016 A comfortable night
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The inn is a rather sizeable half-timbered house. It has four floors and many glass windows. Certainly not the cheapest place in town to spend the night.

"I don't want to complain, but how much is a night here?"

"Normally we spend most of our time out of town, so a little luxury every now and then is necessary. Don't worry, it's our treat. Right, Chloe?"

"What? Uh, yeah, yeah."

Paula looks pretty proud when she says that. I doubt many adventurers stay here. And from Chloe's reaction, it's really not very cheap. I'm guessing she wants to brag about her well-deserved bounty.

"In that case, thank you for the offer." I show a sincere smile. Our travel fund currently stands at 12 silver and 21 copper. And actually, I already owe them each almost 9 silver coins in pay. I can only hope that I'll get some money tomorrow...

The interior of the inn looks very much like the Guild. Chandeliers with burning candles help to light the room. And many wooden tables with long benches are spread around a grand hall. The only difference is that there is a counter instead of the reception. And behind it, there are some barrels of wine or beer stacked.

There is even a bard who plays music and tells stories. It sounds to me like some epic hero's saga. About an adventurer who goes around killing dangerous monsters. Isn't that just a normal part of everyday life here? Well, maybe not for the townspeople...

Paula pays the innkeeper for a room for two nights, including meals for four people. And I have to swallow hard when they spend 10 silver coins for it. I'm fucking poor.

I mean, I don't even have a change of underwear, and I could barely afford to stay here...

Before we go to our room, we'll order some food. And I'm a little surprised by our meal. We had a pork stew with bread and wine.

"Is it me, or is this wine not very strong?"

"No, you're right. You usually only get stronger alcohol after sunset. Otherwise, everyone would be drunk all the time during the day." Paula seems to be looking towards Chloe.

"Hey, I saw that!"

Before Chloe can get any more upset, I better interrupt her and continue the conversation. "Yeah, that seems to make sense to me. So, you don't drink a lot of water here?"

"Of course, we drink water. But which do you prefer, water or something with taste?"

"You're right, that was a stupid question from me. And I suppose it's not unusual to eat meat, either?"

"It depends. In winter, when the pigs are butchered, there's more meat. Now in the spring, of course, there are still some supplies. But during the summer, there's less pork. Still, there's always some game that gets hunted. Especially here, where deer is not a privilege of nobility."

After dinner, we retire to our quarters. The room isn't huge, but it has two double beds and a chest for each. There is also a small table and chairs, and a window for daylight.

According to Paula, the cheaper inns often only have many cot beds in one big room. So, I am really grateful for her invitation. And just drop myself on the bed. Which is, because of my height, is harder than you'd think.

The mattress is apparently soft straw covered with a linen sheet. "I feel like I'm in heaven. A real bed at last."

"Hah, I knew you'd like it." Paula is exceptionally pleased with my reaction. Chloe, on the other hand, thinks the whole thing is exaggerated, and her eyes are rolled back. "Nobles..."

A little later, a maid comes by with a tub of hot water. And we wash up first. And then we wash our clothes. According to Paula, there are also some public bathhouses. But they have little to do with the Roman design. It is instead a place where there are hot water and some big wooden tubs that serve as bathtubs.

"A real bath would be great, but I'm too exhausted after the trip to leave the room again."

"Don't worry, mistress. You won't have to go anywhere today."

"But it reminds me of tomorrow. Shall we go directly to the merchant or when is she available?"

"Hmm. I think it would be better not to go to her until the afternoon. The market is bustling in the morning. And I believe it would be better to negotiate in confidence." - Paula

"Yes, you're right. So, we'll go to the temple first. Maybe I can make contact with Hephaestus there. Or at least find answers to some of the questions."

Before I go to sleep, I use all my mana to advance the tunnel. I started it when we left. The goal is to create a new entrance to the dungeon. That should lead to the village. However, it will take me at least two weeks to dig the tunnel far enough.

The next morning, we will leave after breakfast. And of course, the others had their fun with my sleeping face again. At least there is enough water here to wash myself.

I also need a comb very urgently. In my last life, I always had a short haircut. But this shoulder-length hair needs additional care. And I don't really feel like cutting it off.

To get to the church, we have to cross the square. And despite the early hour, there's a lot going on here. Okay, I guess for most people here it's not as early as it is for me. But still.

But still, I wonder if this is really normal. I mean, okay. We were on the road for a really long time. But I slept at least 10 hours, so I shouldn't have a hard time getting up... Could it be that the distance to my core is additionally wearing me down?

Not that I really want to travel that much. But that would limit me a little. It would make sense, though. After all, I share my mana between my body and my core. And I can practically be in two places at once...

People stare at Isgard and me in the marketplace from time to time. I'm guessing not many dwarves come through here. But even though I know that, it's not pleasant. Fortunately, the looks are of a more curious nature. It would be quite annoying if I also had to fight racism.

The temple is a massive stone building. Which reminds very much of Christian churches in Gothic style. Only the cross is missing. Instead, there are many reliefs which I think show the gods. However, I cannot find anything that reminds me of Hephaestus.

Is it because of what the girls told me when we first met? Because there are nearly no dwarves left, there are hardly any followers of Hephaestus? But aren't churches usually old buildings where that wouldn't matter? Or did not this church exist at that time? Actually, I don't even know when the dwarves disappeared...

We enter the temple through a massive double door made of solid wood. And the interior is quite impressive. Everything is the most excellent handwork, and I can see twelve statues, each standing in front of another door.

This time there is also a representation of my God. The dwarf with a naked torso, swinging his hammer on an anvil, is quite obvious. However, the decorations are by far not as elaborate as with most other statues.

Only a statue with pointed elf ears is in similar condition. Even though it is still a bit more splendid than the one of Hephaestus. But this probably means that elves are rather seldom to be found here as well.

So, I go to the door at the very back right of the temple. Ignoring the surprised faces of the priests or believers who see me. Am I in a zoo or what?

"So, here we go."

After I prepare myself mentally for the task ahead. I open the door behind the statue and enter the side aisle together with Isgard and the two girls.

The interior is much too plainly furnished. A stone altar and some more simple statues. Nothing magnificent enough to compete with the rest of the temple. And somehow the whole thing makes me a little... I don't know. Angry? Disappointed? Probably both.

At least we don't seem to be the only visitors. Two figures are kneeling before the altar right now, praying. Judging by their size, I'd say they're also dwarves.

And I'm not sure if that simplifies my task or complicates it. After all, I know nothing about dwarves. I can only hope they don't think I'm too weird...

And if I didn't hate talking to strangers so much. I'd be talking to the two dwarves right now. Instead, I'll wait for a little and hope that they'll finish their prayers soon.

After a few minutes, one of the dwarves turns around. He is strongly built, has black hair and a long, braided beard. He might as well have just come out of a fantasy game. And when he looks at me, he seems like he's seen a ghost.

With his mouth open, he taps his companion on the shoulder. And she looks just as incredulous when she sees me.

So, I look at the others, but they seem to know just as little about what is going on. Because they are just as confused as I am.

"Is everything all right?"