Chapter 4: Meeting Alice
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Jenny walks outside the house and breathes deeply, attempting to calm herself down from what had just transpired. It was a lot for her to take in; she never suspected that Kamen would've been like that.

She pulls out her phone and dials a number; the name appears as Alice on her contacts list.


"Hey, Alice. I know you don't want to hear my voice right now, but I have a favor to ask." Jenny asks, pacing back and forth, hoping that this will end well. Her gut was telling her that it might be a mistake.


On the other side of the phone, a witch named Alice sighs deeply and rubs her right eye in annoyance as she sees her phone light up. She hates being interrupted when she's doing anything. It doesn't help that a vampire was calling her.


"I assume you need something, Jenny. I'm a very busy witch, and I have many things that need to be taken care of." Which is a bold lie considering she spends most of her time on a game console or her library.


"Something has happened with Kamen, and I was wondering if it would be possible to cast a spell on him so that Dracula would be unable to sense his presence." Jenny asks in a worried tone. Hearing her tone, Alice sits up straight, and she can tell that this isn't good.

"What happened to Kamen? What did you do? I promise I won't get upset; just tell me." She asks, annoyed.


Jenny coughs and continues. "Well, I kind of turned Kamen into a vampire." Alice goes silent; a figurative hand slaps over her face. She can't believe what she has just heard. To her, every day keeps getting worse and worse.


"I turned Kamen into a vampire so he could be with me." Jenny explains, sounding rather disappointed in herself, thinking about what she's done.


"Are you fucking serious, Jenny? Do you realize what you did?" Alice says, yelling into the phone. Jenny's ear starts to ring. "Ow, what do you mean? Why are you yelling?"


Alice feels the vein in her head pop out. "Kamen isn't a normal person; he has a lot of hate and resentment inside of him that he's suppressed over the years. How could you not know that? Not to mention his parents were special; you know that. They weren't exactly human." This time, Jenny is even more confused.


"What does that have to do with anything? His parents were, of course, special, which no one can deny. But I don't think that it would have this much of an effect on him." She is concerned, and rightfully so.


"That would explain the black energy that he released," Jenny says. Alice feels as if her head is going to implode from just listening to Jenny.


"Just bring him here; I'll take a look inside his soul and see if anything is different, and attempt to fix anything that's wrong." Alice says as she angrily hangs up the phone.


*Sigh* "Kamen, what have I done to you? I thought that turning you into a vampire and training you would help you, and you'd fall in love with me." Jenny thinks to herself while tears fall down her cheeks. Jenny wipes away her tears and heads back into the house. As she enters, she sees Kamen sitting at the kitchen table, sipping on a glass of red wine.


"Kamen, we need to talk." Jenny says her voice is shaky.


I look up at her with a hint of surprise in my eyes. "What's wrong? Is everything alright?"


Jenny takes a deep breath before continuing. "I reached out to Alice to help us. She wants to look inside your soul and make sure everything is okay."


Setting my glass down, I look at her, puzzled. "I didn't think that was possible; do you think that's a good idea?"


Jenny hesitates before answering. "Alice thinks that turning you into a vampire might have changed your soul for the worst, but at the same time, I think it's helped you, but I'm not 100% sure."


I feel my heart beat faster and faster, and sweat starts to slowly roll down my face. "Why is it always me? Why can't anything good happen to me? I'm starting to think I've been cursed.


Jenny steps closer to him, concern etched on her face. "Please, Kamen, let Alice take a look; please do it for me. My gut is telling me not to do it, but the logical part of me is telling me that it's the best choice.


"Okay, I guess we can go to your friend and check it out. What's the worst that can happen?" I'm uncertain of what's to come.


Jenny and I get in her car and drive to Alice's house. Upon arriving there, I notice her house is on the small side. It looks like the typical house of a medium-income family. It's nice, but not enough to draw attention to it.


"Just be calm in here, Kamen. I'm not sure what exactly is going to happen in here." Jenny says, attempting to calm herself down once again. Something tells me that Jenny is the one who needs to calm down. But it's not like I'm going to tell her that. I don't need to get hit again. Ignoring the thought, Jenny and I get out of the car and reach the front door.


Jenny knocks on the door three times. Soon, Alice opens the door, and a look of worry and annoyance is written on her face. "Come inside quickly." She says she is motioning us in.


We step inside, and Alice leads us to a room filled with candles and crystals. "Sit down and stay still, Kamen. This might hurt, or it might not." She explains.


Seeing no other option, I sit down on the chair and close my eyes, attempting to focus on something positive.


Alice places her hand on my forehead and closes her eyes, humming softly. I feel a warmth spread throughout my body as she delves into my soul.


Jenny slowly makes her way into my soul. Looking around, she notices nothing but blackness. The power feels familiar; soon a figure appears in front of her, and it looks directly at her; to her, the figure is staring straight into her soul.


Somewhat ironic, if you ask me.


The figure soon dispels Alice from Kamen's soul and back into the real world. She looks over at Jenny and me with a worried expression. "Kamen, you have a very dark and negative power within you. I haven't heard of something like this in a long time. It would appear that your power has the ability to feed off of people's negative emotions and fuel your energy, strengthening you." She explains while getting up and pacing back and forth.



My mind is racing with the information I've just received, and to me, I felt normal. Actually, I felt better than ever. But I have a strange feeling in my chest. I push the thought out of my head and look towards Alice. "Is there anything I can do?"


Alice looks at me sympathetically. "I'm sorry, Kamen. There's no easy solution for this. You'll have to learn to control and channel the darkness within you."


