Chapter 18 – See Ya Later
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“This is going to be fun!” Debbie exclaimed as we huddled on the balcony, watching Dahlia take her place on the front lawn.

Orsik chuckled in agreement, his deep voice resonating through the air. “It’s been over two years since Lady Dahlia has graced us with one of her spectacles. I can’t help but feel strangely excited.”

Considering I was about to see Dahlia use magic for the first time, I couldn’t help but share their enthusiasm. Even if she turned out to be only half as good with magic as she was in combat, I felt confident we were still in for a show.

My gaze fixed on Dahlia as she raised her arms high in the air. I could feel a surge of mana pouring out of her body, creating an electric atmosphere that sent a shiver down my spine.

The atmosphere grew heavy with tension, and I could feel the hairs on my neck shriveling. Her power was immense, far beyond anything I had ever witnessed. Even in the face of her enormous pool of magic, I was willing to bet that this was but a glimpse of her true strength.

Suddenly, a ray of energy shot out of Dahlia’s hand with incredible force, piercing through the sky like a beacon. As it soared higher and higher, the wind around us grew violent, whipping through our hair and clothes. The ground beneath my feet started to shake, trembling with the sheer magnitude of Dahlia’s magic. It felt as if the whole world was quaking in response to her power.

How can so much mana come out of just one person?!

My jaw dropped as I looked to my side and saw Orsik, Beatrice, and Debbie with the same look of shock on their faces.

Realizing the spectacle was far from over, I turned my gaze to the sky and watched as a thin, translucent barrier began to spread outward, curving down to the ground. It was as if an invisible force was molding the very fabric of reality.

As the barrier continued to grow, I realized with amazement that it was taking on the shape of a dome, covering Dahlia’s entire estate. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. The barrier was massive, and the sheer power required to create it was beyond my comprehension.

Dahlia turned to look at us, a grin spreading across her lips as she raised her left hand into the air. The moment she snapped her fingers, the entire dome evaporated into thin air as if it had never been there in the first place.

“How about that?” Dahlia shouted, grinning at us from below.

When nobody replied, Dahlia rolled her head back and burst out in laughter. It seemed the look of shock on our faces was too good to pass up.

As Dahlia gracefully ascended the stairs of the house, my mouth opened, ready to say something, but I found myself at a loss for words. I mean, what was there even to say after witnessing such a wild display?

Orsik on the other hand, spoke up, his voice filled with admiration. “Lady Dahlia, you are truly a force to be reckoned with. I couldn’t have chosen a better master to serve.”

Beatrice nodded in agreement, her eyes filled with pride.

Debbie, always quick to show her love and admiration for Dahlia, chimed in with enthusiasm. “I’m going to train very hard to be as strong as you, Aunty!”

Her declaration earned her a joyful response from Dahlia, who scooped her up into her arms, peppering her with kisses on the cheek. Debbie squirmed and protested, her eyes silently pleading for help as they turned to Beatrice and then to me.

Sorry Debs, but you’re asking the wrong people for help... I don’t think any of us could amount to anything in front of your beloved aunt.

As our small entourage made its way back to the dining room, Beatrice, ever perceptive, noticed the lingering unease on my face.

“Are you okay?” She asked, looking concerned. “You look a bit pale.”

“Me? I’m fine,” I reassured her, forcing a smile.

In truth, Dahlia’s breathtaking display had left me with a lot to think about. It ignited a spark within me, a burning desire to surpass my current limits. Watching her command such immense power made me realize that I needed to focus on growing my pool of mana.

At best, the size of my magic core was comparable to that of an ordinary 2-star mage. Though my mana reserves were considerable for someone my age, they paled in comparison to what I envisioned for myself.

After finishing breakfast, I bid farewell to Dahlia and the others, heading back to my room to prepare for my journey to Thornshade. Determined to travel lighter and faster, I decided to take only one backpack with me, carefully selecting the essentials.

