Chapter 9 – Reimu and the Cultist.
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Reimu wandered around Tokyo, her eyes scanning the area for any sign of a bank. After a few minutes, she let out a heavy sigh. "Where is the nearest bank here?" she muttered to herself.

After asking around, Reimu finally found the bank she was looking for. "Finally, I made it," she thought to herself as she approached the guard at the entrance. "Excuse me, which desk should I approach?" she asked.

The guard pointed her in the right direction, and Reimu made her way to the designated desk, grateful to have found it. She had a task to accomplish, and she was determined to see it through.

Reimu entered the bank and approached the front desk. The employee, a young woman, greeted her warmly. "Welcome miss, how may I help you?" she asked.

Reimu took a deep breath before speaking. "Can I open an account and deposit some money?" she asked.

"Certainly," the employee replied. "Can you fill up this form and do you have an ID with you?"

Reimu reached into her pocket and pulled out her identification card, handing it to the employee. "Here you go," she said.

The bank employee's eyes widened in surprise when she saw Reimu's identification card, indicating a high rank in the Mercenary Guild. Reimu scribbled down the necessary information on the form and handed it to the employee.

"Please wait at the seat while I process the account," the employee instructed as she took the form from Reimu.

Reimu sat down, taking in her surroundings. "This world's paperwork is certainly simple," she thought to herself as she waited for the employee to finish processing her account. She couldn't help but compare it to the paperwork of her own world, which could be much more complex and time-consuming.

Reimu sat in the bank, lost in thought. "I hope there are more than 20 Minotaur in the mines," she mumbled under her breath. She was eager to put her newly acquired funds to good use.

Not long after, an employee called out her name over the intercom, and Reimu made her way to the desk. "Here it is, your bank card and your ID," the employee said, handing over the documents. "How much money will you deposit?"

Reimu's face lit up with happiness. "It's not even past an hour, yet I already have the card. Lucky!" she thought to herself. "I'd like to deposit 500k," she replied to the employee, eager to start using her new account.

"500k what?" the employee asked with a hint of frustration.

Reimu was momentarily confused, but then she realized her mistake. "I'm sorry, it's Japanese yen," she clarified.

The employee let out a sigh and continued with the transaction. As Reimu reached into her sleeve to retrieve the cash, the employee couldn't help but wonder about the strange behavior of the shrine maiden. But for the sake of her own mental health, she decided to ignore it and hand over the deposit slip and receipt.

"Thank you!" Reimu said happily, clutching her new bank card and ID. "I'll be sure to come back again."

The employee smiled politely. "We'll look forward to your return," she replied before turning to assist the next customer.

As Reimu made her way to the mines, she couldn't help but wonder about her luck. "I'm feeling lucky today," she thought to herself. "If I pull a gacha, will I get ten SSR in 10 pulls?"

She shrugged off the thought and focused on her task at hand. "I'll buy a phone and a sim card, and an SD card if possible, then head to the mines," she decided.

After making her purchases, Reimu checked her balance and realized she had spent ¥142k in total. "I feel a hole in my card. Unforgivable," she muttered to herself.

Reimu continued on her way to the mines, but as she passed a faded sign, she couldn't quite make out what it said. "Something mines," she muttered to herself, squinting at the letters.

Undeterred, she decided to simply follow the path, confident that she would find the mines in no time. However, she suddenly came to a stop when her treasure senses were triggered.

"This way," she said decisively, flying towards the nearby forest.

Using her Spirit Sense, Reimu was able to locate the source of the disturbance. She proceeded with caution, knowing that danger could be lurking around any corner.

As Reimu ventured further into the forest, her keen senses picked up on a strange energy nearby. "A lump of weird energy can be felt with a soul of humans in its vicinity," she noted.

The energy felt like it came from the outer world, where insanity was the norm and there were countless powerful gods. Reimu weighed her options carefully. "There are tons of gods in the outer world. Maybe it's a relic that can communicate with them, or the worst part, it will become a beacon to summon one," she mused.

As a shrine maiden, Reimu had the ability to devour outer gods, but she knew the risks. "I could technically devour an outer god, but the higher-ranked ones would cost me my sanity. I need at least a year to recuperate from it and force myself to become a blank state, so I can't be converted to become an outer being," she explained to herself.

After analyzing the energy's current state, Reimu determined that it was a lower-ranked outer god that still required faith to gain power.

Reimu recalled the ranks of outer gods, knowing that the lower-ranked ones required faith, while the middle gods required planet energy, and the higher gods could even corrupt universal laws. "Still, as a being that likes peace, I will eradicate them," she vowed.

As she approached a group of 40 or more high cultists, Reimu unleashed her spell card named "Divine Spirit: Fantasy Seal." The cult members were taken aback as they saw the sheer number of floating orbs surrounding them.

"What is this?!" one of the cultists exclaimed, fear and confusion evident in his voice.

The orbs surrounding Reimu multiplied and swiftly moved towards the cultists, who frantically tried to escape. However, it was to no avail as the orbs hit them, obliterating a huge chunk of their body and soul.

The scene was one of complete carnage as the destructive power of Reimu's spell card took effect. When it was all over, only pieces of cloth and destroyed ground were left. The explosions had affected even several trees.

"Still, I need to destroy their souls because they have already been corrupted by the outer god," Reimu said with a determined expression. She set to work, ensuring that the cultists' souls were eradicated completely.

After the destruction of the cultists, Reimu took a moment to pray for forgiveness to the Yama that governed the world. She then stumbled upon an old chest.

"Hmm… What is this?" she wondered aloud before deciding to open it. Inside, she found a corrupted book.

"If I remember correctly, there's a legend about an outer god that desperately wants to leave the outer world and rips itself in half: the vessel and the soul," Reimu mused, recalling the story. "If the vessel and the soul become one, it becomes complete – basically Yin and Yang. The vessel can harness the outer god's power, and the soul can acquire the outer god's knowledge."

Her curiosity piqued, Reimu considered the implications of this discovery.

Reimu's curiosity about the corrupted book was short-lived. Without hesitation, she threw it into the sky. As it fell, it was suddenly wrapped in a barrier, and a portal opened in front of the shrine maiden. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a big orange amulet, throwing it into the portal.

Then, Reimu grabbed a dozen blue and red amulets and threw them into the portal as well. The portal closed, and she faced her hands towards the barrier, slowly closing it.

As she did so, she muttered to herself, "<Lurking Boundary Spirits and the Mysterious Shrine Maiden>."

With a determined expression on her face, Reimu continued to close the barrier until it slowly shrunk to a size that was no longer visible to the naked eye. Suddenly, a large pressure of air appeared in the place where the barrier had been, shaking the trees and disturbing the clouds. It was clear that something powerful had just taken place.

However, Reimu seemed unfazed by the display of power. She calmly flew away from the scene, continuing on with her task as if nothing special had happened.


Calli, a grim reaper, stood in the location where the cultists had gathered before their destruction by Reimu. She looked around and noted, "There are no traces of souls in this area. Did another grim reaper already collect them?"

As she examined the area, she noticed that the ground had been gouged badly, with many plants destroyed, and unnatural bends in the trees. She also saw strips of black cloth scattered about. Puzzled, Calli wondered aloud, "What kind of creatures have the humans offended?"

Realizing that this was something she should report, Calli decided to inform her "Death Sensei" about what had happened. She turned and flew away, intent on carrying out her duty.