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In the middle of her grief and despair, a voice reached out to her.

'Congratulations on clearing the first step of your path.'

Three grey scrolls appeared before her, showing the reward for her actions.


Evolutionary path:

Uncommon vampire specie: a night dweller capable of seeing with clarity despite the time of the day. Capable of transforming itself into a bat gaining the ability to fly. Ruthless claws help it prey against many encounters. It has an incessant thirst for blood whenever hungry.

Inferior succubus specie: a creature known to enchant those around her with her sexy voluptuous physique. Always willing to charm its prey for sexual activity, it will often devour its mates once they're devoid of vitality, gaining a portion of it. Bonus effect to the ring of depravity.

Inferior reaver specie: a demonized vampire by the black arts of necromancy and death itself. A being able of delving into the delicate ethereal spectrum of this world. Capable of interacting with souls and spirits while in their realm. Similarly to the vampire race, it retains immortality.


The options made her eyes widen in shock at how interesting they appeared to be. The first one sounded like the normal evolution one could achieve. Further developing what she already was, but this time around gaining more things.

'It would be tough if it increased my need for blood,' she stared away from that option. 

'Would've been nice to fly.'

Seeing the world from above could've proved to be rather fascinating and satisfying for a child whose dreams were as vast as her uncontrollable imagination.

The second one was tempting to her as Alice wanted to grow up fast, especially now that her body was rather weak and tiny. But she knew how babies were made and had accidentally seen the act of mating due to navigating through the internet. 

She didn't want to fall for that kind of depravity as she knew it was something meant for later on after maturing properly. Her mother had been very strict about it. Though normally she would want to rebel against her wishes, especially since she was now free to do as she pleased. Yet, she didn't want to eat anyone much less become a cannibal.

The last one felt suspiciously born from the wish she had made. Perhaps the first one had appeared as default while the second was due to the item's influence. 

"My path..." her hand got hold of it, clutching the last option tightly. 

The mythical voice declared, 'you have chosen your path, turning this race a permanent choice upon the contract with Theseus.'

Her conscience faded, and then she returned to the physical spectrum of planet Earth, staying with her eyes closed. The weariness of the day had caught up to her. 

Strangely, consuming blood had made it possible for her, a mere kid, to keep going, and survive this far. 

Many were not so fortunate.

"How could this be?" Theseus howled in fury.

"Lady Alice wasn't supposed to die," the woman sobbed, causing the rest of the villagers to keep their heads low.

"All I did was give her my blessing. To think she'd be engulfed by the ritual's trial."

The cavern shook with its despaired words.

Their conversation made Alice wonder what was going on. Why were they so unhappy with her death? It was not like she had been here for a long time. But it was strange that she couldn't get her body to move. Yet, if she could hear them, didn't that mean she was alive? Bewilderment propagated her innocent mind unaware of what was going on.

"It's the first time only one of the reincarnated comes to our territory..."

"The tale of my ancestors..." She looked up to the guardian with a hint of hatred, feeling betrayed by an old prophecy. "Was it all a lie?"

Usually, such disrespect would've gotten her killed on the spot. But even Theseus was shaken by what had transpired.

"The flames vanished before she woke up." 

It sounded like Alice had a time limit to find her path and clear the first step.

Unexpectedly, Alice's body gained a green abhorrent aura causing the creeps in those who noticed it. Its eerie tone spread throughout the circles setting them ablaze.

With a convulsion as if she hadn't breathed for a long time, her back left the cold ground causing her to inhale deeply, going as far as to make a loud sound scaring those around.

"She's back?" Theseus questioned perplexed. Not once in a millennium had he encountered such an outcome.

Before the guardian could react, the woman clamored, "quick, the ritual!"

Each and every single one of them, shallowed bits of Alice's blood they had taken before she woke up.

"This is all wrong."

Alice looked at Theseus who kept muttering gibberish and then returned her gaze to the moon villagers who began wailing, falling on the ground, and squirming like little worms as their bodies began changing.

Out of twenty only seven were going through what looked to be a transformation of sorts.

"What's happening?"

"That I would like to know," the golem took a few steps toward them, attempting to check their condition.

A few moments later the flames vanished and Alice was finally able to move by herself.

The screams had quieted down and they shouted of happiness.

"I've become a vampire!"

"So did I!"

The representative from above spoke, for all in the cave to hear.

"Congratulations Alice, for progressing your people. Their designation has been updated to blood villagers, therefore, becoming the primordial generation of vampires."

"Congratulations Alice, for officializing the contract with the guardian of the mountains, thus becoming its matriarch."

"Congratulation Alice, for mutating into a unique race and starting your path."

Like a looped script, it spoke of my deeds for those around me to acknowledge.

"It seems like everything turned out alright lady Alice."

It surprised her that even the guardian called her with such honorifics.

But worse yet, was how it knelt before her.

The men and women followed the grand guardian example, especially the seven who managed to mutate into my old race.

"We greet our matriarch, lady Alice. We promise to solely serve, obey, and protect her till our last dying breath."