Chapter 5 – Reimu has no need for Hololive content.?
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Reimu wipes away her tears and takes a deep breath. "It's no use crying over spilled milk," she tells herself, though the regret still lingers. "Though it hurts that you are the one that spilled it in the first place," she sighs. "Now I should have to find a job. There is mana in the air and there are some weird creatures, so there must be a request board or something." She stands up and looks around, determined to find a way to support her shrine.

Reimu contemplates her options for making a living now that her shrine is set up but not attracting any visitors. "Adventurer guild or Mercenary guild or something…" she murmurs to herself. However, she quickly realizes that taking such jobs could attract unwanted attention to herself and her shrine. "Though it will attract some attention, but I need attention to gain myself a steady donation," she says. "Creating money is easy, but it will be a problem If it's traced towards me."

She then thought of trying her luck with becoming a VR idol. "VR idols… I can try, but I don't have the equipment for it," she said to herself, realizing the lack of resources to pursue that path. "Money is important, after all, and I don't have it."

As the sun started to set, Reimu decided to explore the city at night. "Darkness can conceal me when I take flight," she said, planning to use her powers to move around unnoticed.


In the headquarters of Hololive, a random soldier entered the room and approached the leader. "Sir," the soldier spoke up. The leader turned to face the soldier, "What's the status?" he asked. The soldier responded, "They are ready to confess their intentions, but they will only talk if you are the one asking them."

The leader's interest was piqued. "Ohhh… interesting, they are not cowards," he remarked. "Very well, guide me to them," he commanded. The soldier nodded and led the way to where the individuals were being held.

The door creaks open and the leader of Hololive HQ steps into the dimly-lit basement, where the leader of the enemy group is being held captive.

"So you're the leader," the Hololive leader says as they approach the captive.

The enemy group leader nods. "Yes, I'm the leader of the party," they reply.

The Hololive leader takes a seat on a nearby chair and looks at the captive. "What's your name?" they ask.

The captive hesitates for a moment before answering. "My name is Maxwell," they say.

The leader of the Hololive HQ sat on a chair in front of the leader of the enemy group, Maxwell, who had been brought to the basement for interrogation. "So, Maxwell, what is your goal and why are you here on the premise?" the leader asked. However, Maxwell hesitated to speak unless the safety of his party member was guaranteed. The leader chuckled at this, and Maxwell asked what was funny about it. "Nothing," the leader replied, "it's just that from all the prisoners we've interrogated, you are the only one that gave importance to their members rather than themselves."

The leader of the interrogating party found himself amused by Maxwell's response to his previous remark.

"I don't know what kind of people you captured, but abandoning your comrade is abandoning your humanity," Maxwell emphasized.

The leader nodded his head, "Nice words, I'm starting to like you."

Maxwell, however, seemed to misunderstand the leader's intentions, as he quickly replied, "Sorry, I don't swing that way."

The leader, realizing he may have given off the wrong impression, let out a small sweat drop before speaking. "You misunderstood me," he clarified before continuing, "Just call me V for now."

Maxwell, still wary, proceeded to ask the pressing question, "Well V, can you guarantee the safety of my members?"

V let out a confident smile as he replied to Maxwell's inquiry, "Of course I can. In the name of the laws, I hereby declare that none of your party members will be in harm inside the premise of this establishment."

As he spoke, a warm light descended, and a paper materialized in the room before slowly dissipating like an illusion. Maxwell let out a sigh of relief and thanked V.

"The superiors in the guild have given us this urgent request," Maxwell continued, finally revealing their purpose for being there.

V furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he asked Maxwell, "What guild?"

Maxwell hesitated for a moment before answering, "Mercenary guild. As a mercenary, the requests mainly consist of extermination or focused elimination, but the guild has given this request to us."

V leaned forward, his interest piqued. "And what is the request?" he inquired.

Maxwell revealed to V that their request was a treasure hunt, which surprised V.

"Isn't that type of request usually given to adventurers?" V asked, confused.

Maxwell nodded, "Normally, yes. You can't put anything else in the Mercenary guild except for fighting or killing creatures. But this quest is very suspicious, although it has a lot of money on the line, so I took it."

V leaned back in his chair and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "What is written on the request?" he asked Maxwell.

"Collect the resources that's in the forest," Maxwell replied.

V furrowed his brow. "What exactly are the resources?" he asked.

"That, we don't know," Maxwell admitted, a hint of frustration in his voice. "The request was very vague, but it promised a hefty reward."

V listened attentively as Maxwell answered his questions. "It's never given a specific name or call type," V observed.

