Chapter 3 – Reimu repairs the shrine.
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Reimu stepped out of her room and surveyed the broken down hallway. It was worse than the previous day with a leaky ceiling in the resting room, beyond recognition tatami mats, and destroyed sliding doors. She opened the broken sliding door, which creaked loudly.

After exiting the hallway, she walked towards the backyard, where she was greeted by a landscape full of trees and grass. "Yep, the backyard is full of trees and grasses," she muttered to herself. "Seriously, though, I think I need at least a day to sort these things. Let's try to clean the surroundings first."

She decided to start by cleaning up the surroundings, using her life magic to revert the grasses back to their life force and absorb it into her body. As she worked, she came across a small pond and decided to purify the water until it became crystal clear. Looking at her reflection in the water, she couldn't help but admire her own beauty. "Seriously, Reimu is so cute and beautiful, but it's a problem if there's someone who takes an interest in me," she thought, a small smile forming on her lips.

Reimu's attention then turned to the roof of the shrine, which had been destroyed, with missing tiles scattered about. "Let me see the situation of the roof… Yep, it's destroyed," she observed, making a mental note to address it after finishing up with the surroundings. "I'll finish the surroundings first…" she decided, rolling up her sleeves and getting back to work.

As she walked towards the left side of the shrine, Reimu noticed a plot of land that was overgrown with weeds. "Life Magic," she murmured, and the surrounding grasses slowly reverted into their early forms, becoming a light green mist. "The plots are seriously dried because of the weeds," she continued.

Reimu then summoned a metal hoe using her Metallurgy skills, ready to start clearing the area. She began to work with determination, hacking away at the stubborn weeds and clearing the dried soil with each swing of the hoe. The sun was high in the sky when she finally finished, her clothes covered in dirt and sweat. "At least that's one area down," she said with a smile, looking at her handiwork.

With a metal hoe in hand, the shrine maiden diligently worked on the plot of land overgrown with weeds. As she cleared the area, the once dry earth turned into a healthy, moist plot.

Satisfied with her work, Reimu exclaimed, "Umu, this plot of land will be my vegetable garden."

She then searched her inventory for some seeds and sorted through them using her magic. "Ehh, there are tons of them and many of them are from alien to divine, being a creature that buys anything truly makes you speechless," she remarked. Finally, she settled on a packet of small vegetable mixed seeds.

Reimu begins to till some holes in the plot of land, preparing it for planting. As she works, she expresses her hope that she will be able to grow some cabbages. After finishing the tilling, she decides to make a fence to prevent larger vegetables from overtaking the smaller ones. With a flick of her wrist and the power of earth magic, small pillars of earth rise up along the edges of the vegetable garden, forming a protective barrier.

Reimu sets her sights on the other side of the vegetable garden, where she hasn't tilled yet. She begins to dig holes and prepares to plant large vegetable mixed seeds. "I bet the majority of it is pumpkin," she muses to herself. Reimu then uses her water magic to conjure a gentle rain to water the soil. "Now, let's see what we can grow," she says with a smile.

Reimu ponders on where to put the medium vegetables before deciding on placing them near her bedroom. "I shouldn't put some fertilizer, I'm not good at remembering chemicals either," she remarks to herself. "The mana in the forest is enough for it to grow healthy," she adds, sounding confident in her decision. With that, she makes her way towards her bedroom to start planting the medium vegetable seeds.

Reimu looks at the front of the shrine, which is overgrown with nature, and she lets out a sigh. She begins to take stock of the damage, noting that there are six broken stone lamps, two destroyed statues, tiles buried in dirt, and some cracked stone tiles. The shrine house has no statue, and the well is covered with old tarps. The Tori Gates have lost their color and some material has been gouged out.

Reimu shakes her head and mutters to herself, "Looks like I have my work cut out for me." She begins to gather materials and tools to start repairing the damage.

The shrine maiden channels her earth magic to restore the broken statue. As she finishes, she examines the statue and wonders, "Is this a lion of some sort?" She touches the statue's mane and strokes it lightly. The statue is now standing tall and proud, almost as if it has come back to life.

"It's very suspicious that it looks brand new," she remarked to herself, considering the possibility that someone would visit and asked the authenticity of the shrine.

Thinking quickly, Reimu used her time isolation magic to accelerate time by about 20 years, ensuring that the statue would have the same worn and weathered appearance as the other surrounding structures. Satisfied with the result, she nodded her head in approval.

"This is fine," she said, pleased with her work.

Reimu stood before her shrine house, contemplating what she could do to spruce it up. She pondered aloud, "What should I do to this shrine house?"

She then thought out loud about the possibility of putting herself as a facade. "Should I put myself there as a facade?" she wondered.

As she continued to consider her options, Reimu decided on a reconstruction, utilizing her earth magic to enhance the overall appearance of her shrine. With a flick of her wrist, she began the process of reconstructing her beloved shrine.

As she worked, an idea struck her, and she used her earth magic to craft a statue of an older Reimu. The statue was adorned with a veil and was depicted in a posture of prayer while standing.

With a sense of satisfaction, Reimu stepped back to admire her handiwork, feeling content in the knowledge that her shrine was now even more beautiful and welcoming to visitors.

As Reimu continued to tend to her shrine, she chuckled to herself and thought out loud, "When someone asks who are you praying to, I will say the Hakurei god, in other words, me… I remember the meme of putting yourself the gold medal and praising yourself."

However, she quickly followed up with, "But I may be a narcissist, but not that heavy."

