Chapter 15 – Connections and Misunderstandings.
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In Amelia Watson's office, she sat at her desk, deep in thought. "The exposure of Hololive headquarters, the issue about Hyakuren supporting the extremist group, the destruction of the Cthulhu cult, the capture of the extremist scout... I feel like there's a missing variable in this, but I can't put my finger on it," she mused.

Suddenly, Gura burst into the room, exclaiming, "Watsooooon!"

Amelia looked up, amused by Gura's energetic entrance. "What is it, Gura?" she asked.

"I followed the Hyaku- Hyakuyu? Hyakujou? The Prime Minister's son," she exclaimed.

Amelia's eyes widened in surprise. "How did you find him? He's very sneaky, even when we put Ina in a somewhat defenseless position, he didn't take the bait," Amelia asked, impressed by Gura's sleuthing skills.

Gura chuckled mischievously, and pulled out her phone to reveal a map with pins indicating the establishments the Prime Minister's son frequented, as well as the location of his residence. "Hehehe… I also pinned the establishments he goes to and also the Minister's house," she said.

Amelia was amazed. "You are great, Gura!" she exclaimed, impressed with Gura's resourcefulness.

The detective was overjoyed by Gura's successful investigation and lifted her up in excitement, causing her to laugh and plead with him not to throw her on the hill. Amelia reassured her that she wouldn't.

Gura then mentioned that she had also rescued a woman from the prime minister's son and even took a photo of her. "Though it's weird," she added, "why she looks average in the picture, but in person, she is gorgeous like an anime girl."

Amelia chuckled at Gura's observation. "Maybe it's the camera," she suggested. "Or maybe she's just excellent at taking care of herself."

Gura proudly showed Amelia a photo of a young black-haired girl standing next to the shrine maiden. "I asked a random pedestrian to take the picture for me," Gura explained.

As Amelia studied the photo, she began connecting the dots in her head. "The black bird is her doing by letting the Hololive management notice the impending danger of the Extremists group, leading to the exposure of Hyakuren supporting them from the backs… I've met her when she was registering as an adventurer, she immediately chose the Minotaur extermination quest," she thought to herself.

Gura noticed that Amelia had gone quiet and asked, "Watson?"

Amelia was lost in thought, piecing together the events that had transpired in the past few weeks. "Coincidentally, the cult destruction happens near the vicinity of the mine," she thought to herself. Suddenly, Gura's voice snapped her out of her reverie.

"Waaaaattttssssooooon~!" Gura called out.

Ignoring Gura's impatience, Amelia continued her train of thought. "She annihilated the Minotaur horde that the cult painstakingly made, after that exposing the fake information in the guild, tracing it to Hyakuren influence)," she thought.

Gura continued to call out to her. "Hello?! Gaia to Watson!!!" she said, trying to get her attention.

Amelia's mental puzzle finally came together as she reflected, "The cooperation with the DMC party led to the capture of the Extremists' scouts, and now she has attracted the attention of the Hyakuren son. Coincidentally, Gura overheard the surname Hyakuren and followed him, ultimately exposing their bases."

As Amelia Watson sat at her desk, deep in thought, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease about the situation at hand. "This intelligence is truly frightening," she mused. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her right arm and looked down to see that it was being mauled by a loli shark. "Why is my arm hurting?" she exclaimed in shock.

The detective's scream was so intense that it caused the entire building to shake with vibrations. "RRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" she cried out in pain and terror, hoping someone would come to her aid.


Reimu walked into the Mercenary Guild and spotted Vinna at her station, intently typing away on her phone. As she approached, Reimu's own phone suddenly rang, and she quickly answered it. "Hello, Vinna?" she said.

"Hello, Reimu-san," Vinna replied. "Can you come to the Adventurers Guild?"

Reimu's heart skipped a beat when she saw Vinna with her back turned towards her. Slowly, she approached the desk, wondering if something was amiss. The other mercenaries, Misrael and the twins, noticed her caution and watched the scene unfold silently. Misrael even took out her camera and started recording.

When Vinna finally turned around, Reimu breathed a sigh of relief. "Why, is there something wrong?" she asked.

Vinna shook her head. "Nothing is wrong," she replied. "I just wanted to give you the total amount of money you've earned from the scavenging mission and to discuss your promotion."

Reimu's face lit up with a smile. "Is that so?" she said, hanging up her phone.

Vinna's phone beeped, indicating that the call was unsuccessful. She tried to dial the number again, but to no avail. "Ehh?" she muttered in confusion, wondering what was causing the issue.

Reimu noticed Vinna's confusion and approached the desk. "What is it?" she asked, curious about the problem.

Vinna froze for a moment, then slowly turned to face Reimu. She looked around the room.