I feel a weight settle in my stomach as I realize the gravity of the situation. "What if I can't control it? Will I go berserk like I did before and hurt more people?"


Alice places a comforting hand on my shoulder. "We'll help you, Kamen. Jenny and I will be here for you every step of the way, but if you are not able to control it, then yes, you will go berserk."

Jenny nods her head, indicating that she will help. She feels terrible that she's caused this; it's only natural that she would want to help fix it.


"I know that this won't be easy, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to control the darkness within me; thank you both. I'll try my best to not let you down." I say this with a firm resolution.


Alice nods with a small smile on her lips. "I know you won't."


Jenny takes my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "We'll figure this out together, Kamen. You're not alone in this."


As we leave Alice's house, I can't help but feel a sense of dread wash over me. The darkness inside of me feels like a ticking time bomb, waiting to explode at any moment.


But with Jenny and Alice by my side, I know that I can face anything that comes my way. We'll do whatever it takes to control the darkness within me and ensure that it doesn't consume me completely.


I look up at the night sky, taking in a deep breath of fresh air. This is only the beginning of our journey, but I'm ready for whatever lies ahead.


We head back to the house. Alistair is outside, sitting on the porch, looking depressed. He notices us coming up to the house and gets up. "What did you find out about Kamen's soul?" Jenny and I exchange a look before I speak up. "There's darkness inside of me, amplified by my transformation into a vampire and by people's negative emotions."


Alistair's eyes widen in surprise. "Darkness?"


I nod. "Yes, and it's powerful and dangerous. But I won't let it consume me. With Jenny and Alice's help, we'll find a way to control it."


Alistair looks at me with newfound respect. "I see. Well, if there's anything I can do to help, just let me know."


I smile at him gratefully. "Thanks, Alistair. Your support means a lot to me."


We head back inside the house and settle down in the living room, discussing our next steps. The thought of losing control and killing these two keeps repeating over and over in my head. It feels like a battle between good and evil. The guilt of killing that family in the woods has not left me and will not destroy my will to improve myself and not let it happen again.


Whatever happens, I know that I have the support of my friends and loved ones, and with that knowledge, I feel like anything is possible.



A thousand miles away, in a dark castle covered in dark and menacing energy, sits a man on a throne of skulls. He looks up and senses something.


"That can't be right, Ragnor. Come Here." The man commands. "Yes sir." Ragnor says it telepathically.


Ragnor appears beside the man. "What do you need, my king?"


The man looks at Ragnor with a disturbed look. "Something has changed; I sensed a new power. A power I haven't sensed in a thousand years." Ragnor looks surprised. "What kind of power is it, my king?" The man walks into the moonlight shining from his castle windows, revealing a tall, pale man with long black hair. "This power is dark and different. It feels like my son, Alucard." Ragnor is taken back. "But sir, your son Alucard was killed long ago by the human priests." The man looks at Ragnor.


"You think I, Dracula, would forget how my son was killed?" He asked as a red, menacing energy flowed through him, slightly choking Ragnor. "I'm sorry, my king, I forgot my place." Ragnor bows his head.


"Forget it; I need you to go and collect information about this mysterious man. If we can, we need to bring him to our castle and see what he knows and make him join our side. "Right away, my king." Ragnor disappears into the shadows.


Dracula thinks to himself. "What could have happened to bring someone like my son into this world?" Angered, Dracula disappears into his room.


Back to where Kamen is.


I look at Alice and ask. "Where do we start to train my energy and abilities?" Alice looks away from her book and towards me. "Well, we could start with meditating and focusing on your breath. It's important to clear your mind and find inner peace."


I nod, feeling a twinge of excitement at the prospect of mastering my abilities.


Jenny pipes up, "And then we could move on to practicing with the crystals. Alice has a lot of experience channeling energy through them."


Alice nods in agreement. "Yes, using crystals can help you focus your energy and learn how to control it."


Alistair joins in, "And I can help you train with combat. Knowing how to defend yourself is crucial."


I smile at them all. "Thank you. I'm ready to begin."


We spent the next several hours meditating and practicing with the crystals under Alice's guidance. It's not easy, but I can feel myself improving with each passing minute.


As night falls, Alistair stands up. "Alright, let's take a break for tonight. But don't forget, we have a lot of work ahead of us."


I nod in agreement as we all head to bed, exhausted but determined.


As I lay in bed, I could feel the darkness inside of me stirring. But for the first time in a long time, I'm not afraid.


Outside the house, a strange man in a black Gi sits in a tree, watching Kamen through a window. He looks at Kamen with a calculating gaze, noting the way he exercises his newfound abilities. The man jumps off the tree and lands silently on the ground. He walks away and disappears into the night with a sinister smile on his face.


Meanwhile, Kamen has fallen asleep, completely unaware of the danger lurking outside. His dreams are filled with visions of his darkness consuming him, but he fights back with all his might, determined not to let it win.


Suddenly, I jolted awake, feeling a cold sweat covering my body. I look around the dark room and realize that something is off. I sense a presence in the room with me; it's clear it's not an ally.


I get out of bed and look around the room cautiously, ready to attack if anyone appears.


Suddenly, a chilling voice whispers in my ear. "You're mine now."


Kamen whirls around to confront his attacker but finds no one there. He feels a chill run down his spine as he realizes that this presence is unlike anything he's ever encountered before.


He knows that he needs to be careful and stay vigilant. With the help of Alice, Jenny, and Alistair, he must learn to control his abilities and face whatever comes his way.


Kamen settles back into bed. "I really need to stop watching so many scary movies; I could've sworn someone was in here." Kamen goes back to sleep. The strange man travels back to Ragnor to give him the intelligence he collected.