Taking into account the time of year, with spring nearing its end and summer approaching, I packed for warmer weather.

Once I finished packing, I settled down in my study and took out the map Dahlia had entrusted me with. In the fourteen months since I arrived, I had yet to step foot outside of Dahlia’s estate. It was time to find out where Valtair had sent me.

As I unfolded the map, a wave of surprise washed over me.

This was not a map of Azurax, the realm I had come to know so well. Having spent countless hours in the royal library during my earlier years, I had memorized dozens of maps. But this map before me showed unfamiliar landscapes and foreign names.

Though the map Dahlia had provided did not bear a name, my instincts told me I was in a world known as Everlorn. I recalled reading the memoirs of a daring demon explorer who had mentioned a world inhabited by beings known as beastfolk. At the time, the term had puzzled me, but now I wondered if the author was referring to people like Debbie and Beatrice.

Beyond Debbie and Beatrice, I’d encountered several maids in the mansion, who also possessed physical traits blending human and animal. The pieces of the puzzle seemed to fit, strengthening my suspicion of being in a realm where beastfolk were the racial majority.

Startled by a loud knock on the door, I was pulled back to the present from my musings.

The moment I opened the door, Orsik stumbled past me, nearly tripping over me as he carried a heavy bag and unceremoniously deposited it on my bed.

I circled the bed, my gaze fixed on the dwarf as he began to unpack the bag, revealing a small suit of armor accompanied by a dark mask. My eyes widened with surprise as I recognized the unmistakable craftsmanship of authentic dwarven armor. The crest of an anvil striking metal adorned the breastplate, a testament to its origin.

“Lady Dahlia told me to bring this to you," Orsik explained. "She thought it would be best if you wore this. It’ll make it easier to interact with strangers and adventurers while you’re on your journey.”

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by his words. “How so?”

Orsik scratched his neck. “Well, you see, it’s not common to see children wandering on their own... Not to mention, a demon boy. Demons aren't very popular in this world.”

"So, you're saying I should pretend to be a dwarf?"

"Yes..." He chuckled heartily, his laughter filling the room.

I couldn’t help but chuckle along with him, realizing the practicality of his words. Wearing a suit of armor and hiding my face would indeed make me less conspicuous and potentially deter any unwanted attention. It was a clever and thoughtful gesture from Dahlia.

“Thank you, Orsik,” I said sincerely. “Please convey my appreciation to Dahlia as well.”

The dwarf nodded, his eyes gleaming with a mix of pride and warmth. “Of course, lad. I’ll make sure she knows. Now, try it on and see how it fits.”

“I hope it fits,” I said, tracing my hand over the breastplate.

“I hope so too. We don’t want you tripping over your armor, do we?” Orsik chuckled again, his jovial nature infectious.

With a smile on my face, I began to don the dwarven armor, carefully adjusting the straps and fastenings.

Once I had secured the last buckle and adjusted the mask, I stood before the mirror, gawking at the transformation. The armor fit snugly, providing me with a sense of protection and empowerment. The black mask concealed my identity, adding an air of mystery to my appearance.

Orsik clapped his hands together, a grin spreading across his face. “Look at you, lad! A true adventurer in the making. I must say, Lady Dahlia has an eye for these things.”

I nodded appreciatively, grateful for his assistance. Even though I felt a little bit silly, Orsik was right. With the armor and mask, I would have a better chance of blending in and keeping a low profile.

Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted our conversation. Orsik turned around to open it, revealing Debbie standing in the doorway. Her eyes widened with excitement as she took in my new attire.

“What are you doing here?!” I yelled, hoping to keep her out of the room.

“Look at you!” Debbie exclaimed, ignoring my question completely “You’re like a real adventurer now!”

I shook my head at her enthusiasm. “I look like an overgrown baby in a hero costume.”

“A very cool baby,” Debbie noted. “The suit looks amazing!”


