet, there was this remorse about not being able to help her item, or even herself for that matter.

Helplessness alongside hopelessness made things intricately rough.

"Alright," she took a deep breath, readying herself for some wish-making.

"What I desire, is to be able to fix souls and items."

Her hand turned the handle causing the door to shine, turning her temporarily blind due to the dazzling light.

She felt the door opening and with her eyes closed, she entered it.

Once her sight returned, she took a look around finding the night view filled with mysterious blue creatures.

'Spirits, alignment neutral.'

They looked like twinkling stars in azure shades, mysteriously cute and with tiny circular forms.

It reminded her of colorful balloons, the ones she received for her eighth birthday.

She smiled happily at that one good memory.

With soft steps, she approached the closest one.

"What are you, little one?" Alice didn't know anything about these fellows. 

Spirits were like what she thought souls to be, something invisible that would leave the bodies of those who died.

But these were adorable little lights that made her not succumb to a place full of darkness.

"Thank you tiny lights," she poked one of them lightly, causing it to be pushed away. Her fingertip tingled a little, just like before, except this time around there was also a glow. 

She raised her hand in the air, looking at it with brimming eyes, feeling incredibly ecstatic about it. 

Never once had she dreamed of something so beautiful happening.

'I wish Pandora was here to see this.'

Alice wandered through this land of wonders, looking for a clue that could lead her to the path. 

No matter how much she walked she didn't feel tired, yet there had been a warm sensation on her skin that caused her to sweat.

It was very weird since there was no sun and these glowy balls didn't burn, nor did they emanate heat.

She started poking these spirits more often, spreading the blueness all over her body. 

Once she had her fun, her entire body radiated up a lot more than anything else in this blackened place.

To her surprise, the glowy spirits approached her, potentially believing she was now one of them.

Adorably they danced around her in random directions.

More and more approached causing the darkness to disperse. 

She kept walking while the spirits followed her.

The sensation of hunger started to annoy her as it quickly became unbearable.

She started to run, pushing away the glowy balls out of her sight, looking for any trace of blood or something she could pierce her sharp fangs in.

But there was nothing of such.

The amount of sweating worsened and so did her hunger and thirst.

In the middle of madness and losing her senses, the bloodthirst curse kicked in and she munched on the closest thing. 

One after another, spirit after spirit, she consumed them.

Once her pain subsided, only darkness remained around.

Realizing her sinful deeds, she embraced herself.