Chapter 8 – Reimu and Amelia’s meeting.
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Reimu sat in the waiting area, admiring the peaceful surroundings. "The peaceful life in two days is truly blissful," she thought to herself. However, she soon realized that she should have bought a phone to stay connected with the outside world.

Suddenly, Vinna's voice called out over the intercom, requesting that Reimu come to the counter to retrieve her ID. Reimu got up from her seat and made her way to the counter, wondering what the card style would be like.

As the girl with short blonde hair, dressed in a brown detective outfit, entered the area, she couldn't help but notice another young woman nearby. "Hakurei Reimu, that's the name my other self tells me about," she thought to herself. Curiosity piqued, she decided to observe Reimu from a distance.

As she watched Reimu, she was stunned by the girl's appearance. "A girl in her teens, wearing an outfit similar to that of a shrine maiden – a red frilly skirt, a red shirt, black hair, a yellow necktie, a cute face, and a big red bow with white frills, holding a giant stick with a white tassel," she noted to herself.

The sight of Reimu was almost too much for her to handle, and she felt her face flush with embarrassment. "She looks out of an anime," she thought to herself, trying to suppress her blush. "Dammit, Amelia, this isn't the time to be charmed by a stranger."

Amelia couldn't help but feel her heart racing as she kept her gaze fixed on Reimu. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, trying to calm herself down. "Still, why am I the only one that has been affected by her charm?" she wondered to herself, confused by her sudden attraction to the young shrine maiden.

Her curiosity got the best of her, and she grabbed her monocles, examining Reimu more closely. "I see, there's a protective veil around her, the color of it isn't the same as she emits," she noted, intrigued by the mysterious aura surrounding Reimu.

Despite her analytical mind, Watson couldn't shake off the effect that Reimu had on her. She couldn't deny the charm and beauty of the young shrine maiden, and she found herself wanting to know more about her. "Intriguing," she muttered to herself, determined to uncover the secrets behind Reimu's enchanting presence.

Amelia's heart skipped a beat as she locked eyes with Reimu, feeling as if time had slowed down. She couldn't help but admire the young shrine maiden's brown-orange eyes and plump lips. However, she quickly snapped out of her daze, feeling confused and unsure of what to do next. "Run away," she muttered to herself, using a technique she had learned from the Joestar family.

Meanwhile, Reimu observed Amelia with a perplexed expression. "Hmm…what a weird lady that has a fake mustache," she thought to herself, noticing the monocles and the fake mustache that Amelia wore. She couldn't help but find the detective's behavior strange, and she wondered what had caused her to act so oddly.

Vinna handed Reimu her newly registered ID, and the shrine maiden inspected it carefully. The ID was a rectangular metal card, with a pinkish red color scheme and white edges. The background was adorned with a beautiful sakura design, which Reimu couldn't help but admire.

Reimu couldn't help but express her admiration for the newly registered ID. "It's nice!!! I really like it," she exclaimed, a hint of excitement in her voice.

Vinna smiled at Reimu's reaction and responded graciously, "Thank you for your kind words, miss Reimu."

The young shrine maiden's curiosity got the best of her, and she inquired about the ranking system. "I want to know how Ranking works," she said, eager to learn more about the system.

Vinna explained the various ranks, starting from Trainee and going up to the highest Monarch rank. "The rankings are Trainee, Warrior, Veteran, Master, Major, corporal, Colonel, General, Warmonger, Ascendant, and the Monarch rank," she explained patiently, hoping to answer Reimu's questions to the best of her ability.

Vinna explained to Reimu that defeating a full-fledged vengeful spirit with ease could only be done by a Colonel or higher rank, but they had no accurate estimation of her strength, so they couldn't assign her a rank just yet. "Is there no mana capacity test here?" Reimu asked, curious about how they determined someone's strength.