Beatrice popped her head through the door, peeking into the room with a gentle smile. “I heard Orsik brought you something special.”

“Not you as well?!” I sighed, starting to feel a bit annoyed by how crowded my room was getting.

Despite my slight irritation, it felt good to know that people were going out of their way, to check and see how I was doing.

The remainder of the day slipped away effortlessly like a soft breeze carrying away worries and filling the air with joy.

Lunchtime took an unexpected turn when Debbie struck a clever bargain with me. She agreed to eat her vegetables, only if I promised to dedicate the entire afternoon to playing with her.

Believing she would never finish her greens, I agreed, not realizing the unwavering determination that lay within her. To my surprise, she devoured the vegetables without hesitation, and thus, I found myself engulfed in a thrilling game of hide and seek, chasing after her as our laughter echoed through the corridors.

The hours flew by in a whirlwind of exhilaration and laughter. It felt as though mere moments had passed before we were called for dinner.

The tantalizing aroma of spaghetti and meatballs filled the air, tempting our senses with their mouthwatering allure. Each bite was a taste of perfection, and I attributed it to the boundless energy I spent while chasing Debbie.

As evening descended, I sat down with Dahlia to finalize the details of my impending journey. Together, we meticulously reviewed the planned route, contemplating potential obstacles and strategizing ways to overcome them.

Just like that, time seemed to slip through my fingers like grains of sand and before I knew it, it was morning of the following day.

I found myself standing on the front porch, bathed in the gentle glow of the sunlight. It was time to bid farewell.

Beside me, Dahlia stood, her eyes brimming with a blend of pride and concern. “Take care, my dear boy. Do not forget, if at any moment you find yourself in danger, don’t hesitate to press that button.”

“I won’t,” I assured her, my voice steady despite the torrent of emotions within.

Dahlia’s lips curved into a small, wistful smile. She reached out and placed a hand on my shoulder, the touch feeling strangely reassuring. “You have grown immensely, my dear boy. I understand you’ve faced your share of mental hurdles, but I have every confidence you’ll surmount them. You may not realize it, but over the past year, you’ve grown much stronger. It’s only a matter of time before you recognize it for yourself.”

I nodded but remained quiet. While the others might have thought she was giving me ordinary advice, I knew all too well what Dahlia was speaking about. Even though I understood where she was coming from, I didn’t like that she was giving me advice when she had no idea what my "hurdles" were. Regardless, that was a conversation for another time.

As I turned my gaze to Orsik, his sturdy figure exuded a mix of admiration and camaraderie. I still hadn’t decided if I’d miss him or his food more.

Orsik let out a chuckle. “Remember, lad, you have the heart of a lion. May the gods bless your path and keep you safe.”

I grinned, genuinely touched by his words. “Thank you, Orsik. Thank you for always being a good sport and just so you know, in my opinion, you’re the coolest chef I’ve ever met.”

Beatrice, standing gracefully nearby, radiated a sense of quiet strength. Her dark eyes, shimmering with pride, met mine. “I wish you the best on your journey, Lucian. Once again, I thank you for being such a sweet and patient boy with my daughter.”

“Don’t worry about it,” I said, chuckling. “I’d argue that she’s the sweet and patient one.”

“Speaking of sweet and patient!” I exclaimed, turning my attention toward Debbie.

“Promise me you’ll come back soon,” she pleaded as I stepped in front of her.

I embraced her tightly, feeling the warmth of her thin frame against mine. “I promise I’ll return... Just like we talked bout, one day, when you’re older and stronger we’ll go on plenty of adventures, okay?”


“Good,” I said, smiling. “When I get back you better be stronger.”

"You bet I will!"

As I took a step back, the weight of their care and support remained etched in my heart. With one last look at the familiar faces that I had become all too acquainted with, I took a deep breath and turned to leave.

Dahlia. Orsik. Beatrice. Debbie. Goodbye for now...