Embarrassment flushed her face red when she realized that the person she was trying to call was already in the room. Her colleagues and the other mercenaries watched with amusement as Vinna blocked her face with her hands and exclaimed, "Mouuuu…"

Everyone laughed at the amusing scene, and the silver-haired girl soon regained her composure. The guild continued to function as normal.

Vinna's embarrassment continued as Reimu spoke up, teasing her about the situation. "Mouuuu... Reimu, you can just say something," Vinna said, feeling a bit flustered.

Reimu laughed in response, enjoying Vinna's reaction. "But I want to see you get flustered, and I'm satisfied with how cutely you react," she said with a grin.

The other mercenaries chimed in, teasing the two with their catchphrase "Taskaru!" Vinna couldn't help but let out a small "mou," before finally pleading, "Just don't do it again."

Reimu chuckled, "Hahahaha~ No promises, though." The guild returned to its usual routine, but Vinna couldn't help but feel a bit self-conscious for the rest of the day.

Vinna cleared her throat, signaling that she was ready to discuss business. "The market price of Minotaur meat per kilogram is ¥668 for ordinary, ¥1,540 for berserker, and ¥5,590 for King," she began, providing the necessary information.

She continued, "The horns are priced at ¥1,240 for ordinary, ¥3,500 for berserker, and ¥15,690 for King, per piece." Vinna paused briefly before adding, "The weapons are currently being salvaged, so the guild will give you about ¥500 for ordinary, ¥1,500 for berserker, and ¥15,000 for King, respectively."

She did some quick calculations, and said, "So, ¥69,440 for ordinary, ¥21,000 for berserker, and ¥15,690 for King, adding up to a total of ¥106,130 for the horns." Vinna then added, "For the weapons, it's ¥28,000 for ordinary, ¥9,000 for berserker, and ¥15,000 for King, making it a total of ¥52,000."

Vinna provided the guild with some important figures. "The total edible meat we've gathered are 7,168 kg for ordinary, 1,434 kg for berserker, and 362 kg for King," she said. She also shared that Minotaur's height affects the weight of their meat, with ordinary being 8 meters tall, x1.5 for the berserker, and x3 for the king. She added that a single meat of the size of an adult's head weighs more than 3 kg and that the larger the Minotaur, the firmer and heavier the meat.

"After calculations, the meat is priced at ¥4,788,244 for ordinary, ¥2,208,360 for berserker, and ¥2,023,580 for King, making a total of ¥9,020,124," Vinna announced. She then explained that due to the amount of workers needed to finish the job without letting the meat spoil, the guild's cut was higher than usual. "¥106,130 for the horns, ¥52,000 for the weapons, and ¥9,020,124 for the meat, making a total of ¥9,178,314 – 40% = ¥5,506,988," she said.

Reimu was surprised at the amount, "¥5M!!!" she thought to herself, imagining swimming in money. But, she maintained her graceful composure and said, "It's okay, I understand." She then realized that the amount meant she had a total of ¥8M. She laughed on the inside and said, "That's great news," but kept her exterior calm.

Vinna added, "Also, a promotion."

-Last night-

In the Mercenary Guild's meeting room, Vinna presented the pictures from the extermination site to the Guild Master, Hendrickson. "Guild Master, the pictures from the extermination site have arrived," she informed him.

Hendrickson instructed her to show the pictures on the projector, to which Vinna complied. The pictures showed two Minotaurs' corpses lying at the entrance with small holes in their foreheads and clean holes in their chests.

The other members in the room, Misrael, Sun, and Night, were surprised and amazed by what they saw. "!!!!" they exclaimed, their eyes widening in disbelief.

The room fell silent as the members stared in disbelief at the pictures of the two Minotaurs' corpses. Night spoke up, breaking the silence. "This...," she trailed off, not quite sure what to say.

Sun let out an impressed sound. "Ooohhh!!!" she exclaimed, clearly awed by the sight.

Misrael voiced her doubts. "Are you sure this is the doing of a Colonel rank?" she asked, looking at Hendrickson for an answer.

Night nodded in agreement. "I agree. It's too clean," she added.

Hendrickson, however, was confident in his assessment. "No, I see her strength personally," he said, his voice full of conviction.

The room was filled with stunned silence as Hendrickson made his assessment of the situation. "A newly formed vengeful spirit is already a Major rank, but a full-fledged adult is already of mid-Colonel strength," he explained, his tone serious and measured.

Vinna looked puzzled, "You mean that she encountered the Adult Vengeful Ghost, and you happened to witness it?" she asked.

Hendrickson nodded in agreement, "Yes," he admitted, reluctant to share his fear of the ghost. "I sought help and coincidentally reached out to her," he added.

Sun was eager for more information. "Guild Master, can you explain how the fight went?" she asked, leaning forward in his seat.

Vinna, Misrael, and Night nodded in agreement as Hendrickson recounted the battle with the Adult Vengeful Ghost. "She kicked the vengeful ghost into the sky and threw a bunch of red glowing paper towards the ghost, and the ghost exploded into oblivion. Being admired for her strength, I gave her the Guild Recommendation," he explained, his voice filled with admiration.