Vinna explained that there was a mana capacity test, but it wasn't always an accurate indicator of someone's strength. "A person who has a mana capacity like a water bottle but masters the control can beat a person who has a jug-like mana capacity but never masters controlling it," she explained, hoping to give Reimu a better understanding of how things worked.

Reimu thought for a moment, recalling her experience with the Titans and their supposed "master." "Is that so?" she thought to herself, remembering how easily the master had fallen to the shockwaves caused by the Titans' punches.

Reimu was eager to start her adventure and asked Vinna if she could accept a quest. "Can I accept a quest already?" she asked politely.

Vinna smiled at her enthusiasm and replied, "Yes, you can just go to the counter over there to accept one."

"Thank you," Reimu said with a grateful smile as she headed towards the other counter to accept a quest.

As she approached the counter, she was greeted by a young woman named Misrael. "Hello, my name is Misrael. What can I help you with?" Misrael asked, greeting Reimu with a warm smile.

Reimu approached the counter and asked Misrael if she could accept a quest. "You can, what rank of quest are you going to pick?" Misrael asked in response.

Reimu thought for a moment before replying, "Can I see the quests of rank Colonel and above?"

Misrael coughed and cleared her throat before asking Reimu to repeat her request. "Colonel and general rank, please," Reimu reiterated, hoping Misrael understood her this time.

Misrael asked Reimu for her ID, and Reimu handed it over to her without hesitation. Misrael looked at the ID card and was impressed by its design. She showed the available quests on an interactive screen, and Reimu took a look at them. "Let's see," Reimu murmured to herself as she scanned through the list. "The haunted ghost of the abandoned tunnel, The weird creature of the abandoned snake shrine, the cave of spider wolves, The manticore sighting in the village, the spirit havoc in a kindergarten, Minotaur herds in the Shinjuku mine."

After considering all the options, Reimu finally made up her mind. "I'll choose the Minotaur quest," she said with determination.

Misrael informed Reimu about the consequences of canceling a quest and the reward for the Minotaur quest. "I understood. You can cancel it anytime, but you will get a fine. The reward is ¥40k per Minotaur," she said, with a hint of surprise in her voice. Misrael couldn't help but wonder how a young teen like Reimu was already a Colonel rank. "What drugs does her shrine give to the priestess?" she thought to herself.

"Thank you very much!" Reimu exclaimed, showing her gratitude for Misrael's assistance.

As Reimu made her way out of the counter, she remembered that she needed to register for a bank account and purchase a phone. "I should register a bank account and buy a phone while I'm at it," she thought to herself, determined to make the most out of her adventure.


Amelia rushed back to her office, feeling embarrassed about forgetting something important. As she arrived, a girl wearing a shark hoodie greeted her. "Heya Watson! Why are you early?" the girl asked cheerfully.

Amelia sighed and responded, "Nothing much. I'm just feeling under the weather today, and I need to rest."

Concerned, the girl offered to call their friends. "Tell me if you got sick, and I'll call Ina or Kiara to take care of you," she said with a smile.

Amelia and the girl in the shark hoodie, Gura, continued their conversation. "Why not call Calli?" Amelia asked, curious about their friend's absence.

Gura shrugged. "She didn't even take care of herself, so she's a no-no," she replied, shaking her head.

Amelia chuckled at Gura's response, grateful for her concern. "Thanks, Gura," she said, feeling touched by her friend's kindness.

As they were chatting, Amelia remembered something. "By the way, there are some chips in the cupboard. I'll give you one," she said, offering Gura a snack.

"Really?!" Gura exclaimed, excitedly.

Amelia threw the bag of chips towards Gura, who caught it with her mouth in midair. "Here," Amelia said, smiling at her friend.

"Thanks, Watson!" Gura said happily.

Later, in Amelia's room, she sat down and began to contemplate her next move. "I'll try to talk to my other future self," she said, determined to figure out a way to prevent the mistake she made earlier.

Amelia grabbed a phone with a clock amulet and dialed a number. "Hello, future Ame," she said as the call connected.

