Chapter 1
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Lovino tried to pretend Felicia wasn’t there, but it wasn’t easy. The brunette had just finished the toughest day of his life. It had gone perfectly—he was an inch away from sealing the deal that would have set him up to take over the entire city, just the way he wanted. And yet, here she was.

The young woman was too nonchalant for her own good. Her kidnapping should have exhausted her, but she was as relaxed as ever. It was as if everything that had happened to her today didn’t matter. She was staring down at him, and it was obvious she wanted to say something.

He was too tired to do something about that, though. Three months had passed since his grandfather’s untimely death. That morning, he had suddenly become the head of a mafia family. The days after that were a blur and exhausting for everyone involved.

So far, he was winning the battle. But he didn’t dare let himself relax, not yet. Even if everything was going great, he couldn’t let his guard down. There were always a few threats out there that waited to pounce.

“This is so romantic.” Felicia’s long golden hair was flowing in the wind, and her eyes were sparkling. “You kidnapped me, put me on a boat, and taking me to a place where I’ll be safe from my father for a few days. Sounds like a perfect ending to a perfect day.”

“Is that all you see in it? You act like this is just a normal thing. This is dangerous. You could get hurt.”

“I’ve lived with dangers my entire life. Why would I be afraid of it now?” She looked at him and smiled. “Besides, the danger just makes it exciting, don’t you think?”

Lovino let out a deep breath. “Just don’t do anything stupid.”

“I can’t make any promise, but I’ll try my best.”

Lovino had a sinking feeling that her best would not be enough, but he had to resist the urge to argue with her. He’d had enough drama for the day. Instead, he looked at the ocean in front of them, feeling the cool wind against his cheek.

The sun was getting low on the horizon, and the city lights were coming up, glowing like fireflies. The two were sailing towards land. In an hour or so, they would reach the destination. They sat in silence, until Felicia started talking again.

“If you could have just one wish, what would you wish for?”

“A quiet life.” Lovino didn’t even have to think about it before replying. “I don’t want any more complications in my life. I’ve had enough.”

“I get that. But, honestly, what is it that you want? You have everything, but you’re still unhappy, aren’t you? Well, think about it. If you had a wish, what would it be?”

“I don’t know. How about you?”

“What would I wish for? You ask?” Felicia thought for a while. “I wish everyone stops fighting.”