Chapter 9: Extended Sword And Magic Training
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Standing in her room, Jenny is pacing back and forth.
"I need to tell him how I feel before anything happens. If I were to lose him forever, I don't know what I would do."
Jenny thinks to herself. She hears Alistair downstairs in the kitchen.

"I'm going to make some breakfast for these savages when they get back, and hopefully it'll make Jenny happy." Alistair thinks to himself, saddened by what's happened lately.

He cracks two eggs into the skillet, making sure not to season them yet. He had watched a video of Gordan Ramsey making eggs and thought it would be fun to do. Slicing two pieces of butter and tossing them in the pan, along with the eggs,.

"Ah, shit. I should have done this before putting the eggs in, damn it." The eggs started sticking to the pan before the butter could finally melt. Upstairs, Jenny could smell the eggs cooking.

"Is he making breakfast? Why on earth would he be making breakfast? I hope he doesn't add blood to the eggs. " "That would just ruin them for me." Realizing she can't pace forever, well, technically, she could. But I thought it wouldn't help anything. Walking downstairs, Jenny notices Kamen isn't home yet.

"Do you think that Kamen is doing fine with Elizabeth?" Jenny looks at Alistair and asks. Alistair nods as he scrambles the eggs in the skillet. "I promise, Jenny, he'll be fine." It's not like she'd kill him." Alistair stops and thinks about it. "Would she kill him? " "I don't think she would unless he kept pissing her off." Alistair looks at Jenny. Don't worry about it. Would you like some eggs?"

Glancing down at the eggs, she observed that a small portion of them had burned. She was sighing because she knew this would be a terrible idea. She says yes. Pulling out a plate, she sits down at the table. Alistair pulls the skillet over and dumps the eggs onto the plate. "I hope you enjoy!" Alistair smiles at her.

Clearing her throat, Jenny asked a strange question.
"Do we have any mustard I can put on this?" Hearing the question, Alistair stops and slowly turns around.
"Did you just ask for mustard with your eggs?" I understand ketchup, but what about all things mustard? That's nasty."

Shrugging Jenny takes a bite of the eggs, which are surprisingly good. Jenny has to play it off so as not to add to Alistair's ego.
"It's okay; I've had better." Jenny says she is not making eye contact with Alistair.

I'm planning to visit Kamen today to assess his progress. Do you want to come with me, or do you want to see him when he gets here? Alistair asks with curious eyes. Eating the rest of her eggs, Jenny puts down her fork and pushes her plate away. "I'll come with you; I really miss him, and I hope he misses me."

Elizabeth is standing outside her house. "Alright, Kamen, it's time to work on your weapon training. I heard from Alistair that you prefer the sword, correct?" Elizabeth asks, looking at Kamen.

Clearing my throat, I reply. "Yes, I really like the sword. It's easy to use, and there's not really a way to screw it up."

Elizabeth smiles. "Well, today is your lucky day. We're going to be training with various weapons today. You can't be good with only one weapon and expect to win every fight."

Looking at her, I understand. "While learning the sword is good, if I can't master the other weapons, then there's no use even trying; I might as well just pull my pants down and bend over and let life fuck me again." I say it out loud without intending to.

Elizabeth nods. "You're right; learning to use multiple weapons is essential for success. Let's start with the basics, like a quarterstaff. It will help you learn how to balance and maneuver your body around the weapon." She leads me over to an open area in front of her house and sets down two wooden staves.

I pick up one of the staves and practice some basic strikes on the other one. Elizabeth watches me carefully, correcting my form when I make mistakes. After a few minutes, I'm starting to get the hang of it. Elizabeth then asks me to practice against her, which is much more difficult than it appears.

We spent the next few hours practicing different stances and movements with the staff, as well as working on my reflexes and speed. By the end of it all, I'm exhausted, but I feel much better about my chances if I ever have to face off against someone using a staff or similar weapon again.

Elizabeth smiles at me with approval before ushering us back inside for lunch. The rest of the afternoon passes quickly as we continue training with various weapons, finally reaching swords just in time for sunset.

Elizabeth begins teaching me how to wield two swords at the same time and how to use them together in tandem against opponents wielding their own blades. As the sun sets, I feel confident that, given enough practice, I could become very proficient with this style of fighting.

The next day passes by quickly in the same fashion as we train, until finally, on our third day after training, Elizabeth tells him that she believes he is ready for his first test against another opponent wielding a sword.

After two days of intense training with Elizabeth, I was ready for my first test. She told me to meet her at the training grounds early in the morning so we could find an opponent to spar with.

We arrived at the training grounds shortly after sunrise and began looking for someone willing to take me on. After a few minutes of searching, we found a tall, muscular man wearing leather armor and brandishing a longsword. He looked capable enough, so I approached him and asked if he would be willing to let me practice against him.

He agreed, and we squared off in the center of the training grounds. We started by testing each other's speed and skill with basic strikes and parries before advancing to more complex offensive and defensive maneuvers. The fight lasted longer than I expected; it wasn't until my stamina started to run low that I had any chance of winning. Finally, after exchanging some hard blows, I delivered a final strike that sent my opponent sprawling across the dirt.

I was exhausted, but victorious! Elizabeth was proud of my performance and said that if I kept up this level of skill, then soon enough I'd be able to fight advanced opponents without much difficulty. With newfound confidence in myself, we headed back home for another day's rest before continuing our training tomorrow morning.

This time, I wanted to train my magic more than I had before. Elizabeth erected a barrier to safeguard the surrounding land from destruction, preventing me from going all out.
The next day, I asked Elizabeth if I could practice my magic more than the swordplay. Initially hesitant, she eventually agreed and established a barrier to safeguard the land from destruction. However, it was a very restrictive barrier, so I couldn't go all out in my training.

Elizabeth began teaching me how to combine magical spells with physical movements for greater effect. After an hour of practicing, we paused for lunch and then continued our training for another few hours until nightfall. By the end of the day, I felt confident in my ability to wield magical energy and cast powerful spells.

The next few days, I spent honing my magical abilities and expanding my understanding of magical enchantments and curses. We also had some interesting conversations about the philosophy and morality surrounding magic usage.

As each day passed, I noticed that I was improving more and more in both swordplay and magic use; soon enough, I felt like a new person entirely! With Elizabeth's guidance, I was ready to take on real opponents with swords and magic alike.

One afternoon during our training session, she said that it was time for me to show off what I had learned by taking on a group of challengers with weapons similar to my own. She promised me that these warriors weren't professionals or bandits but simply other young trainees looking to test their skills in combat against someone of comparable experience.

Nervously excited, I stepped up onto the platform where Elizabeth had indicated, took a deep breath, and prepared myself for battle!