"Well, hello, past Ame. What's cookin'?" future Ame responded.

Amelia hesitated for a moment before she finally mustered the courage to say what was on her mind. "Nothing much, I just wanted to tell you about how Reimu looked," she said, hoping that future Ame would have some insight.

Future Ame's interest was piqued. "Ohhh… and then?" she asked curiously.

Amelia took a deep breath before admitting to her future self, "I kinda don't want to admit it, but she already captured my heart."

Future Ame laughed in amusement. "So, how did you two meet?" she asked, curious to hear the story.

Amelia recounted the moment they met in the Mercenary Guild. "I wanted to get some requests, and an officer called her name. So, I watched to see her come forward," she explained.

Future Ame guessed what her past self might be thinking. "And it feels like she comes out of an anime?" she asked with a knowing smile.

Amelia nodded at her future self's question, "Yes, that's what I think of too," she said with a smile.

Future Ame got straight to the point, "Do you want to be with her?" she asked.

Without hesitation, Amelia replied, "Yes."

Future Ame encouraged her, "Then go for it, me!"

Amelia felt reassured by her future self's words. "Did you become a thing?" she asked, curious to know how things turned out.

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line as future Amelia processed what she had just heard. Finally, she spoke up, "I see. Well, now that you've said it to me, you will reach her for you and for me."

Amelia felt relieved and grateful for her future self's support. "Thank you, Amelia," she said with a small smile.

The call ended, and future Amelia was left alone with her thoughts. "If only I confessed at that time, will you still be at my side, smiling while looking at the sky?" she whispered to herself, tears falling down her cheeks.

It was a somber moment for Future Amelia as tears streamed down her face. Her mind wandered back to the day when she lost Reimu, the one who was to become her lover. The memories were bittersweet, and she couldn't help but feel the pain of the loss all over again.


Amelia and her friends were on a mission to defeat a dangerous cult. She felt confident and reassured herself that the mission was easy, "I'll confess to Reimu once this mission is over," she thought with a smile.

Little did she know that this seemingly simple mission would lead to a heartbreaking tragedy that would shake her to her core.

Amelia and her friends were engaged in a battle against Ina, who had gone into a rampage after the cult successfully summoned the ancient ones. Ina's attacks were relentless, and Amelia had to rely on Gura's barrier to protect herself and the others.

"Hey, Gura, how long can you maintain the barrier?" Amelia asked urgently, her eyes fixed on the battle raging in front of her.

"Two minutes at most," Gura replied, her face tense with concentration as she tried to hold the barrier against Ina's laser attacks.

Amelia felt a pang of fear in her chest as she watched Ina's attacks getting closer and closer. She couldn't help but wonder if this was the end for her and her friends. "Damn, is this the end of me?" she thought to herself.

Suddenly, a streak of blue and red papers appeared and hit Ina, catching everyone off guard. Amelia immediately recognized the attack.

"Reimu!!!" she exclaimed, her heart racing with relief and hope.

Reimu had arrived, and Amelia felt a rush of joy as she saw her. "Reimu! Are you here to help us?" she asked, grateful for the sudden reinforcement.

"Amelia-chan!!! Are you guys okay?" Reimu asked, her voice filled with concern.

"Thanks to you, we are fine. Please make Ina snap out of it," Amelia replied, her eyes fixed on Ina, who was still attacking.

"I'll try," Reimu said determinedly, making her way towards Ina.

As Reimu arrived, she immediately sprang into action, attempting to take down Ina with her needles. She then created a barrier and slammed it into Ina, followed by chanting a spell that caused thousands of spirit orbs to shoot towards Ina.

Amelia was confident in Reimu's abilities, "Reimu is going to win this," she exclaimed.

But just as it seemed like they had the upper hand, a crack formed, and a giant creature made up of tentacles appeared before them. Amelia's heart sank as she watched in horror.