Reimu then used her earth magic to reconstruct the lamps in the area, carefully restoring them to their former glory. She rummaged through her inventory to find some spare bulbs, and deftly replaced any that had burned out.

As she worked, she remembered that the bulbs she was using were currently on sale for 90% off. "I should let people know about this," she thought, realizing that she could help out her fellow shrine-goers by offering them a good deal.

Reimu continued to work on the lamps at her shrine, using her earth magic to reconstruct them and finding spare bulbs in her inventory. As she finished replacing the bulbs, she had a sudden idea.

"I should connect the bulb to a daylight censor," she said out loud to herself. Reimu knew that this would be a useful addition to the lamps, as it would automatically turn them on when it got dark and turn them off when it got light.

With renewed energy, Reimu set to work on installing the daylight censor. She carefully wired it into the circuit of each lamp, ensuring that everything was connected correctly. As she finished up, she smiled, knowing that this would be a helpful improvement for her shrine-goers.

After a period of time, Reimu stepped back from her work with a triumphant smile. "Yooosh~ I finished it," she announced to no one in particular.

Turning her attention to the well, she sighed, "About the well." Reimu had discovered that the well was not in good condition, as she had previously suspected. "I removed the tarp, and, well, it isn't well," she said, disappointment evident in her voice. "It's dirty, and the water seems contaminated."

Determined to rectify the situation, Reimu set to work. She made a new tarp and carefully sealed the well, ensuring that it was secure and safe. She also took the extra precaution of placing ropes around the well, hoping to deter any curious onlookers.

With her work complete, Reimu stood back to survey her handiwork. Though she was disappointed that the well was not in better condition, she was pleased with her efforts to make it safe and secure for all who came to her shrine.

Reimu stood outside the main building of her shrine, gazing thoughtfully at the warehouse located on the left side of the property. "Hmm...the warehouse," she said to herself, taking in the state of the building.

Without hesitation, she got to work. Using her earth magic, Reimu fixed the roof tiles, making sure they were secure and in good condition. She then turned to the walls, using her wood magic to repair any damage and reinforce them. Reimu continued her work by fixing the floor and ceiling with her wood magic as well.

Once the building was structurally sound, Reimu began to furnish it. She placed boxes and a sack of potatoes in the entry room, as well as tables and chairs for visitors to use. Inside the warehouse, she added shelves and more boxes, filling them with various items. "Inside the boxes are chemicals, tools, preserved seeds, and some random who knows what's in it," Reimu said with a chuckle, knowing that her inventory was a bit of a mystery to outsiders.

With her work complete, Reimu stood back to admire her handiwork. The warehouse was now a functional and useful space for both herself and her visitors.

Reimu turned her attention to the Tori Gates, which were in need of some repair. "I'll fix the Tori Gates with plant magic and the tiles with earth magic," she said, determined to restore them to their former glory.

Once the gates were structurally sound, Reimu let out a sigh and muttered, "<Time Isolation -Accel>." She was using her magic to make the Tori gates look older, to match the surrounding structures.

Moving on to the main house, Reimu began to use her life magic to remove the moss, plants, and leaves from the roof. She then used her earth magic to replace all the tiles that were missing, reinforced the cracked ones, and strengthened the old ones. With each tile, she worked carefully and diligently, making sure that everything was secure and in good condition.

Reimu let out a small sigh as she looked up at the complicated roofs of the shrine. It was a lot of work, but she was determined to see it through.

As she worked, she created stone stools and placed them on either side of the entrance, providing a comfortable place for visitors to rest and take in the scenery. She also created a new offering box and hung a bell beside it.

Reimu then turned her attention to the wooden structures of the shrine, both in the front and the back. She meticulously restored the doors, the hinges, and any other areas that needed attention.

As she worked, she couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed. "No!!!! This is making me crazy!!!!" she exclaimed, feeling the pressure of the extensive restoration.

But, rather than pushing herself to the point of exhaustion, Reimu knew when to take a break. "Choco break!!!!" she declared, taking a moment to rest and recharge before continuing her work.

Reimu entered her room and collapsed into her chair with a heavy sigh. She needed a break from the constant restoration work, so she decided to make herself a cup of hot chocolate.

Using her magic, she cleaned her cup and reached into her item storage to retrieve the powdered chocolate. As she poured it into the cup, she couldn't help but think about the overwhelming task of rebuilding the shrine.

"If only I could just snap a new shrine into existence without alerting the overseer, I might do it already," she thought to herself, feeling the weight of her responsibilities as a shrine maiden.

With a flick of her wrist, Reimu used water magic to fill the cup and then added a cooling spell to bring the temperature down to a comfortable level. Finally, she grabbed some marshmallows and added them to the drink, taking a moment to savor the sweet and comforting taste of her hot chocolate.

Reimu took a sip of her hot chocolate and pondered what she should eat. She decided to choose a random food and suddenly, a plate with sakura mochi appeared on her desk. She happily picked up a piece of the sweet treat and savored its taste. "Mmm, sakura mochi is nice," she said as she took another bite.

Reimu sat at her desk, sipping on her chocolate and munching on a piece of sakura mochi. Her thoughts drifted to the CEO of Hololive, wondering if they might be the high God of this world. She had recently extracted some information from a boy who had no idea what the CEO looked like, leading Reimu to believe that they were either not active on the internet or the boy was simply new to the entertainment industry.

Despite her musings, Reimu knew she had work to do. She needed to finish the house, the steps to enter the shrine, and the shrine exit. The task ahead seemed daunting, causing her frustration to bubble up. "It's a pain!" she exclaimed, "I would rather hit someone than thinking how to hit someone... whatever."