The other members were amazed by the story. "!!!!" they exclaimed in unison.

"And I realize how powerful a Shrine Maiden can be," Hendrickson continued, but his statement was met with immediate protest.

"No!!!" they all cried out in unison.

"Even if you see it from different angles, she is clearly abnormal," Misrael added, her voice firm in her conviction.

Night chimed in, supporting Misrael's previous statement. "I agree with Misrael. You won't see that kind of strength on a magical swordsman, much less for a Shrine Maiden," she stated firmly.

Sun added to the conversation, "That's right, that's right. Even in Alaya, the famous Shinto clans there can't replicate it!" she exclaimed, clearly impressed by the Shrine Maiden's abilities.

Vinna agreed, "Yes, and using only amulets and not chanting any spells are clearly abnormal," she said.

Hendrickson seemed skeptical. "Is that so?" he asked.

Vinna added, "Also, she is the Shrine Maiden of Hakurei Shrine," as if to emphasize the significance of her position.

Night expressed her ignorance, "I haven't heard of that shrine before," she admitted.

Sun also shook his head, "Not even in Alaya. It didn't ring any bell," she said.

Misrael suggested, "Maybe it's a hidden shrine?"

The group considered this possibility, and all agreed that it could be true.

Misrael then asked, "What is her position in the shrine?" as if trying to gather more information about the Shrine Maiden.

Vinna answered Misrael's question about the Shrine Maiden's position in the shrine. "Miko," she stated simply.

The other members of the group, including Misrael, Sun, and Night, were stunned by this revelation. "HAAAAAA???!!!!!" they exclaimed in unison.

Hendrickson seemed confused by their reaction, unsure of the significance of the term "Miko."

Misrael expressed her confusion and disbelief, "Why would an important person become a mercenary???" she asked, struggling to make sense of the situation.

Night added, "It is very confusing," her voice filled with uncertainty. The group was left with more questions than answers about the mysterious Shrine Maiden.

Sun raised a question about the role of a Miko in a shrine, "Isn't Miko supposed to not exit the shrine premise?" she asked, trying to make sense of the situation.

Hendrickson, still confused about the significance of a Miko, requested someone to enlighten him.

Vinna explained, "Miko's are supposed to be beings that are close to their gods and mostly unapproachable by normal people like the churches High Priest," clarifying the importance and prestige associated with the role.

Hendrickson seemed to have grasped the gravity of the situation, "It means that I invited a very important person to our guild?" he questioned.

Misrael confirmed his doubts, "Basically, yes," she replied. The revelation of the Shrine Maiden's true identity left the group shocked and intrigued, wondering what other secrets she might hold.

Night shared her observation about the Shrine Maiden's behavior, "But from what I observe from her, she is very humble and acts like a normal person," she said, indicating that the Shrine Maiden's personality did not match her prestigious position.

Sun agreed with Night's observation, "I agree. She is like a ball of warmth," she added, further emphasizing the Shrine Maiden's down-to-earth demeanor.

Hendrickson, feeling validated in his judgment skills, boasted, "As expected of me! I'm very good at judging people."

Meanwhile, Vinna continued her sideshow, demonstrating the same method of killing as the Shrine Maiden, until the picture showed a group of minotaurs lying side by side with several holes in their bodies, including the mino berserkers. She then added, "Luckily, the team has gathered the samples of the weapon the Shrine Maiden uses,"

Vinna showed the needle to everyone, prompting Sun to suggest, "Maybe the needles are made out of special metal!"

Vinna considered the idea before responding, "I thought of it too, but it's opposite to that."

Curious, Vinna dipped the needle in the water and slowly rubbed it between her fingers, causing the needle to turn into a paper mache material.

The group was astonished by the transformation, "!!!" they exclaimed in unison.

Hendrickson, impressed by the Shrine Maiden's abilities, proposed, "I propose that we promote her to Warmonger rank."

The rest of the group quickly agreed, "Agree!!!" they shouted, eager to honor the Shrine Maiden's combat prowess.


Vinna addressed the Shrine Maiden, "Congratulations, Miss Reimu. You are going to be promoted to Warmonger rank," she announced with a smile.

"Please note that in this world, ranks can only be bought up to the Colonel rank. These ranks are divided by one's spirit and body strength, with the spirit acting as the mana core. It's possible to enhance your body strength with drugs to obtain a pseudo Rank, but it's important to remember that having a spirit strength weaker than your body will only lead to sluggish movements and weaker attacks. It's like playing a game on the highest quality setting when your graphics card is barely capable of running it - or worse, crashing the game altogether."

Hey, what do you think of the fanfic? If you read the original format, can you tell me if it's better or worse now? But whatever, no pressure.