"Nooooooooo!!!!!! This can't be happening!!!!!" she screamed, feeling a sense of impending doom.

Reimu, undeterred, put Ina down and turned to face the Unknown God that had appeared before them.

Gura hung her head low, looking defeated as the giant creature made up of tentacles loomed over them.

"A," she muttered, her voice barely audible over the chaos.

Calli appeared, but parts of her body were missing, indicating that she had not completely regenerated. "What on hell's name is that?" she coughed, clearly struggling to catch her breath.

Chicken Kiara made an appearance, but she had been turned into a chicken, which made it difficult for her to communicate properly. "Bakaaaak!!!!" she squawked.

Ina coughed repeatedly and slowly opened her eyes. "Is it over yet?" she asked weakly, facing the seas. She couldn't speak properly due to the absurdity of the situation.

Reimu softly called out to Amelia, "Hey... Ame."

Amelia turned to face Reimu, wondering what she would say next.

Reimu and Amelia locked eyes as they spoke, their conversation serious and tense. "Do you remember the things you've said about a happy future?" Reimu asked Amelia.

Amelia nodded in response, unsure of where the conversation was heading.

"I'll grant it to you. No, I'll grant it to everyone that wants a happy future," Reimu declared, determined to make her words a reality. "That's why I hope you will still smile after this."

Amelia's fear was palpable as she realized the underlying meaning of Reimu's words. "Don't be absurd, Reimu!" she protested.

Reimu took a step closer to Amelia and gently grabbed her chin, planting a kiss on her lips. It was a brief but intimate moment that conveyed Reimu's love and determination to protect everyone's future.

Amelia's fear was palpable as she pleaded with Reimu, "No! Please! No!"

Ignoring her protests, Reimu flew towards the incomplete outer god, her body shining black and white. She chanted something under her breath, and her body glowed even brighter.

A pillar of light shot towards the Unknown God, hitting it with such force that it created a giant hole in its proximity. The unfinished creature disappeared from view, leaving behind a sense of eerie stillness.

Reimu's body began to fall towards the ground, spent from the effort of the attack.

Calli appeared just in time to catch Reimu's body and gently laid it down on the ground. "Are you okay?" she asked with concern, but Reimu could only respond weakly, her body too drained to speak.

Amelia's heart was heavy with emotion as she clung to Reimu's still body, tears streaming down her face. "Why? Why are you such an idiot? Life doesn't have colors without you in it, so please stay with me!" she begged, her voice breaking.

Reimu weakly responded, her voice barely above a whisper. "Do you know what your wish was at the shrine? 'I wish everyone has a nice future,' but I didn't include myself because I'm the granter, not the granted. That's why," she paused, catching her breath. "I can confidently say I fulfilled your wish."

Amelia hugged Reimu tightly, unwilling to let go. "You stupid idiot," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "You didn't grant my happiness! Without you, I'm not happy!"

Reimu weakly giggled, her eyes closed. "No refunds and no cash back," she teased.

"Stupid," Amelia whispered, holding onto Reimu's fading body, unwilling to let go.

The shrine maiden's body began to slowly transform into sparkling smoke, the last remnants of her existence fading away. "Hey," Reimu's weak voice broke the silence, causing Amelia to turn her attention to her. "Can we kiss for the last time?" she asked, her eyes searching Amelia's.

Without hesitation, Amelia nodded her head, and leaned in to kiss the shrine maiden, wanting to hold on to her for just a little longer. They kissed until the shrine maiden's body completely disappeared, leaving Amelia to cry grievously.

The detective girl's sobs echoed through the empty space, the weight of her loss too heavy to bear. She had lost someone dear to her, someone who had sacrificed themselves for the greater good. As she wept, memories of their time together flashed before her eyes, each one a painful reminder of what she had lost.

Eh, I made this thing, but why am I crying?

Ugh, why the image gotta be considered as characters? Can't we just have some peace and not count every little thing as a character?