Maxwell shook his head. "No, it doesn't. Our goal is just to camp in the grounds and wait for the requester to arrive at the premises," he explained.

V's eyes widened in surprise. "For how long must you occupy the grounds?" he inquired.

Maxwell glanced at the request paper. "It said 46 hours," he replied, his expression grave.

V furrowed his brow, deep in thought. "Two days, huh? If it's important, then why didn't they go with them? Is this some kind of scheme?" he murmured to himself before turning his attention back to Maxwell.

"Well, Maxwell, thank you for your honest input," V said as he placed a small ball of glass on the table. "And the lie detector is always green, so you must go to your room for further instructions."

Maxwell felt a twinge of unease as he realized that V had a lie detector. "Thank you for heeding my request," he said politely, trying to keep his voice steady.

As Maxwell left the room, he couldn't help but wonder about the consequences of lying to someone with a lie detector.

V smiled at Maxwell, "It's the least I can do for an honest man like you."

Maxwell raised an eyebrow, "Honestly, you should change your phrasing because it can invoke misunderstandings," he pointed out.

V's expression turned to one of shock, "It isn't like that!" he exclaimed, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Realizing that the conversation was starting to become awkward, V let out a sigh and addressed his assistant, "Private, you should show our guest the way to his room."

The private nodded in response to V's instruction. "Affirmative," he said before opening the door and gesturing for Maxwell to follow him.

As the two of them walked down the hallway, V spoke to himself, "I should tell it to the boss." He knew that there was something unusual about this job, and he needed to find out more about it before things got out of hand.

The private led Maxwell to a comfortable guest room and instructed him on how to use the facilities. "If you need anything, just let me know," he said before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

Maxwell sat down on the bed and let out a deep breath. He had a feeling that this was going to be a long and complicated job, and he needed to be prepared for whatever might come his way.

In the bustling city of Tokyo, a man wearing a sharp suit sat inside a car, holding a phone to his ear. "Hai?" he answered in a business-like tone.

"Soudesune… Hai, good job always V," the voice on the other end of the line responded. There was a moment of silence before the man on the phone let out a deep sigh.

"What happened, Yagoo-san?" the woman in the car asked, her tone indicating concern.

"Ah, A-chan, you know about the incident with the black bird?" Yagoo's voice came through the phone, sounding tense.

"Yes, I've heard of it," A-chan responded. "People use the black bird as a spying tool, mainly used by witches and gods."

"Exactly. Now the person behind it has sent some master-ranked mercenaries to try to occupy the forest until their main force arrives," Yagoo explained.

"That's quite the strategy," A-chan said. "But they've underestimated us." There was a sense of confidence in her voice, as if she knew something that Yagoo didn't.

Yagoo's voice on the phone was filled with determination. "Yes, they think we are weak, but that's their fatal flaw. And it's perfect for us," he said, his tone confident.

"Understood, Yagoo-san. I will contact the Holomyth to track the ones behind this incident," A-chan replied.

"Sometimes extremists are a pain to deal with. With the supernatural and mortal world about to fuse, we should at least lessen discrimination towards every species," Yagoo commented, his voice laced with frustration.

As Yagoo looked out of the car window, he suddenly asked, "Hmmm? A-chan, what god has the color scheme of red and white?" His tone was curious, and it was clear that he was trying to connect the dots regarding the situation at hand.

In Tokyo, a young woman dressed in a traditional Japanese priestess outfit walked down the street. She had long, black hair tied back in a bow and carried a long, slender stick in her hand. "I thought I'd stand out like a sore thumb in this city, but I guess it's normal for a Priestess," she said to herself, her voice soft and contemplative.

With a small smile, she continued down the street, the stick in her hand giving her a sense of power and authority. "With my gohei in my hand, I have the power of God by my side," she murmured, her tone confident and self-assured. Despite the bustling city around her, she exuded a sense of calm and tranquility, as if she was at peace with the world around her.

several minutes later the young woman wearing a traditional priestess japanese outfit walked down the busy street. She had been searching for work but had been turned down due to a lack of identification. "Well, I asked many establishments if I could work part-time or full-time, but they all need ID," she murmured to herself, her tone disappointed.

As she walked past a food stand, she briefly considered asking if they needed a helping hand, but quickly dismissed the idea. "Maybe I should become an adventurer instead," she sighed, feeling defeated.

Suddenly, a mysterious person approached her. "Young lady, I have a question," the person said, catching her attention.

"Hmm?" Reimu responded, looking at the person with curiosity.

Well, that's just great. Another lost title due to translation. Oh well.